


  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited April 2017
    I use another brand of canned shakes as emergency backup, when I don't have time or a meal-to-go ready. I find things work better when I don't rely on shakes daily in lieu of proper food.
  • Lorilynn_37
    Lorilynn_37 Posts: 87 Member
    I use the powder chocolate royale every morning. I'm bad about eating breakfast.
    I mix it with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and it tastes just fine.
    If been doing my routine and calorie counting for several months now and have lost 32 pounds. So it's whatever works for you! I'm losing the weight while eating at calorie goal and drinking slimfast so I will not stop if it's working..

    Also they have the newer ones with extra protein I buy a huge one at sams club
  • RUNucbar
    RUNucbar Posts: 160 Member
    I do have the banana milkshakes as it is a very quick thing to grab and go but I track it like I track everything else. I don't follow the plan really, I just like banana milkshakes.

    I did calculate the daily calories the slimfast plan gives you once and it was VERY different to my MPF goal so it would never work for me anyway.
  • starryphoenix
    starryphoenix Posts: 381 Member
    I'd rather spend the extra money for a higher quality and better product. Slimfast might work for some people, but I've tried better things.