Ripped In 30 starting July 10



  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    this is an excellent workout, if you can get past the annoyingness of Jillian. I've done three of the four levels and L3 is a BEAST. This is like 30DS on steroids
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I HATE side lunges with shoulder raises! They're killer with even 5 lbs, so sometimes I switch to 3 lb for those. Lol. I'll be happy to never do them again.
  • sassenachtiff
    I've only done three days of RI30 and I am soooooo sore. Normally I do it in the morning before work, but today I didn't...I'm going to do it after work instead. I'm filled with Motrin in the meantime, lol. I'm scared to think that it just gets tougher from here!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    It'll get tougher, yes, but so will you! You'll be able to handle it.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    oooh, Motrin - that's a good idea. I'm really getting sore, but for some reason I am having a really hard time getting motivated to get this workout! I keep wanting to bail and do a bunch of cardio.

    Does anybody else feel this way? Do you just ignore that feeling and do it??
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I always feel that way about Jillian's DVDs. I don't know what it is, but I'm telling you, I'm more willing to workout twice as long if it's not with Jillian. Even if it's harder, I'd rather do that than anything Jillian. But she gets results so I suck it up.
  • sassenachtiff
    Do you think it would be crazy to pull a double today? I did RI30 this morning before work and I think I want to do it again after work...I was really lazy over the weekend and didn't work out, so now I feel guilty and I want to make up for it. I think I can do it.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I think it's less crazy to space it out. If you wanted to do it back to back, yeah, I'd call you crazy. Haha.
  • sassenachtiff
    LOL. Maybe I'll rethink it then ;) I'm not super sore at the moment but I probably will be by the time afternoon rolls around.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    I always feel that way about Jillian's DVDs. I don't know what it is, but I'm telling you, I'm more willing to workout twice as long if it's not with Jillian. Even if it's harder, I'd rather do that than anything Jillian. But she gets results so I suck it up.

    so true. That's going to my fitness mantra for the next month!

    @ sassenachtiff - I think pulling a double isn't so bad, unless you are trying to work out with muscle soreness later in the day from a morning workout. That might affect your ability to do the moves properly - but you won't know until you try it!!
  • sassenachtiff
    sdgirl22--thanks! I'm not too sore today, but I'm going to save the double for another day when I'm feeling extra strong :D
  • heatherfrancis
    finished week 2! Much easier towards the last few days. I didnt quite get those silly push-ups, I did the easy version, I guess. I didnt burn as much cals in week 2 as week 1 so my body must of felt like it was less cardio. Looking forward to week 3. I am using 8lbs mostly...I should be doing heavier since I have been lifting heavy weights for awhile, maybe next round when I am used to all the routines.. I am pretty sure I am going to repeat it for another month after this one.
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'm thinking about doing an extra day of week 2 because I took 3 days off (2 is my acceptable limit). Maybe I'll double up a day. I don't know. Glad to hear it's getting easier for you. I can't even do those pushups modified. I'll get my knee to well, not my elbow, but it moves. Lol, anyway, after I move my knee, I can't go down. I don't know what my deal is. I also can't do the jump rope thing correctly, but that's just because I'm not coordinated at all.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    So I took about 10 days off - which was NOT part of my plan! I mixed too many liquors last Saturday ( jagger... ugh!), so I was feeling sick and dehydrated for the first half of the week, then just demotivated and tired the second half.

    Point being, yesterday was Day 1 - again :cry:

    However, I did Level 2 yesterday :happy: I've done it a few times before, and it's actually seems easier on my joints than level 1. Does that happen to anyone else? I only used my 2lb weights - part of my lack of motivation was using the 8lbs in level 1 and not enjoying it at all since I couldn't keep up and get proper form at the same time - which was really disappointing because I've also been lifting quite a bit at the gym, so I figured I was fit enough to use heavier weights. Today I'm going to try heavy weights during the first set, then lighter weights and quicker reps in the second set. If that yields pretty good results, I'll let you guys know if you're interested :)

    Has anyone measured or weighed lately??
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I'll admit that I've been slacking SO HARD on RI30 because I just don't have fun when I do it. So I've decided that I'm only going to do it once or twice a week (mostly because I want to see what happens in level 3 and 4, lol). I'm going to do other cardio, strength, and ab workouts. Jillian just doesn't do it for me. Yes, she gets results, but she can't get results if I don't have the desire to actually do the work. However, even with all the slacking (it was part of an experiment I did this past week), I've managed to break into the 100s. I know that part of that is thanks to Jillian, so I'll continue to do her workouts; just not everyday.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    congrats on getting into the 100s!!! I totally feel you on the workouts - I have so much more fun in spin class or doing weights in the gym. I'm basically doing RI30 & 6w6w pack I had better results in a month with 30DS than I did any of my other classes.

    Once I've done a level for a few times, I'll mute the video and listen to my running playlist. That helps a bit. Also, I'm planning on incorporating runs and elliptical into my routine. I hope that will keep me motivated!!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Sounds like a plan. I still want to get her other DVDs just to try them out, and I will still do the ones I have of hers, but just not everyday. I need more variety than that. I run and ride my bike, but doing the same DVD everyday...ugh. Not for me.
  • FemmeAndi
    FemmeAndi Posts: 107 Member
    Hey! What days are you on for the get ripped in 30! I wanted to start with someone but tomrorow will be my first day!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    @ femme - i think i'm going to be doing RI30 monday, wednesday, fri, and 6w6p tuesday and thursday, then yoga on Saturday (because I need a day off from Jillian!!!)
  • sassenachtiff
    Yeah, I definitely don't have fun doing Jillian's workouts, either. They're effective and I know it,'s hard to push through it when she's yelling at the screen constantly. :\ I'm in Week 2 right now and I like it more than Week 1, but I hate mountain climbers and plank anything, really.

    I tried upping my calories last week to see if that would help with my mini-plateau, but there was no change for my weekly weigh-in. Wondering if I should take my calories back down, or wait and see. Have you all had any luck zig-zagging with your calories?