constipation :S

lisamm1889 Posts: 4 Member
edited April 2017 in Food and Nutrition
I'm curious and want to know anyone else has/had this issue and how they have dealt with it in terms of diet: Have a constipation issue my fibres usually between 24-30/ I was eating more carbs prior to the last 3 days and had to reduce it because of the issue and raised my fats. This is a cycle I go though every 3 months or so, and I want to stop it.

Went from a 1530 Cal: 50C/30P/20F to a 30C/35P/35F: lost 6.5 pounds... I dont want to sacrifice the energy from the carbohydrate intake: I enjoy doing cardio and weights together, but at the same time find not doing my daily duty extremely frustrating because im not loosing weight, Im gaining, and bloating...etc until i eat a bunch of fat or happen to have my Period.

I keep my sugars really low and am not opposed to raising them but... have had to move away from rice, now looking at shelving the quinoa and sticking to potatoes and pasta. but can see the eating of all of the protein also becoming an issue because its a different bloat and constipation. Any ideas??


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    1. Supplement with magnesium.
    2. Consume a small dose of mineral oil.
    3. Drink more water.
    4. Exercise more.
    Pick one and do it.
  • lisamm1889
    lisamm1889 Posts: 4 Member
    ok. magnesium or oil. :) thanks
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Maybe consider getting your vitamin levels checked, too. Deficiencies in some areas (like Vitamin D) can cause constipation...or hypothyroid.

    To combat this (I'm vit d deficiency), in addition to taking a supplement, I take Miralax on days when I don't poop. Drinking lots of water, moving more, and a good amount of fat and fiber intake helps.
  • lisamm1889
    lisamm1889 Posts: 4 Member
    im waiting for my blood levels to come back because there are things "off" there. I usually do 20-30 min of cardio at luch and the 45-60 minutes of weights after work, 5 days a week. i split the 2 because i was told sometime ago that i have a sluggish thyroid that doesnt require meds... so thats its own set of issues... lol but im ok with radical self acceptance :)... I take vitamin d because the sun is pretty minimal in the winter here. But i suppose it will hopefully become clearer for me in a week or so.
  • leejoyce31
    leejoyce31 Posts: 794 Member
    I take 400-600 mg of magnesium every night. Works well. I was really blocked for a while.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    Another vote for magnesium! Miralax if it's really bad, but only if I've been waiting for several days with no results.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    For the magnesium folks, how long did it take to get things moving? I pretty much have to take Miralax every day. I'd love a different/better solution.

    I would really like to poop more.
  • rpachigo
    rpachigo Posts: 96 Member
    Miralax. Drink plenty of water. Judicious caffeine.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    For the magnesium folks, how long did it take to get things moving? I pretty much have to take Miralax every day. I'd love a different/better solution.

    I would really like to poop more.

    Overnight, usually. I take this one:'s+best+magnesium&th=1
    Chelated is actually supposed to be less likely to cause the laxative side effects than citrate, but I find that this still keeps things moving for me. I've struggled with varying degrees of constipation my whole life. Since I started supplementing magnesium, I haven't really had to worry about it.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Miralax is called Restoralax in Canada. I take a dose everyday because of some of the meds I am on. I cant say that it works really well - it does keep everything moving, even if not quite in a manner I like.
  • lisamm1889
    lisamm1889 Posts: 4 Member
    I have some magnesium in the cupboard. not sure what style it is... but ill be giving it try.
  • Mamacas03
    Mamacas03 Posts: 5 Member
    My experience was a bit backward, my body doesn't like fiber at all and whey proteins were giving me really bad gas. I stopped using whey protein and my current diet allows me to get all my protein from food so yah, i also take a daily probiotic. It's helped me to be less bloaty, gassy, and overall icky. Water absolutely helps. I've just introduced some magnesium so the verdict is still out for that. I also drink a cup of smooth move tea as needed.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    For the magnesium folks, how long did it take to get things moving? I pretty much have to take Miralax every day. I'd love a different/better solution.

    I would really like to poop more.

    It works overnight for me. But the one rule i follow is to take it before bed on an empty stomach, or as empty as possible. I could take magnesium all throughout the day and it does nothing!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Thyroid issues will cause constipation.

    Consult with your doctor on your blood tests.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I don't poop for weeks sometimes

    Seriously?? If i miss just one day i take tactical action to make sure i go the next morning!
  • redlady82
    redlady82 Posts: 43 Member
    It's common on a low cal diet for this to occur. Potassium aids in smooth muscle movement such as the ones you nees to move things a long. You can add potassium rich foods or supplement. It helps and is even Rx'ed out for various programs and clinics.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Even when I take Miralax, eat papayas, or drink tons of water and fiber, no poop

    Are you on any meds that may be contributing to this? I know opiate based pain killers, or things like panadeine forte or iron supps can block some people up.
  • TJvaughn79
    TJvaughn79 Posts: 5 Member
    I drink dandelion tea with honey and lemons twice a day. Mix one cup of Kiefer (flavored is best) one cup of ice add flax seed and chia seed to a morning shake. I promise your digestive system will thank you normally while keeping it clean of old stuff. My weight loss doubled when I started this.