Seeking Friends/Support System

Been on MFP for a little over a year with limited success. Started going to the gym about a month ago, trying to kick me off the plateau I've been on for far too long. I think that's starting to work now, but I need some friends for mutual support, encouragement, and suggestions on our respective journeys. So, hit the Add Friend button and let's get acquainted.


  • phubb3
    phubb3 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello. I also have been on for a year. I have great success then for some reason I stopped. Ugh! I know it works and I am re committed. This time I am adding friends for accountability. Feel free to add me. It's always easier to have a buddy to keep you focused. Good luck with the plateau. Your on the right track :)
  • RickN9GSU
    RickN9GSU Posts: 47 Member
    I could always use a new friend or two, also :)
  • lynnyscot
    lynnyscot Posts: 28 Member
    I agree I could do with some friends on here too . Please feel free to add me