So I am able to see peoples food diaries which is cool because then I could try some stuff and see if I like it.

But I just want to say to people EAT the calories your given I mean if you have 100-200 left over what ever but If you have tons of calories left over you need to eat...When you stop feeding..your metabolism moves a whole lot slower..I am sure alot of you know that. Gotta have nice meals and snack during the day.

Sometimes I feel like omgosh I cant eat anymore but when I work out I get 2000+ calories for the day...If you are working hard at the gym you need to replenish your body.

I'm close to 50 lbs down..more to go but I have learned a few things along the way. I know I am not the perfect example when it comes to eating but just some advice if you feel like your at a plateau. Don't starve yourself!!!


  • samanthalynne21
    samanthalynne21 Posts: 140 Member
    Also I learned you should be drinking half your body weight in water!!
  • RainyDayKelli
    RainyDayKelli Posts: 85 Member
  • You're right! Sometimes I feel really full and bloated (mostly from chugging down so much water!) and just can't eat any more. But depriving your body of food is only counterproductive, and I learnt this the hard way. I have that issue at the moment, but also trying to save a few calories for later as I'm going out for dinner to an Italian restaurant. All this talk about food is making me hungry so I'm going to grab some lunch now! haha. :smile:
  • koylefam
    koylefam Posts: 142 Member
    not gallons ounces.... if you weigh 180. Drink 90ounces.. 64 is only 1 gallon so that is one and a half.. far from a death sentence
  • heck half my body weight? you mean in like oz? so like 100oz?or 100gallons?
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Half your body weight in ounces. I weigh 248 so I should drink 124 ounce (15 1/2 cups) of water a day.

    After all the debate about eating exercise calories, I talked to my doctor and nutritionist about it. Both told me I do not need to eat back my exercise calories.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I struggle with trying to eat all the calories I am given. I know that I need this food! I love that this site gives me a guide. I hope many people read this and really give it a try.

    I lose much more weight when I eat the calories recommended, instead of leaving a couple hundred. Eat!!
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    For me that would be 260 oz a day. No way :noway:
  • Gsc122
    Gsc122 Posts: 36
    I'm going to only slightly disagree. The sites calorie in take is based off bmi, which isn't always the most accurate way to judge where your maintain point is. however, you definitely want to eat what is considered to be a healthy intake on calories no matter what.

    An example of this would be my wife.for her to lose weight she actually has to be running below 1200 calories a day. So what she does is eat over 1200, but work off the access with cardio.

    In short listen to your body. Eat at least 3 times a day.
  • samanthalynne21
    samanthalynne21 Posts: 140 Member
    not gallons ounces.... if you weigh 180. Drink 90ounces.. 64 is only 1 gallon so that is one and a half.. far from a death sentence

    OOPS lol forgot to put ounces lol
  • samanthalynne21
    samanthalynne21 Posts: 140 Member
    Agree to disagree people. I am just saying what IVE done and IVE seen Results...I have almost lost 50 lbs with this website. Im just giving tips on what has helped me. I have NEVER seen a doctor for being over weight. And doctors arent always right...I've been mis diagnosed so many times.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Replace water with vodka, you won't wanna eat and your friends will think you're funner to be around.
  • Gsc122
    Gsc122 Posts: 36
    I'm not really disagreeing with you on your point, which I'm assuming is don't starve yourself. Just simply that the calories listed here on the site are ballparks guesses at best.

    On a side note I saw your thread, about how rude people make you angry.I hope that wasn't in reference to my reply.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Replace water with vodka, you won't wanna eat and your friends will think you're funner to be around.

    HA! Love this!
  • sschiano
    sschiano Posts: 48 Member
    NO ONE HERE SHOULD THINK THEMSELVES AN EXPERT. we're all here because we have at some point strayed from a healthy diet, and we're all trying to heal our bodies of the damage we've caused. everyBODY is different and we crave different things we have different exercise limits, and no one knows my body better than myself. we all have a different balance of eating and exercise that works for us some people exercise more so they can eat more, others eat less so they have to exercise less and neither group is "righter".