Hello :)

KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Kim (though you may have already guessed that). A little bit about me: I'm in my mid-twenties. I live in a small town in Florida with my boyfriend. I'm a full-time college student, majoring in Special Education k-12, but I'll most likely try sticking to high school students, since they seem to like me better. :P My goal is to one day work in a tutoring center that seeks to help EVERYONE, no matter the circumstances...does such a place even exist? Maybe it will one day. I LOVE reading...I could live in a book store, and my collection of book is constantly growing! I also like traveling, arts & crafts projects (especially holiday stuff!), cooking and baking, and most recently, EXERCISE! :) I've only been on this website for about 12 days, but since then, I've modified my eating habits greatly, as well as adding consistent exercise. Thanks to this site, as well as Zumba for the Wii and finally using the home gym equipment in our house, I've lost 3 lbs. Doesn't sound like much, but hey, it's a start! I've been gradually gaining weight for the past 2 years, after losing a lot of it rapidly, so this is good news to me. This site has helped me take a closer look at what exactly I'm putting into my body, and now I'm making much better decisions on what to eat. I think my boyfriend is getting annoyed that I obsessively check this site before we go out anywhere to eat, but I think it's wearing off on him. :P Well, that's just a little about me, I'm always up for tips on healthier eating, especially healthy recipes, so if anyone is looking to trade recipes, exercise tips, or just making new friends, feel free to add me.


  • cox9789
    cox9789 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome! I've been using the site for a little over a month and it has really helped me to just pay attention to what I'm eating, the quantity, and WHY I'm even eating it! Also, it helps to exercise a lot more consistantly because I am able to see where I'm at for the day calorie-wise, which helps push me to the gym! Good luck!
  • Ali112
    Ali112 Posts: 2
    I heard zumba for wii is intense? can you pick and choose your workouts or the time (like 20 minutes or 30 minutes)? I did a live one in person (for a full 60 minutes) and although I sweat-ed like I was running a marathon, and really enjoyed the Latino elements (salsa, bachata and merengue have been in my vocabulary since before birth lol) it worked havoc on my knees.
  • KimmyEB
    KimmyEB Posts: 1,208 Member
    It is intense...but in a good way! :) And yep! You can pick and choose your times...keep in mind, I've only done the game 3 times, lol. Once was just a practice with a friend, but I ended up buying it this past weekend (it's on sale at Target this week for $27, vs. the $39 it usually is), and I've used it twice. It has tutorials that show you each move, from a slow pace to a fast pace, so that you can learn what to do before you actually jump into a regular workout game. I've finished all of the tutorials (Reggaeton is the hardest, for me), and I'm onto the individual work-outs now. Still in beginner mode, but from what I've seen so far, each exercise tells you what level it is, followed by how long it is. One of mine was 4mins, 55 seconds...so I combined a few to match my goal of 30 minutes. It has a multiplayer mode, too, but I haven't checked that out yet. And yeah, you can pick which workout to do...for me, I have no rhythm, so now that I've finished the tutorials, I'm trying beginner mode on each dance, then I'll work my way up to moderate, intermediate, expert, etc. Apparently there's certain trainers and dances and stuff you can unlock when you master each one, but I haven't gotten there yet. I definitely recommend it, though! You work off a lot of calories in a relatively short time, and it's fun. It probably would do a number on your kneees, but some of them, like Reggaeton, is more focused on your arms, I've noticed...and others aren't too bad. :)