My weight will not weigh me down

My name is Leanna I'm currently struggling with diabetes, high blood pressure and PCOS.... I'm at the point in my life where I feel something have to give..I've always been overweight..In 2014 my husband and I were blessed to conceive a baby boy but unfortunately I couldn't carry full term and we lost him..Dealing with that a fell into depression and my health sprawled out of control..Hitting 305 was my breaking point and made me even more depressed...I've been on the road to recovery but not without my slip ups and downs falls..At my current wieght of 266 I feel that I can really do it....


  • AyyAnthony
    AyyAnthony Posts: 37 Member
    You go girl
  • Wolfger
    Wolfger Posts: 350 Member
    Of course you can do it! Good job getting to where you are now!
  • ladyluv177
    ladyluv177 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks you guys :)
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Wow, that is hard. Good on you for continuing to try. Never give up hope.
  • Breeticus87
    Breeticus87 Posts: 114 Member
    That is so amazing! I am really sorry to hear about everything. I am here to tell you though you can do it! I know personally its harder for people that are ill. I am currently struggling with liver problems, my doctor told me it was time to do something or I could possibly lose my life. I have currently been back to MFP for 2 weeks, but I have been on and off of it for years. I promise you this is a wonderful community filled with amazing people who all have their own stories of success and failures, and a lot of them will reach out to you and help motivate you, or just talk to you if you need it. I am Brett, and if you would like you can send me a friend request :) and if you ever need a helping hand or an ear to chew id be happy to help
  • You can do ! Keep pushing you will succeed. I've never committed to MFP before and whenever i return my weight just keep going up .(since.I can see what my initial long in weight was) It's day 5 and I'm still here counting my macros .I'm here to stay this time .! will be too .
  • Findingmyself086
    Findingmyself086 Posts: 21 Member
    you got this...wishing you nothing but success along your journey, hang in there and take it one day at a time :)<3
  • christr1
    christr1 Posts: 11 Member
    You can do this. Look forward to each new day and accomplish one new thing even if it is a tiny accomplishment.

  • scarletevie
    scarletevie Posts: 12 Member
    That's not an easy road to travel.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
  • scarletevie
    scarletevie Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm scarlet from Nottinghamshire England.
    Been struggling with my weight for over 10 years. I put 8 stone on, in two years due to suffering with postnatal depression / unhappy relationship. I started comfort eating big time! Over the years I've lost a few stones then put them back on again. Started using this app, lost 1st 11 so far. Although this is the second time of doing it!
    I have a heart problem, I heart is out of rhythm AF
    And also beats fast. So energetic exercises are out of the question. Although I have started walking, on flat ground.
    Need friends that can encourage me to stay on track. I find helping other also helps me stay positive.
  • healthymilina
    healthymilina Posts: 1 Member
  • Romeo1luv
    Romeo1luv Posts: 166 Member
    That's right don't give up and keep going strong don't let anything deter you from success. You are strong and blessed ladyluv.