Early Morning Workouts



  • ams2221985
    ams2221985 Posts: 3 Member
    Early mornings are better in my opinion. But that also means you need to adjust to early nights as well.
  • thistimereally
    thistimereally Posts: 74 Member
    Welp I did it. My first 4 AM workout lol. It wasn't so bad then but I'm really tired now. Guess I'll sleep well tonight! Looking forward to doing it again tomorrow!
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I tried the early morning workout routine, but it wasn't for me. If you get honest with yourself and you come to realize you're just not a morning person and never going to be (*raises hand*), finding a routine that works for you is key. I re-prioritized my schedule so that I go 2-3 times a week after work and whenever I'm good and ready on the weekend days is really working for me.

    I second all of this. I can't do morning workouts, even on the weekends. I'm just too sluggish until at least noon. I always do evening workouts and I love it!
  • danielle_swei
    danielle_swei Posts: 6 Member
    I absolutely love morning workouts. While I don't want to get out of bed, once I do I have so much more energy then I do for workouts at night. I get it done early and have the whole day ahead of me. At first I used a preworkout powder to get my energy up but after about a week of that I realized I didn't need it. My body adjusted to 5am workouts relatively easily. Some people just aren't morning people though!
  • CMenendez
    CMenendez Posts: 62 Member
    I go for 5:30!
    Everything is packed the night before and I sleep in my workout clothes. I take maybe 5 minutes to get out of the house (put in my contacts and brush my teeth) and then walk to the gym, about 15 minutes. I find the walk always wakes me up!
    I feel more focused at work and i can enjoy relaxing in the evenings!

    Do you eat/drink anything before your workout? I found in my previous morning workouts i would really struggle with not eating and feeling really sluggish
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    My hardest part is I don't feel my best, or like exerting myself directly out of bed. But I don't wanna do it later, either, lol
  • jayv85
    jayv85 Posts: 142 Member
    4am is when I get up for work. And getting paid motivates me. Lol.

    In all seriousness, I tried 3am workouts and I found myself not motivated at all, so I have to go after work.

    If I was waking at 4am or a little later if be fine and I've motivated myself in the past by knowing the gym is empty then and I hate trying to compete for equipment.
  • mebelfanti
    mebelfanti Posts: 328 Member
    I am not a morning person at all, I will happily and easily sleep until noon given the opportunity. But for the past few weeks my husband and I have been waking up at 5:15 for 6AM workouts and I love it. I pack my bag and get everything ready the night before and I'll sleep in my workout pants. It's been really helpful to go with my husband, so if you can find an early morning buddy for accountability it might help get you out of bed. We listen to peppy music in the car and split a protein bar on the way to the gym and so far it's been working out great for us. We're exhausted by 9PM, but it's been great to have my evenings free. It makes it feel like working out isn't taking over my life, which is great for my motivation.
  • jillk93
    jillk93 Posts: 45 Member
    I've been doing early morning workouts for the last three weeks just so I can accommodate work/school in the evenings. I find it's hit & miss with my energy levels. I gotta say it's nice to have it done first thing and not have to fight for a parking spot at the gym!
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    Two things motivate me:
    1. For me, working out is my least pleasant task (though I feel amazing afterward), so if I can do it first thing in the morning, I feel like my whole day is going to be a breeze.
    2. I never ever ever want to do it in the evening when the day is winding down! That's when I want to relax!