I'm Tired of Being Fat and Failing at Every Diet!

TLCU63 Posts: 2 Member
I'm in a blah kind of mood today. I've been trying my best not to feel like a failure but it seems like the harder I try to lose weight, the fatter I get!
I was most successful on the LCHF diet, so I'm going to try that route again. I lost 90 pounds but gave up and sabotaged my diet when I hit a plateau. Since then, I have been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight again but keep failing because I keep giving in to my cravings.
I recently joined Weight Watchers, but I don't think this program is for me. I keep gaining and losing the same seven pounds.
Starting today, I'm going back to the LCHF diet and giving up sugar, grains and starchy vegetables completely.
Any tips and recommendations would be highly appreciated.


  • twinmombb
    twinmombb Posts: 60 Member
    Step #1 is coming on and voicing it, I think. We all have those kind of Blah days, I know I do. Up and down like a rollercoaster lol
  • GetFitandDontQuit
    GetFitandDontQuit Posts: 9 Member
    Your not alone, I also have had a rollercoaster trying to get into shape. Its been so tough, but we can do it!! Be fit & don't quit!!!! Find inspiration and motivation, cooking healthier, sports, anything active. Iv been desperatly trying to find a reason and a motivation and Im now forcing myself which is why im trying to get connected with as many people as I can. To support each other, give tips, be accountable. You can do it!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Step two is determine your daily calories and to start logging your food diary. Even if you eat LCHF you need to control your calorie intake.
  • IVMay
    IVMay Posts: 442 Member
    Hi. Welcome. Have you written up a log of your intake each day:? Little changes can make such a big difference sometimes depending on your current food types and log. Like ninerbuff above says: your behaviour is possibly something to look into.
    One thing I found helps is to stop eating while you're still hungry as it will take the brain a while longer to register that you are full. That way you never overeat. Little things like swapping tugar in tea/coffee with sweeteners and breakfast cereals which are full of sugar with things like oatmeal which will keep you fuller for longer and are nutritionally much better for you.
  • twinmombb
    twinmombb Posts: 60 Member
    Totally agree,,, small changes are sometimes what ends up being the big changes we need. :)
  • colonagirl
    colonagirl Posts: 7 Member
    I too believe as ninerbuff, you have to wrap your head around a lifestyle change. Does that mean never having another cookie? God, I hope not! I also had an eating weekend, but told myself I'd be right back at it on Monday. I'm 55 and the weight is very stubborn to come off and it is difficult to not get discouraged. I am also doing a low carb lifestyle as my body seems to only want to turn carbs into fat. Not going as far as Keto, that would send me over the edge. Good luck and remember, you're not the only one out there that suffers from the roller coaster effect.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Many people think of "success" only in terms of weight loss. But that's really just part 1. Maintenance takes a life time commitment of some kind.....that's often the harder part.

    If you have to repeat a "diet" a second time, or third time.......it's obviously not a long term commitment. To me losing weight AND keeping it off is success.

    No more "diets" for me. I will only make changes I can live with for a life time.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    For me dieting just doesn't work, diets have too many restrictions. I have been on every diet known to man, lost weight just to gain it all back again because it is not realistic to live with restrictions your whole life. In November 2016 I decided I was simply just going to start eating healthier, within calories and get my body moving after being a couch potato for nearly 8 years. its been 127 days today, I am down 48lbs and I am exercising 6 days a week. I eat what I want when I want as long as I have room in my calories... I prep/plan my weeks, prelog my day and if we are going out on say a Saturday night I get up and burn some calories so I have an extra cushion for calories to enjoy adult beverages and maybe a not so healthy meal. This the longest I have ever gone on any "diet" and totally have changed my mindset with food. Being accountable is key, I realized I was the only one in control of my life, I dumped the excuses and just did it. I've learned so much from MFP on the foods to eat to keep me feeling fuller longer. So many nice people on here willing to help without judgement. Start of small, commit to logging your food every day, learn how to eat within your calories and your macros. After a while it will become second nature... Giving up is not an option as weight loss it not linear, you will hit a plateau, there will be weeks you gain, weeks you stay the same, you have to learn to push through disappointment. The scale is evil, take your measurements, take transformation pics and update them monthly or how ever often you want. You are in control, you can do this. Commit to it and don't look back... your future self will thank you for it :p
  • doveymd
    doveymd Posts: 3 Member
    " but it seems like the harder I try to lose weight, the fatter I get!" I have had that feeling as well. I contribute it to my ID. The more I want to deny myself or control myself my inner child will not stand for it. It seems like I lose weight just to have that inner being binge and gain it all back then some. In less then a year I put on forty pounds that I lost not six months before that. The struggle is real.I understand the not dieting thing and just changing your lifestyle, that also seems easier said then done. I am hoping that by making some changes I will be able to master it. I pray that you will be able to master it as well. I have never tried to lose weight with support, maybe this will make a difference. I wish you luck.