Seeking new friends to help motivate and encourage each other

Hi.. I'm 44yrs old, diabetic and wanting to lose 50lbs. I am looking for positive, motivational friends with similar goals.
This is my second time here. I was doing very well my first time. In 4 weeks I was completely off insulin, working out 7 days a week and was steadily losing weight.
I began having medical issues and got to the point that I could no longer work out. I could hardly manage simple daily tasks and became horribly depressed. I gained back all I lost and had to be put on insulin again. Nearly a year passed before the source of my problems was discovered. So now I'm finally able to start over but I could really use some good people to help motivate and encourage me and I'll do the same for you!
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to making your acquaintance :)


  • lamaraheaven
    lamaraheaven Posts: 3 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am so sorry about what happened to you BUT I honestly believe you will lose the weight & maintain & feel great & come off insulin too. you got this.
  • Thank you! :)
  • Isa_Bbott
    Isa_Bbott Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there! I'm Lisa, I'm 32 and you're definitely not alone! All you ladies sound encouraging, could I add you all too?? :smile:
  • amr4job7410
    amr4job7410 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, how are you? :smiley:
    I think that making use of your sleeping hours for metabolism can be so beneficial. Mix ginger, with cilantro and a lemon in a blender before sleeping, will help you to burn belly fat and the lower body fat.
  • brahns5
    brahns5 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone I'm Amanda I'm 37 and in New Jersey. We can all do this I've had this app for a while and really just started using it. Feel free to add me.
  • Libramai86
    Libramai86 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi am am 30 - first time using this properley. Lost a fair amount of weight in 2016 but have now put it on and then some. I am now probably the heaviest I have ever been, looking to lose 56lb. I am using a PT but could do with some motivation. Please feel free to add me
  • Thank you all for your responses, requests and support!
  • amr4job7410
    amr4job7410 Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good luck :smiley: did u lose weight yet?
  • ally_rasm
    ally_rasm Posts: 13 Member
    Hi i'm new here also. My doctor suggested I join a support group to help me lose weight. I'm 44 and I need to lose about 30 pounds. I'd enjoy friends for motivation and encouragement. I gained a lot of weight over the last year since having some medical issues. I'm struggling trying to do it alone. Would love to have some friends with similar goals.
  • qwedjebo
    qwedjebo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guys. I'm Heidi and I'm 44 o am working on loosing a little more weight. I too would love to talk with positive modivates people and help encourage our life changes.
  • Salvager66
    Salvager66 Posts: 6 Member
    Fantastic, inspirational posts here guys! My first time coming onto the Community page... MFP is such a wonderful app. I'm Nivash from Johannesburg, South Africa. I downloaded MFP a few weeks ago. It was hard starting off, in the gym and on a low calorie diet... But I'm getting to a better place now :smiley:

    Can someone tell me how to add people here?
  • megzchica23
    megzchica23 Posts: 419 Member
    I know how that goes. I was down 16 lbs last year and kept getting sick and gained it all back. And actually my health is motivating me this time. My blood pressure is high and I was feeling like I had no energy ever. It was so hard to get myself out of bed. I still don't feel 100% and am still working with the doctor to see if I have something else going on that could be messing everything up but getting active again has at least given me enough energy to start cooking and cleaning more regularly and such. I even look less sickly which makes me happy!
  • jeannagrapes
    jeannagrapes Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. New here too. I also need to loose 50. Stress is killing me and it's time to take control of my health and my family too. We got this! :)
  • scarletevie
    scarletevie Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm scarlet from Nottinghamshire England.
    Been struggling with my weight for over 10 years. I put 8 stone on, in two years due to suffering with postnatal depression / unhappy relationship. I started comfort eating big time! Over the years I've lost a few stones then put them back on again. Started using this app, lost 1st 11 so far. Although this is the second time of doing it!
    I have a heart problem, I heart is out of rhythm AF
    And also beats fast. So energetic exercises are out of the question. Although I have started walking, on flat ground.
    Need friends that can encourage me to stay on track. I find helping other also helps me stay positive.