Eating out

Any ideas as to what are the most health conscious places to eat out and what meals you order at that restaurant? Feeling like dining out is impossible when trying to loose weight and stay healthy. Any tried and true ideas appreciated.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    If it's not a special occasion (which for me usually involves a fancy restaurant where I'd have no idea, nor the desire to work out, the ingredients, proportions and calories of each dish).... I usually go for something basic like grilled fish or seafood, steak, chicken breast for protein, with a salad (dressing on the side) or steamed vegies. That stuff is easy to guesstimate.

    Chain restaurants often have nutritional info which makes pre planning easier. I'll check out a menu and work out what I'm having early in the day and plan my other meals around it.

    Don't be afraid to ask for changes to meals - most places are happy to oblige.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    Jus go subway.
  • brittnichol
    brittnichol Posts: 42 Member
    When you go out to eat I recommend ordering chicken breast and veggies. Or if they have like a "lighter menu" ive noticed a lot of places have this option now. (Applebees, chillis, etc) also if you know where your going to eat you can google the restuarant and plan out what your going to order. Chain restuarants have nutrition info online. If your in the mood for a higher calorie option order it and ask for a to go box and as soon as you get your meal put half of it away and move it out of sight. And order water!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,238 Member
    Healthy has more to do with how your overall diet looks rather than a single meal. In other words if you eat mainly nutritious foods, and eat out and have a Big Mac while fitting it all in your calorie goal, that Big Mac does not destroy the nutrition you ate, and can be a part of an overall healthy diet.

    My personal suggestion is simply plan your whole days eating ahead of time looking up the calorie information for wherever you are planning on eating. Fit it in your calories, and you are good to go.
  • kayeroze
    kayeroze Posts: 146 Member
    Likes others have said, look at nutrition beforehand. Some restaurants have slightly more nutritious menus (but not low cal) like Zoe's Kitchen, Snappy Salads, Modern Market, etc. But you still should look ahead if you can.
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    I eat out fairly often
    Ideas I have used/use:
    • soups for starter - skip the bread
    • fish preferably grilled and know your low cal ones over your fatty ones
    • Salads ask for dressing/croutons on the side add to taste but not the restaurant way
    • Check out the portion sizes (other tables) order starters as a main when they are large
    • Go vegetarian when that is a good option (Had the most delicious beet burger once) Be careful though often lots and lots of cheese when meat is left out not always low cal
    • Have a very small breakfast and lunch so you have margin
    • Plan a low cal day the day after to even out a bit
    • Opt for a good place not fast food - often they can accommodate special requests.
    I am not a dessert person so I tend to skip those and have a cup of tea instead
  • SarahFromWalthamForest
    Sashimi and edamame is a healthy and low calorie option, or chicken breast with a side-salad without dressing is also good.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    There are a limited number of restaurant options where I live. I don't know what restaurants are in your area or what your goals are.

    Plan and look stuff up if you want to eat out. Chain restaurants have nutritional info usually so I look up and plan in advance something that fits my goals for the day. Non-chain restaurants I usually find something similar to log.

    Watch portion sizes. Watch condiments/sauces/dressings. Don't fill up on breadsticks, rolls or crackers if you need protein and vegetables.
    Soup or a baked potato may be a lower calorie option at some restaurants.
    Vegetables and fruits are more difficult to get at an average sandwich place. Most places have a salad though. You can often have regular/small sandwich with a side salad instead of fries or chips.
    Chinese restaurants have more variety of vegetables available. Watch rice and noodle portions.
    Sodium can be high with restaurant food. If it is a concern for you then you may need to be more careful what you order or not eat out much.
    You can save calories at a pizza place by getting a thin crust. Choose things like chicken and vegetables for toppings if you want fewer calories and add to nutrition. Eat less pizza and have a salad with it.
    I drink unsweetened tea or water and most places have that option as well as diet sodas.

    I would generally be looking at getting some protein, not fried, not slathered in cheese and bacon, not super sized portions. It is one meal a week for me so I don't stress about it being nutritionally complete. I would not order a triple bacon cheeseburger with fries and a peanut butter shake with my calorie goal.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Eat out whatever you want and don't worry about the calories. A couple extra calories over one night is not going to blow your goals. You may see some water weight gain because of the saltiness so the food but that's right that'll go away.

    For this to work it has to be sustainable and you're going to have your ups and downs. To put things in perspective I've been painting my weight for the past eight months since that time I've got on vacation twice for a week each time. I ate whatever I want I drink whatever I want period probably a couple those days I drank my calorie limit alone. As of today my weight is basically the same as it was when I started maintenance 8 months ago.

    Oh by the way when I was in the process of losing the 80 pounds last year I also went on vacation for a couple days. Definitely blew my calorie limit during that time but I had a great time.

    You have to look at this as a long-term journey and not a Sprint for this to work you have to enjoy the process. If you don't it's going to failperiod for me to lose the 80 pounds was the easiest thing I ever did both physically and mentally. Find something that works for you and enjoy the journey