MrsJ25 Posts: 17 Member
Hello everyone, i finally made it to fitnesspal!!!! i'm so excited, ready to do this thing!!!


  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    Welcome! This place is wonderful!
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • hwjssc
    hwjssc Posts: 194 Member
    Welcome and good luck:)
  • brenda_71
    brenda_71 Posts: 151
    Welcome!! You will love it here!! Read your profile, congrats on your weight loss!! Good luck on the rest! Add me if you'd like encouragement! God bless you!! :)
  • Danelyh
    Danelyh Posts: 27
    Hi, I just found out about this wonderful app. today. I am also excited to have people to help keep me motivated and thinking positive thoughts. I'm looking forward to hopefully help keep others motivated and offer support in reaching their goals.

    Happy Thoughts
  • Hi!
    I'm Mickey. I decided to join today because I can use some motivation and tips to help with my weight loss. I have gained and lost weight off and on since age 18. Unfortunately, I got into a pattern thinking I could lose weight and go back to my old habits. I have FINALLY learned my lesson! Now that both parents have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes I am worried about my health and not just how I look. I would really like to lose about 60 pounds by next June when I am getting married. So, I have lots of reasons; my main problem has been my eating habits (which I have drastically improved recently) and just getting off my butt (having depression does NOT help.) Any tips you have are welcome and I will be glad to help others on their weight loss journey in return!
  • MrsJ25
    MrsJ25 Posts: 17 Member
    Thnks so much!!!
  • MrsJ25
    MrsJ25 Posts: 17 Member
    Thnks so very much
  • My600PdLife
    My600PdLife Posts: 57 Member
    So thrilled to have you here.