New to KETO Diet.



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    AFGP11 wrote: »
    Be aware that all you lost was water weight (as others have mentioned) and also that if you go back to eating carbs that 5.5 pounds will come back on immediately. Like within 24 hours. You would have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat which I highly doubt you could do in a few days. That means you have to eat 3500 less calories than you burn in that time to lose that much in fat. Unless you normally eat 500,000 calories in a week, this is literally impossible.

    I won't sit here and say keto is bad. If you never intend to eat carbs again, it can be great. It won't have permanant results if your plan is to lose to your goal weight and then go back to eating pancakes. Not to be rude, but you're only a few days in and already looking for carb substitutes. While many will tell you these cravings go away, I disagree. I tried it and stayed keto for several months. I thought about carbs ALL the time, had bad workouts and had to avoid all social engagements (alcohol is a carb! All types break down into pure sugar. People in keto cheat on this one all the time. Those people are not really in keto, so no wonder they act like it's great). It can really work, but it isn't a magic bullet. After your initial big water loss, you will lose weight just as slowly as on any other diet because losing weight is 100% about Calories in/Calories out. That is how keto works. You eat fewer calories than you burn... and do it while craving carbs all day. If you are athletic at all I strongly urge you to do some research on keto and not just the sources keto fans send you. There are major downsides to burning only fat for energy and one of them is the total loss of explosiveness. This is not a debatable fact but a scientific one. You will never see an Olympic athlete on keto and there is a reason for that.

    I don't know many people who keep the weight off this way. All I wanted to do was eat bread and pasta. I went back to a normal diet and still lost the weight I wanted (60 pounds) but I ate things I really wanted. The truth is that no diet will work if you never teach yourself how to moderate. For me, keto was yet another fad diet way to avoid just learning how to eat less. The only thing that has worked is moderation though. Everything else was a holdover to my next binge.

    But that is 100% my experience only.

    I just wanted to point ut a couple of things I'm afraid I disagree with:

    When you resume eating carbs you may regain some water weight, especially if you are taking care that your electrolyte levels are adequate. One may regain some water weight but it isn't for sure, and it isn't always 5.5 lbs. I tend to go up a pound. That's all.

    Alcohol is not metabolized to sugar, as I understand it. It can actually lower BG and increase triglycerides (temporarily) because it delays digestion until your body has dealt with the alcohol. Diabetics can even use that to their advantage when dealing with dawn phenomenon.

    Can't the same can be said for fruit and full grains as for alcohol . The fibre in these delays digestion of sugar into the blood stream. This really sounds like an excuse to keep alcohol in a diet more than anything.

    The reality is that we are all different and will react differently to certain foods. What works well for one may not work for another. I know of diabetics who will have a mango and their blood sugars will be sky high while another will notice a much smaller rise. Some that are fine with grains but others that aren't. This is why we really need to learn to properly listen to our bodies to determine what foods are best for us.

    I suppose some could use fibre as an excuse to eat a lot of carbs if they shouldn't. Same for alcohol. I really don't know.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    AFGP11 wrote: »
    Be aware that all you lost was water weight (as others have mentioned) and also that if you go back to eating carbs that 5.5 pounds will come back on immediately. Like within 24 hours. You would have to burn 3500 calories to lose a pound of fat which I highly doubt you could do in a few days. That means you have to eat 3500 less calories than you burn in that time to lose that much in fat. Unless you normally eat 500,000 calories in a week, this is literally impossible.

    I won't sit here and say keto is bad. If you never intend to eat carbs again, it can be great. It won't have permanant results if your plan is to lose to your goal weight and then go back to eating pancakes. Not to be rude, but you're only a few days in and already looking for carb substitutes. While many will tell you these cravings go away, I disagree. I tried it and stayed keto for several months. I thought about carbs ALL the time, had bad workouts and had to avoid all social engagements (alcohol is a carb! All types break down into pure sugar. People in keto cheat on this one all the time. Those people are not really in keto, so no wonder they act like it's great). It can really work, but it isn't a magic bullet. After your initial big water loss, you will lose weight just as slowly as on any other diet because losing weight is 100% about Calories in/Calories out. That is how keto works. You eat fewer calories than you burn... and do it while craving carbs all day. If you are athletic at all I strongly urge you to do some research on keto and not just the sources keto fans send you. There are major downsides to burning only fat for energy and one of them is the total loss of explosiveness. This is not a debatable fact but a scientific one. You will never see an Olympic athlete on keto and there is a reason for that.

    I don't know many people who keep the weight off this way. All I wanted to do was eat bread and pasta. I went back to a normal diet and still lost the weight I wanted (60 pounds) but I ate things I really wanted. The truth is that no diet will work if you never teach yourself how to moderate. For me, keto was yet another fad diet way to avoid just learning how to eat less. The only thing that has worked is moderation though. Everything else was a holdover to my next binge.

    But that is 100% my experience only.

    I just wanted to point ut a couple of things I'm afraid I disagree with:

    When you resume eating carbs you may regain some water weight, especially if you are taking care that your electrolyte levels are adequate. One may regain some water weight but it isn't for sure, and it isn't always 5.5 lbs. I tend to go up a pound. That's all.

    Alcohol is not metabolized to sugar, as I understand it. It can actually lower BG and increase triglycerides (temporarily) because it delays digestion until your body has dealt with the alcohol. Diabetics can even use that to their advantage when dealing with dawn phenomenon.

    Can't the same can be said for fruit and full grains as for alcohol . The fibre in these delays digestion of sugar into the blood stream. This really sounds like an excuse to keep alcohol in a diet more than anything.

    The reality is that we are all different and will react differently to certain foods. What works well for one may not work for another. I know of diabetics who will have a mango and their blood sugars will be sky high while another will notice a much smaller rise. Some that are fine with grains but others that aren't. This is why we really need to learn to properly listen to our bodies to determine what foods are best for us.

    I suppose some could use fibre as an excuse to eat a lot of carbs if they shouldn't. Same for alcohol. I really don't know.

    At the end of the day if what you are doing works for you then keep doing it. We are all healthier as a result, even if our approaches are different.
  • Bobzilla54
    Bobzilla54 Posts: 9 Member
    Lillymoo01 wrote: »
    Can't the same can be said for fruit and full grains as for alcohol . The fibre in these delays digestion of sugar into the blood stream. This really sounds like an excuse to keep alcohol in a diet more than anything.

    It's actually not the same Lily. Alcohol itself won't trigger an insulin response, whereas carbs from grains and fruit absolutely will convert to glucose and trigger an insulin response. High-carb drinks will trigger an insulin response (maybe that's what you're thinking?), but there are plenty of low- or zero-carb alcohol options. Two of my favourites are Gin/Fresca, or Rye/Diet Coke.

  • JoAnnIsFit
    JoAnnIsFit Posts: 8 Member
    oxers wrote: »
    I also started on Monday and I can happily say the fog is finally starting to lift! I feel AWESOME today. No idea how much water weight I've lost because honestly who cares, but I'm seeing stable energy levels and I feel like I can think better, which is nice.

    I haven't broken away from eggs for breakfast just yet, but I don't feel like I'll be eating a lot of keto pancakes, either. I think it's just going to be harder if I keep trying to find carbs that aren't carbs instead of completely rebuilding the way I eat and the things I want. I was thinking of trying a nice chia seed pudding, though? I'm also coming off of ten years of strict vegetarianism so I'm not okay with bacon or steak or anything, but I'm warming a little to fish, so I was thinking maybe some nice smoked salmon with goat cheese in the morning? I'm also kind of feeling this half a cup of blackberries with heavy cream thing.

    I dunno, it's been an adjustment but I'm starting to feel pretty good, so if I end up eating eggs, spinach and cheese the rest of my life, I'm okay with it.

  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    Just a thought but if you're only a few days in and you're already looking for pancake and cookie substitutes that should give you an indication that perhaps a more balanced approach may be for you.
  • jill5280
    jill5280 Posts: 117 Member
    creyes4182 wrote: »
    Yeah that initial 5 is just water, stalls are normal just keep at it and you'll lose the weight. Almond flour is a must if you want to do Keto pancakes or cookies. I recommend erythritol as a sweetener. There's even a keto pizza that makes the crust with Parmesan, almond flour, cream cheese, and eggs. It's super easy to make. Just google fathead pizza.

    I made the Fathead Pizza on Sunday. It is wonderful! Now, in saying that it is not a deep dish kind of wonderful, but it is a Thin Crust kind of wonderful and when the sauce and toppings are to your taste, it fills the desire for pizza. Load up with veggies and enjoy your pizza.

  • tlanger251
    tlanger251 Posts: 86 Member
    I've been eating a 3-5 ounce ribeye for breakfast 5-6 days a week for almost a month. I haven't got tired of it yet! ;-)