Back at it! Lets go

Sooooo....its definitely time to get this body right! Fell off.....but im back stronger and with more dedication! Add me #worktime


  • kittapillar
    kittapillar Posts: 3 Member
    You got this!
  • gavlewis23
    gavlewis23 Posts: 8 Member
    Food is the hardest part for me. I'm at the point where I feel I need a sponsor for foodies anonymous. Someone I can call and say "Bill, they're serving strawberry shortcake!!! What do I do?!" Alcohol is my weakness too. A cold one after work, with a steak? Yes! I have no problem exercising. I love it! I would do it for a living if I could. But eating right? That's the challenge. So I have to take baby steps. As a teacher, I eat on the go a lot. So, I've started buying pre- made frozen meals by weight watchers or healthy choice. You know what? Those things are actually good! 250-260 calories. 4 minutes. I'm full enough to make it to dinner or a small snack. Got to stay away from those sweets!!! I have a really bad sweet tooth! So I have no sugar days (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Not even coffee with creamer. I've lost 20lbs since January. Looking to lose about 30 more. Had a set back in March (appendectomy), but I'm ready to hit the ground running again.
  • gabby3265
    gabby3265 Posts: 13 Member
    You got this