Hi I'm scared I don't know if I can do this alone

Hello I'm Nona and I'm in dire need to lose 71 pounds. I am doing this for my health but I'm addicted to sugar and have lil to no support at home. I need someone to tell me I can do this and maybe give me advice on what foods I can eat and low impact excerises I can do. Baby steps I know but even a baby needs a hand to hold onto as they learn to do things alone. So I hope to make some friends and look forward to any help.


  • Countess_Ha
    Countess_Ha Posts: 14 Member
    Girlfriend, do not rely on anybody to tell you can do this. Whatever you set your mind to you can do! Your yourself are your greatest critic but also your biggest cheerleader. Show the people who don't support you or put you down that you're more than they think you are. Do it for you, do it for the sake of health. Do it so when you step on that scale you feel 110% proud of yourself even if it's just a 1lb difference, because that's 1lb less than you started with. Believe in yourself and others will soon realize that you can do anything you set your mind to.
  • ttodd16
    ttodd16 Posts: 33 Member
    You can do it! Start with the smallest goal of chewing each bite of food around 40 times. It has helped me tremendously. (and it's free!)
  • mpr2083
    mpr2083 Posts: 14 Member
    Ugh! Sugar is the devil! But yes, YOU CAN DO THIS! I want to lose roughly the same amount as you. I love to cook and workout. I love to try new healthy recipes. I meal plan and shop consciously. If you need any help or have any questions, I'm just a click away!
  • samuelgina91
    samuelgina91 Posts: 158 Member
    Same with me, actually terrible theis last week and half but I have the sugar addiction, product of being a child of two diabetics who finished college away from home by gaining 40 lbs:) Start right at the top and take out the liquid sugars, soda, juice, sports drinks etc. and try and replace that with water. Try that for a week and you will see the difference in your food intake, calories, and weight.:)
  • Shonna454
    Shonna454 Posts: 12 Member
    You can do it! Add me
  • svengaligal
    svengaligal Posts: 1 Member
    Add me, too. I have to lose weight in order to have knee replacement surgeries. I need to maintain that loss over the rest of my life!
  • You can do this!! You can add me
  • Monique_2
    Monique_2 Posts: 9 Member
    Stay positive and always remain focused on what you want! Keep pushing for a new challenge everyday
  • pendennis
    pendennis Posts: 117 Member
    You can add me. I have about the same amount to lose. I started with the goal of changing 1 thing a week. The first week was the most important as I bought a scale and started weighing everything I ate. This gave me a baseline to set my calorie goals and shined a light on how much I was eating.

    It seems soo intimidating to start this journey but YOU can do it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
  • edb359
    edb359 Posts: 7 Member
    Please add me same boat. Sugar and flower. Trying Bright Lines. Seems like a lot. I have done for a bit but need to stick with it. I remember how much better I felt. It's hard to get back there. And the sugar headache is on it's way for me!
  • NRgeticMomma
    NRgeticMomma Posts: 12 Member
    You can do this! Happy to help motivate :)
    I added you.
  • thecrowgirl
    thecrowgirl Posts: 18 Member
    Hi. You can do this. Its not easy but its worth it. Never give up! Just move forward each and everyday!
  • noraann1995
    noraann1995 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello I'm Nona and I'm in dire need to lose 71 pounds. I am doing this for my health but I'm addicted to sugar and have lil to no support at home. I need someone to tell me I can do this and maybe give me advice on what foods I can eat and low impact excerises I can do. Baby steps I know but even a baby needs a hand to hold onto as they learn to do things alone. So I hope to make some friends and look forward to any help.

  • noraann1995
    noraann1995 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ,Nona
    Yes ,you can do it! Im part of this Facebook group called Weight Watchers recipes a lot of women load tons of recipes there's. There's also Skinnytaste.com and she has her official Facebook page and there's skinny me drizzle Facebook page . Pinterest has a lot of healthy recipes,you can search for anything there .
    If you don't have access to a gym ,then YouTube has a lot of work out videos that you can cast to your TV (with Chrome cast),walk at the mall ,or outside.
    I'd also check with your local churches ,library, community centers to see if they have free gym ,or exercise classes. I know my area does.
    I hope this helps :smile:
  • MarriedchunkyK
    MarriedchunkyK Posts: 138 Member
    Add me if you like I will support you! I've been there and I understand. Good luck!
  • WhosUrMama
    WhosUrMama Posts: 1 Member
    Yup, I hear ya! Sugar is the WORST! It's so addictive and it hides in foods you don't expect! I've been at this for 6 weeks and lost 20 lbs of my 70lb goal. You can do this! Add me if you want to!
  • priyamvada_k
    priyamvada_k Posts: 27 Member
    edited April 2017
    Sugar is my weakness too, so you are not alone. I started MFP because blood sugar went to prediabetic levels. You can do this! Just make sure to log all the calories you plan to eat for the day BEFORE you eat them and then tweak portion sizes based on how many calories. Add some exercise so that you can eat the foods you like in moderation while sticking to calorie budget. Keep plenty of fruit around, of different kinds. Chia pudding is yum - and chia fills you up so you don't eat a lot. Google chia pudding and you will get lots of recipes. Greek yogurt is great too. If you need some easy recipes (vegetarian) feel free to ask - especially Indian food. You can add me if you want to! All the best!

    Low impact exercises - walking is one. You can carry some small weights (1 to 3 lb) while walking to intensify the workout. If you like swimming, there's a great one! Easy on the joints too. If you like aerobics, join a jazzercise class - they have low impact versions for every workout routine; simply take out the hop and modify and the instructor always tells you. Sit ups, push ups, planks and lunges at set times in the day - you can do this at home, no equipment needed. Stationary bike if you have it, or ride a bike around a trail. Walk when you can if you don't have to drive. Take the stairs (if safe time of day), sing in the shower or outside (keeps you happy). Don't keep sugary snacks at home (temptation). Once a week, maybe join a meetup group that goes on easy hikes (burns many calories, you can find fit friends). Hope this helps.
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    You can do it!! Sugar is my weakness as well.
  • brahns5
    brahns5 Posts: 9 Member
    You can do this!!! Be strong and do it for yourself. I have 80 pounds to lose. My addiction is carbs. It's is very hard but I know I have to do it for myself because nobody else can. :)