Quitting the Gym



  • bookyeti
    bookyeti Posts: 544 Member
    I can understand why you quit. I wouldn't want to put up with that.

    But then again, I've never had the desire to go work out at the gym. Which is fine, because the nearest one is almost 45 minutes away. I prefer working out at home anyway - I put in my 40-60 minutes faithfully every day, with my 3 cats for an audience. I'm fortunate to have just enough space for my workouts, including Zumba. No one could pay me to go to a gym.
  • MsLadyVirgo
    MsLadyVirgo Posts: 160 Member
    This is one of the reasons that I stopped going to the gym:

    When I was not working, it was easier to go to the gym during slower periods. However, when I started back working, I ended up in the gym during the busiest times.

    Are you able to maintain a decent heart rate while waiting for the Yackers to move on?
    Can you skip the machines that the Yackers are using, then come back to it?

    If you've tried to access the facility at various times and the environment was the same: "THERE'S YOUR SIGN." I sugguest that you try to finish out your membership, but if it impacts your emotions and physical results - TAKE THE LOSS AND KICK ROCKS.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    Quit...i have heard other people talk about how bad the gossip is..and you know that is not going to change...sorry to hear that about the workers...when i went everyone was so supporative and nice....your walking and video's give you just as good of a workout as you get there...let um go!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I would complain to the regional manager...and cancel my account. They cannot hold you to your contract if they aren't providing a decent atmosphere in which to work out. The regional manager SHOULD take care of your problems immediately.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    I quit going to curves. I found I wasn't getting the workout I needed or wanted. Just as I was starting to work up a sweat, it was time to change machines. I think you'll find you will get better results by changing to another gym that has better options. I'd get the doctor's note, but first I'd complain to their head office. I doubt anything will be done tho as they're franchised, but its worth a shot.
  • tushiness
    tushiness Posts: 29
    OMG that sounds horrible!! It was sort of the same at my old gym..gossipy ladies with full makeup and hair done coming to the 7am classes..what the??? I'd just suggest talking to the owner they normally sort out the manager and the staff! Hopefully they're supportive and agree to cancel your membership! Use that money to join a more supportive gym for sure!
  • hikeout470
    hikeout470 Posts: 628 Member
    Take it to corporate! I worked with the husband of one of their top marketing people once (can't remember his name sorry), they are an international franchise based in Central Texas. I don't believe they would want their name on a gym that projects the image you described.

    I have worked out at and or worked at Gym's since I was 13 years old, and not all gyms are the same. I have never been a fan of circuit programs for the reason you described. Maybe after you get you money back (yes I would ask for a refund for your troubles) you should pick a gym where the traffic level suits your workout schedule needs. At my gym, when equipment is busy, I ask to "work in" or find another thing to do while I wait, There is no gossip problem, and everyone walks around with the headphones and "gym stare". We all want to get in and out of there in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Nikki_GodzPrincess
    I feel like this youre paying money to go there so your experience should be somewhat enjoyable & if its not why waste your time & hard earned money. I love my gym. I go to 24 hour fitness which means it'll always fit in my schedule whether thats 6pm or 3am I know they'll always be open. And the people are nice & welcoming knowing we're all trying to reach the same goals.

    Women can be catty creatures at times for whatever reason. They should be motivating & encouraging not discouraging but thats not always the case unfortunately. My advice if you have a girlfriend that is willing to workout with you & you like curves then continue to go with her. If its no longer worth your time, effort or money then say bye bye to curves & hello to a gym that will respect you.

    Good luck hun & if you ever need motivation or encouragement feel free to add me :)
  • SydandPaigesMom
    SydandPaigesMom Posts: 86 Member
    I definitely wouldn't give my hard earned money to them! Definitely quit if you can get that Dr's note.

    I will never forget when I went to my local curves to check it out. The woman there was talking to me about how it works, my goals, etc. When I told her that I wanted to be back to my pre pregnancy weight and I was holding onto some clothes in hope she laughed...or rather cackled out loud and said something along the lines of "oh honey. You won't ever be that size again. May as well give them to the Goodwill." Needless to say they never saw a dime from me. How's that for some motivation!
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Tell doc the situation maybe he'll write the note so you can quit there if you tell him you plan on having another activity source he may do you the favor by making up some sort of an excuse-You should feel comfortable at your gym if your paying for it and that includes having a friendly staff to talk and help you, I love my local YMCA check one out if you have them in your area
  • dipsl19
    dipsl19 Posts: 317 Member
    I think you should stick it out. Pretty much whatever gym you go to you are probably going to get the same kind of people

    not true at all! i went to my college gym, then switched to planet fitness, then another smaller gym and now go to retro fitness. everyones always been fine.i say cancel your contract at any cost. and find somewhere to workout where youre treated correctly! seriously. thats just unacceptable.
  • 3LittleMonkeys
    3LittleMonkeys Posts: 373 Member
    The other workers are constantly on my case. Telling me that I am pushing myself to hard and I should not be sweating when I work out. (My hear rate is ALWAYS in the acceptable range)

    This sends red flags up to me that these people don't know what they are doing. Shouldn't be sweating? I don't know anyone that can get in the target heart rate and NOT be sweating.

    I would quit. You want working out to be an enjoyable experience. Something you look forward too. Sounds like the situation you are in, is not that way.

    The gym I belong too (it is a REAL gym and not Curves like place), people mind their own business. There is plenty of equipment to go around. Granted some hours are a lot more busy than others, but still,

    eta - I sweat just thinking about getting into a target heart rate. LOL
  • Mustangsally1000
    Mustangsally1000 Posts: 860 Member
    I would tell them to go fly a kite. Aside from the fact that they are mean..they aren't working out..they are preening for each other. Not what you need. Move on~
  • sissorhappy
    Seriously... the owner is totally disrespectful, that is Terrible, I would get a dr's note and leave there, You deserve to be treated with respect, do you have any other gyms or small health clubs around you? Be well,
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    I tried Curves for a while and I just really didn't like it. I got out of it with a doctor's note as well. We now have a 24 hr fitness gym membership. But, honestly, we hardly ever use it. We are enjoying workouts that include our whole family such as riding bikes, playing tennis, volleyball etc. I think it's been a lot easier when we're going to do something fun together.

    As far as her saying you shouldn't be sweating...I think that is a complete load of crap! You have to get your heart rate up to a certain extent and keep it there for a while to see any results. No pain, no gain!! I've never heard anyone say that!

    Good luck! Hope you can find the thing that works best for you!!
  • tara4487
    tara4487 Posts: 118 Member
    GO to a new gym a big gym where no1 is in your busn. and if u need a little help at first get a trainer or the employees usually help you get familar with the machines
  • Gretchen22276
    OH HON!

    What a miserable experience. i would talk to the manager and ask out of the contract. just be honest with her. I would bring a copy of these comments in with you. Then jut ask for your last two months fee back and be firm. She doesn't want 'bad press' so I think she would be willing to quietly let you go. If this Curves is filling a need for a social event for some older gals then so be it. But it isn't filling your needs, so you need to move on.

    xo :bigsmile:
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    No one should tolerate this kind of negativity.

    However, you are at the gym to help yourself. Not to please any other gym members, employees or Management. My little rule of life is that I do not care about the opinions of people whom I do not respect. So, I would not look for a way to get out of my contract. I would keep going if for no other reason than to spite these people.

    As an aside, I always enjoy throwing passive - aggressive negativity right back at people.

    The next time some jerk asks you if your arms are always flabby. Ask him if his personality has always been so nasty. Trust me after a few retorts you will show this person that you will not tolerate the behavior. Once this message has sunk in I know their attitude will change.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Thank you everyone for your kind words and opinions. I went to the owner and kindly asked her out of my contract and she said absolutely not. So today my doctor wrote me a note to release from the contract. Thank you agian everyone!!!
  • jenniferg83
    jenniferg83 Posts: 278 Member
    screw them. get in a gym that is a positive thing for you! :)

    d fyi - when you sweat when you work out, means you're working hard and that is a great thing. just have plenty of water. maybe they are jealous at all the hard work you put in! dont let them dicourage you