couch to 5k

Who has done it?

Tell me more about it?

What did you like or not like about it?

If you have never run before (unless chasing the ice cream truck counts) is it easy to start, continue and see results?

What if you have asthma (controled by meds), it is still easy enough to do?

What about only running outside (no access to a treadmill)?


  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi - I'm in the middle of week 8 and have loved it. It took me a long time to get going and about 3 weeks before I managed to complete week 1. My pace has been pretty slow throughout, so that's my next aim to try and speed up.

    I found treadmill better than outside as I was able to pace myself easier.

    No asthma issues, but lots of extra weight to pull behind me :smile:
  • Bigpelly8
    Bigpelly8 Posts: 504 Member
    Week 6, Day 3 tonight. 25 min run with no breaks. 6 weeks and 3 days ago I could barely run a minute.

    Do it to it!!
  • Twinmom1221
    Twinmom1221 Posts: 191 Member
    I just started and am finding it a good way to start. I think I'll be doing Week 1 more than once and that is ok. I would say if you find you are struggeling with Week 1 too much you could create a Week 0 and just reduce the running to 45 or 30 second intervals and increase it when you can.

    I am using a treadmill but a friend told me there is a podcast you can download that keeps time for you. So if you have an iPod that might be an option.
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    I finished it a couple months ago. I could barely make it through a minute when I started. Now I can run 30 mins no problem. I run 30 mins about 3 times a week now. I am so glad i stuck to it and finished. It really does work. Just don't ever let your mind take over and tell you you can't do it! you can!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I finished c25k in June. I was definitely NOT a runner & had always claimed this. I DESPISED running. I decided I wanted a challenge and so I went after it hard. I completed the 9 weeks and I now love running! I just recently ran outdoors for the first time and it was WAY better than running on a dreadmill. I would much rather run outdoors now! I had asthma growing up & struggle with it sometimes during exercise, but listen to your body. Also, consult your doctor, he/she can help you if you need puffers or other such things to aid you.

    This program definitely conditions you in a short 9 weeks and you'll be amazed at what you can do. Running is 80% mental. Push yourself mentally.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I'm a 2 time C25K Grad - got pregnant after graduating the first time and then did it again after I had him.

    I despised running with all my being. I was scarred from running when I fainted after running a single lap in 6th grade, too embarrassed to put any effort into it ever again. But I knew it lead to great WL results and so I decided to give it a try in my late 20's. It took me more than 9 weeks to complete the program the first time around, I followed my body signs repeating days or weeks when needed.

    It was just what I needed to follow a structured program to learn to run - and it taught me how to breathe properly. I'm now currently training for my first 1/2 marathon. So yeah I think it's an amazing program!!
  • mommy2robert
    mommy2robert Posts: 23 Member
    If you can't run the whole durration do you just stay on that week until you can complete it?
  • bkardong
    bkardong Posts: 8 Member
    I use the podcast and love it! There are a few versions on iTunes.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Who has done it? ME!!!!!

    Tell me more about it? I started in February, finished in April. I have run a bunch of 5Ks, and run 3-4 miles a day 4 or 5 days a week.

    What did you like or not like about it? LOVED IT!!!

    If you have never run before (unless chasing the ice cream truck counts) is it easy to start, continue and see results? YES! Follow the plan, download some of the apps or podcasts so someone else is telling you when to run and walk, and just focus on doing it. Take your rest days.

    What if you have asthma (controled by meds), it is still easy enough to do? consult your doctor to make sure you are oked to exercise. I have exercise induced bronchitis, but this program started off slow enough and built up slow enough I have't had any problems with EIB.

    What about only running outside (no access to a treadmill)? I hate treadmills. I only run outside.

    Get fitted for a good pair of runningshoes by a professional at a running store to help prevent injuries.

    Edited to add: I reapeated weeks two and three due to illness and other stuff. I didn't have to repeat any other week. Yes, you can repeat if you need to. I ususally just tried to do the next workout, and only dropped back a week when I couldn't do the next time.... or after a major stomach bug when I knew I was weak.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I did it back in May, loved it. I could not run for 30 seconds without being out of breath. I had exercise induced asthma and meds helped control it. I had ran very little before starting the C25k program. I think running outside is much better if it is not to hot. Here it is like over 100 degrees, can't run outside, unless it is early in the mornings. I got podicast off of the website that were really great and helped so that I didn't have to keep checking the time. They were free too. The other website that gives more information on what days to run or walk however long is

    ETA: I followed the program as it stated, I didn't have to repeat any weeks. I was even able to run 6 miles on the 10th week, I just wanted to see exactly how long I could go. Everyone is different, but it can be done and is the best running program I have seen.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I run outside almost exclusively except for when I travel for work and running outside isn't an option - I'll use the hotel TM.
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    im doing it now.... day 2 today
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Hey - I'm in my 2nd week, and found it really easy to start with....I am sure that will change...

    I could already walk at a reasonably fast pace, and have upped my fitness quite a bit since the beginning of the year, so I was definitely not a couch person per se...

    Having said that I have never run at any time in my adult all!

    Can't say for sure about the asthma - I used to have exercise induced asthma - but have not had any issues with that lately...
    I have not really been out of breath at all so far with my 90 second runs - just take it easy...

    I run on thebtreadmil, as I am a bit of a control freak, and I like that I can control the actual speed etc and measure my progress, but if you have the phone app, or there is no reason why you can't do it outside...

    The other reason I do it on thevtreadmill is that I still carry a bit of excess weight and I just think it is kinder on my knees...

    Give it a go - I was amazed at how "easy" it was to start!
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Double post :-(
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    If you can't run the whole durration do you just stay on that week until you can complete it?

    If you can't I would say yes you probably should repeat that week.
  • tamifoster
    I started this program last August and ran my first 5K mid-October. I continued to run and completed my first 10K in May. Repeat weeks and move on when you are ready. has some great podcasts for this program. She tells you when to run and when to walk. Helps take your mind off the time and keeps you from having to watch the clock. I started the program on a treadmill but I would recommend running outside if you can. Completing a 5K on the treadmill is easier than running on asphalt. If you do run a treadmill, my trainer told me to keep the incline at least at 2. This will help you transition from the treadmill to running outside. Good Luck!
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    hello---I finished it and am doing C210K now....

    I am a former NON-runner--(why did god make horses if he had any intention of us to run right???) it is perfect...

    some tips.....
    run at your own speed---dont worry about how far you go or how fast you go......that will come later....when I started people walking were moving faster than my jog....but I kept at it..... (I called it wogging--combo of walk -jog) some weeks I had to repeat the week I didnt feel comfortable moving up yet....but slowly slowly slowly....I finished.....then one day I went for a wog--not at my track where I know how far I went but just on the road--had a gps with me and that is c25k either....just started....kept going and going it felt sooooo good.....finally looked at GPS----I had gone 5K (took me nearly an hour) no one was more suprised than me......that said I am still not fast--last 5K time was 41 minutes--slow by by anybodies standards--but the take home message overweight (obese when i started) 48 y/o who was recovering and rehabbing an acchilles tendon surgery...can do it......SO CAN YOU....all you have to do is start.....dont let anyone tell you to go faster, longer or anything YOU are NOT comfortable with....and you too will find and hit that comfort stride and people will start to look at you funny when you say....I WANT to go out for a run....

    Best of Luck
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    great question thanks for posting and after reading the replies I think when Jillian has finished kicking my *kitten*, c25k will be my next challenge because I presently despise running :grumble:
  • daddyssunshyne
    I have done couch to 5k, but not the formal program everyone is referring to.

    I just started walking. I started with a mile, and kept adding as I could.

    I walked my first 5k July 9th. It took me about a month before I did it, but at that point I could walk up to 5 miles in one stretch.

    The 5k was a really cool experience, and I look forward to doing more. There is a real difference in the way my legs look and how strong they are.

    If you are concerned about asthma, try just doing a walking version.

  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    If you can't run the whole durration do you just stay on that week until you can complete it?

    I repeated many of the weeks.....get good shoes.....take your time....I use the app on my phone for the cues....