Messing up on weekends- every weekend

I can not get myself together. I do great all week. Then Saturday morning while I'm food shopping I'll buy stuff that I know I can't eat in moderation. Then I eat it all before Monday. I keep losing and gaining the same three pounds.

I'm getting no where. But it's a cycle that I repeat every freaking week. Any advice welcome.


  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I know Sundays are my controlled binge day so I eat lower during the week when it's easier so that I can accommodate for that day. Maybe try partitioning your calories that way and look at your deficit week over week vs day over day
  • Fitwarrior7_Round_2
    Fitwarrior7_Round_2 Posts: 453 Member
    At least your at a net zero.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,241 Member
    edited April 2017
    We do our shopping Sunday evening.

    Saturday is spent exercising pretty much all day long.

    Sunday afternoon is spent exercising, then we grab a decent snack, and go grocery shopping. And we buy basically the same things each week.

    But exercising as much as we do on the weekends means that we're tired by the time grocery shopping rolls around, so we want to get in and out as quickly as possible.
  • yondaime8
    yondaime8 Posts: 103 Member
    You need to change your scope from daily goals to weekly goals. Eat less when you can manage yourself during the week, to spare the calories for the weekend binges. CICO logic isn't valid only on days ! :smile:
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Also, work out more so you can afford a mishap also. I walk a ton on the weekends (live in Chicago) so I can afford to eat a little more.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I'm kind of in the same boat, but I'm actually in maintenance right now. Saturday morning I bought a couple of things that should've lasted me all week. They were both gone by Sunday evening. It wouldn't be that big of a deal but I kinda did the same thing last week and the week before. My one saving grace is that my TDEE on Saturday was about 4,500 calories and on Sunday it was about 3,000. Oh, and I'm actually on the lower side of my maintenance range right now. So, when you add up about 2,000 calories per day plus a half gallon of Blue Bell, that's about 7,000 calories for two days.

    Okay, on second thought, I might have actually eaten at close to maintenance this weekend, even though I ate a half gallon of ice cream in the process. So, maybe what I should be saying is, get a bicycle and ride it. Ride it a lot. It will make up for all kinds of overeating.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    If there is a particularly tempting area of the store, avoid it. And make sure you don't shop hungry. Maybe even shop at a no - thrills type store (discount grocery stores tend not to have a lot of the tempting gourmet cheese /sausage /tapas plates/etc). It's a lot easier to have self control for half an hour the grocery than the whole of the week.
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member

    Ultimately you're responsible for your own actions, you need to try and break the cycle if you truly want to lose the weight.

    Agree with this.

    Do you actually say this to yourself in your head while you shop? "I really want to lose weight and I'm going to do it this time so I'm going to buy this giant package of cookies!" Probably not because that would be silly, right? But that's what you're doing!

    Don't you want to succeed badly enough to say no to yourself?

    Yes you do, so just do it.

  • lenn_elle
    lenn_elle Posts: 8 Member
    Honestly the same thing happens to me too :( I just try and remember how crappy I feel after binge eating. It affects my workout so much and makes me feel moody and irritable. If I have a food craving I try and drink water or have something healthy that will curb the craving, because if you keep avoiding the cravings you will most likely binge. For me, I always have a serious sweets craving after eating a meal, so Ill have a couple of dates and it satisfies the need for sugar. Also do not buy any of your trigger foods - keep them out of the house.

    Hope this helps :) it works for me!
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    If I specifically am hungry for one treat, I would consciously plan to buy one of those. Nothing else. (I don't typically do this, because I shop second hand grocery stores, so I buy based on what is there and what is on sale) I do not keep any of my yummy snacks in my view. They go on a high shelf that I don't access except for that. I may proportion them. When I get my treat, if it's ice cream or something, I measure out my portion, lick the spoon and stuff, then put the container back in the freezer before I eat my serving. I keep sugar free mint gum on hand. Sweets taste disgusting after chewing mint gum, and I actually enjoy the flavor. If I want to go back for a second serving and can't 'afford' it, I get gum instead. I avoid the sweets cupboard at all costs unless I'm getting something from it. I log my portion before I eat it. Log a second portion before you eat that. If there is a treat at the end of the day I know I want, I log it at the beginning of the day to 'save room' for it.