Struggling with motivation

So I am trying to lose some weight before a cruise at the end of June. I wanted to lose 40-50 pounds before then, but had planned to start eating better in January. Here it is April 3rd and I am still struggling with the motivation to make the required changes to affect my weight loss. At this point I know 40-50 pounds loss is not an option by the end of June, but think that 20-30 is possible...if I can just get it together! It's crazy because I understand all the science behind it - less calories in, more calories out - but I just can't stay motivated. I'm writing this after lunch where I once again grabbed fast food (McDonalds) because I failed to plan for lunch ahead of time. Disappointed with myself.

What is it that really motivates you? What gives you the initiative to plan your meals in advance? What did you have to cut out of your life to make room for your motivation?


  • honeybeebt
    honeybeebt Posts: 3 Member
    I clicked on your post because I'm having pretty much the same problem....and I even plan my meals out the night before...but then somehow what I brought for lunch just isn't enough and I'll add in a granola bar or some chips that someone in the office has.'s now after lunch and I have the same guilties that you speak of. I hope some super motivated person jumps on and tells us the secret!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Until you get started, it's not going to happen.
    If you didn't pack your lunch (and many don't), find the best option available. Make those options fit into your day. MacDonald's is okay as long as you log it and make it fit into your daily requirements. Today's dinner could be steamed vegetables and a piece of fish, for example. That's low enough in calories (and you can eat a ton of veggies to fill your tummy) to still maintain your daily goal.
    For snacks, look for lower calorie options: fruit, 100 calorie snacks (so many options with these now), a weighed portion of nuts, etc.

    You can do this!

    honeybee, if you are still hungry after eating, check to see that your weight loss goals aren't overly aggressive. Have you chosen a 2lb/week goal? If so, try changing that to 1lb/week. It'll give you more calories per day and still maintain a healthy, sustainable weight loss.
    If your weight loss goal is reasonable, check out what you're eating: are you getting enough protein and fiber (these keep you feeling fuller for longer), for instance?
  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    Summer arm-bearing sundresses are motivation for me! Vain perhaps, but it keeps me focused! But truly, wanting to be healthy for my family and any future grandkids is primarily my motivation. I'm resigned to the fact that every meal might not be exactly satisfying (especially when I don't plan properly and have to just throw something together). I'm accustomed to feeling a little 'less' than full and would rather feel that way than 'too' full and yucky. I do try to get in a good amount of protein though which helps. I often take a protein shake to work, to keep me from being tempted to grab the chocolate which is always around. Set-backs happen. I gained 10+ pounds over the holidays, due to being too busy to exercise and not logging accurately. But I've been working like a fiend to get it back off. Maybe visualize the beach body that you would like to have on the! It does take a time investment. By the time I leave the office, head to workout (having that afternoon protein shake really helps get me through my evening workouts), then finally make it home, I don't have a lot of time left in the evenings. Our kids are grown and out of the house and we don't have grandkids yet. But I love to knit...and I've had to cut back on that in order to devote to exercising, logging calories and planning meals. I also love puzzles, so for me I make it a game to see how all the calories/foods can come together to fit into my day. You can do it! Joining MFP was a great start, just take one step at a time and it will become almost a habit.
  • GrayRider61
    GrayRider61 Posts: 337 Member
    Same problem sometimes. I guess this is practical advice. Of course, try to plan ahead but sometimes life gets in the way. If you have to go to McD's, leave the fries and the soft drink. Calorie wise, the fries are much worse than the burger. Eat a piece of fruit with your burger. Or try to find somewhere that has a grilled option. Also, beware of salads. Some of those are worse than other items on the menu. Then, find you a workout program that you like and can stick with. It can be done at home or the gym, whatever fits your lifestyle. Cycling, jogging, tennis, etc. Strength training is very important. Add me as a friend if I can help. Stick with it and good luck.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    You just have to do it! I know that sounds simple, but just Start. Once you start prepping your own food and exercising you will feel better.

    Meal Prepping - getting excited to look up and try new healthy recipes and maybe adding spices I like to them. More turn out delicious than not. Also that what I get in my company's cafe is more expensive and knowing that my way tastes so much better!

    Exercising - finding something you enjoy is the best. Try new things until you find what works for you. You are more apt to stick with it if you enjoy it. I love volleyball. My competitive league season just finished - we came in 2nd. I am loving my strength training program I do at my gym (it's my time, it's become therapy)

    Keep trying and go home tonight and bake some chicken breast and throw it in some tupperware - Boom! You can do it
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,960 Member

    When you want it, you'll do it. Plain and simple.

    I would like to lose weight but not have to give up my habits, too. It really doesn't work like that. Is it easy? No. I want to be thin and healthy MORE than I want to eat the food I know leads to weight gain.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You know your motivation - getting ready for the cruise. We each have different motivations. We just have to want it badly enough to make the difficult changes needed. Personally from observation in MFP, it seems like people who do it to stay alive or other health reasons are most likely to follow through consistently. Sometimes "vanity" is not enough to get people to act, because it's hard.
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    edited April 2017
    Dude, are you logging your food? This is simple. Be honest with yourself. One thing is for sure, you'll fail if you aren't.

    "Eating better" won't do it. Sorry, it's time for tough love. Your goal needs to be 2 lbs, then 2 more lbs, then 2 more. Those are small successes that you can be proud of. You can do this.
  • TuffTitties
    TuffTitties Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost 50lbs so far and it's really all up to how much you want it. If you're doing it to impress someone else you'll never loose your weight. If you're doing it because you want to be healthy you can loose it. It's about desire and what you desire is sinking your teeth into some terrible McDonalds burger. I constantly remind myself that I'm dealing with how long I'll live here. If I eat badly always, I'll die sooner. We all die and so I plan to live as long as possible. I used to weigh 220lbs now I'm 170lbs.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    edited April 2017
    "looking better by x date" wouldn't motivate me much either. My goals are almost all fitness related, and the weight follows. I want to lift heavy, fight like a beast, run like the wind, climb the mountain, paddle the kayak, backpack camp.... Sure, looking hot in a swimsuit is in there, but pretty far down the list. Medical reasons would be in there too if I had them.

    There is no trick. There is no magical "motivation" that you can buy or beg for. You just do it, and the results will be all of the motivation you need.

    I'd also say that you should put things to yourself like choices. I can have McDonalds for lunch OR a big dinner OR both and a gym session.... You don't have to make everything perfect.
  • Flyingfingers51
    Flyingfingers51 Posts: 24 Member
    For everyone who is struggling, I feel your pain. The story of my life has been gain, lose, then gain and lose, then gain. There is a magical, mystical and sometimes elusive thing called motivation that we want to grasp and hang on to for dear life....I recently lost 40 pounds, and again, since I've retired and my lifestyle has changed, and I find myself slowly gaining, again. It's so easily spoken, but not so easily lived....staying motivated to eat the right foods, drink the appropriate amount of water, and stay active with exercise or at the very least walking daily. I will re-read "The Thin Commandments", and try to remember that I can't ever eat sweets, because they are addicting for me. I need to record my food every day, and count calories, and stay more active, and leave the sugar alone...but not always so easily said and done. Good luck is a daily battle!!!
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    I think it doesn't really matter what makes me or anybody else here need to find that desire within yourself...And it's probably not summer bikini, because to be honest it's much easier to get over a little shame at the beach then to be comitted to a goal over long period of time.
    You need to find a reson that resonates strongly with you, something that touches your ideals and values.
    What do you value in life? What is truly precious to you?