tips for a healthy vacation???

I've lost 20lbs in 2 months and I'm very proud of myself even though I havent reached my goal weight. I'm going on vacation for 3 weeks and I'm scared I'll put on some weight. I'm going to Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands, and a lot of beach time, drinking, and trying amazing local foods. How can I manage not to over do it?


  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    You could track your food with mfp application on your cell phone. Or you could just keep a notebook handy and write down everything you eat. I find just looking at a list of food I've eaten makes me feel full. Sounds like you are going to have an amazing trip. I'm sure you'll burn lots of cals too playing on the beach. :)
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Stay active, don't drink too much , eat a salad with every meal (no dressing or very, very light) and make sure non-starchy vegetables take up the majority of your plate.

    Have fun!!!
  • StarArly
    StarArly Posts: 56 Member
    I asked the same question yesterday. Vacation is next week. I would look up the beer your going to be drinking there or wine etc so you can keep track and plan ahead.
  • l3ugjuice
    l3ugjuice Posts: 233
    If you are going to have lots of beach time, drinking, and trying amazing foods...well, you are going to overdo it. It's just part of the deal, it's bound to happen. The best thing, IMO, is to just try and keep it to a minimum....and to try to keep some exercise worked into your vacation schedule.

    So the only answer to how to manage not overdoing it is to...well, not overdo it. I know that sounds like a trite answer, but I dont mean it that way. Track as much as possible and keep it reasonable, but not to the point where you dont enjoy your vacation.

    The wife and I go to the beach house basically every weekend during the summer...which means lots of smaller windows of the same thing you are going to have to deal with: lots of beach time, which means beer (at least for me!), and LOTS of awesome local fish to cook. I just try to keep it within reason...but above all I try to make my vacations as active as possible.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Bad will put on some weight. Good News...Most of it will be water weight and will come off as soon as you get back into your routine. We just got back from a cruise and as bad as I ate, showed a 4 pound gain when I got back. It has been two weeks since we returned and I have lost those 4 and 5 more. Have fun and enjoy yourself. You know what you need to do when you get back.

  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Walk as much as you can, use any gyms available at hotels, etc. Drink bottled water, don't over-do it on your alcohol. It's a vacation, which is part of life, but doesn't mean you give up on all your hard work. Take it one day at a time, enjoy every minute of that amazing trip, and be prepared to get right back on track when you come home. Have a blast! I am so jealous!
  • Liz_E
    Liz_E Posts: 14
    Wow, first time posting on MFP and the support is great. Thanks everyone for the tips. I don't want to annoy my boyfriend by constantly talking about calories when we are supposed to be enjoying our vacation. I think my plan is to be as active as possible which I'm sure wont be to difficult and limit my drinking.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    One word, "Vodka." Try to avoid beer and drinks mixed with sugary pop. Vodka is low cal and very refreshing when mixed with Perrier and a twist of lemon or lime. You can have it with Soda Water, but there is more sodium in Club Soda, whereas Perrier is almost free of Sodium. Have fun, sounds amazing!
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Eat in moderation, track, tons of exercise. You can lose weight on vacation. I just did! Your body will love the change in diet and exercise. You'll be surprised. You can eat almost anything in moderation.
  • B e as active as you can ans pamper yourself in non-food ways (mani/pedi, massages, shopping, rying something new). It's really important to keep food from being the most important thing on your vacation. Plan out your treats and really enjoy them when you have them. Watch the liquor, it's tons of empty calories. Have a wonderful trip!