Husband and wife loosing weight together , with all of your

Hi, *~waving~
My husband and i are new to this site.. our son and daughter n law told us about it.
sooo, here we are.. trying to loose weight together,
I've been reading all the words on support.
and its been wonderful. My heart warms to it. *S*
i started at 220lbs.. and now i'm at 208lbs... feels good to start going back down again.
I sooo want to keep up with my grandson and granddaughter, they mean so much to me.
I do have my ups and downs.. but i'm trying really hard to get a handle on my eating habits.
Thanks to you all, its gotten alot easier,


  • ElusiveButterfly
    Hi, *~waving~
    My husband and i are new to this site.. our son and daughter n law told us about it.
    sooo, here we are.. trying to loose weight together,
    I've been reading all the words on support.
    and its been wonderful. My heart warms to it. *S*
    i started at 220lbs.. and now i'm at 208lbs... feels good to start going back down again.
    I sooo want to keep up with my grandson and granddaughter, they mean so much to me.
    I do have my ups and downs.. but i'm trying really hard to get a handle on my eating habits.
    Thanks to you all, its gotten alot easier,
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    Congratulations and good luck to both of you. That is really inspiring!

  • ElusiveButterfly
    :happy: thank you neeterskeeter,,, for your support..
    its not easy sometimes... but i know we can do this .....
    i love hearing from you all.*S*
    and a skinny me is wanting so desperately to get out. *l*
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    It's so great when you have someone to do this with! My hubby and I are doing it together too and our lives just get better every week!! Welcome to MFP and good luck, be strong, be patient with yourself and enjoy the journey!:bigsmile:

  • ElusiveButterfly
    to lulubar,,, thank you so much,, (warm hugs)
    and,, Nice meeting you too!! *big smile*
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I wish my boyfriend would do this with me. He can (and does) eat anything he wants and stays slim. He has an active job whereas I sit at a desk all day... plus his metabolism is just super high. Sometimes it's hard when I'm trying to be good and he wants to order pizza or bake cheesy enchiladas LOL. But my fitness level is a lot higher than his and I'm trying to get him to work out more... sometimes he goes running with me or we go to the gym together. :smile: He is actually pretty athletic but he isn't as motivated to do it as I usually am.

    So I envy you for having your husband's participation! That's awesome.
  • ElusiveButterfly
    neeterskeeter, oh my gawd,,, i can understand on the mexican food,, that is my downfall, *l*
    crossing my fingers and putting my hand over my mouth for good luck, *G*
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hi and welcome!! I have been here for about 2 months now and I bet you will love it here! My hubby and I are supposed to be doing this together but for some reason I am the only one trying. But I plan on getting to where I want to be, with or without him. Lol!! Good luck to you! I am sure you will do great!
  • beagle595
    beagle595 Posts: 226
    WELCOME ABOARD! I'm glad you are getting healthy. My Father had a massive heart attack 2 years ago, he had to have 2 stents put in. He was 66 ate healthy, had low blood pressure, and low cholesteral. So it was a shock to all of us even to the Doctors that he had 2 small block atteries. His only signs when he was having his heart attack was shortness of breath/was climbing up stairs, and a little dizzy (No pain in the arm or anything else ). He told my Mom to call 911 and she said no I'm driving you to the hospital (only 4 miles away). My father crashed as soon as they had him on the gurnee. The Doctors said she saved him. He has lost 25 lbs since eats more legumes, salmon and fish and exercises everyday. It's great you have each other for support. Keep up the great work! You both will start feeling more energized soon! And you will be healthy and live longer for each other, your children and Grandchildren to love! :happy: :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • ElusiveButterfly
    wow,,, this is bringing tears to my eyes.
    beagle,, im 59 and my husband is 60... .. i will remember your words.
    its wonderful to see people that have good hearts.
    and not want to put people down for being overweight. (warm hugs)
    my grandson is 4yrs old,he'll be 5 in April 3rd
    and my granddaughter will be 7 months old Feb 3
    ... (warm hugs). to your venture and journey also... *big smile*

    all you people are wonderful!!!
  • ElusiveButterfly
    renae, thank you.. for welcoming us into the MFP... *S*

    its nice to wake up to a new day!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP, you will love this site, it is so awesome, supportive, motivational, and helpful. I love it here. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey and you can do this.
  • ElusiveButterfly
    thanks Laura,, (warm hugs)... for the welcome.
    your heart is very loving, *S*
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you! You are so lucky to have the support of each other! I wish you all the best! :drinker:
  • ElusiveButterfly
    kerri,,, (warm hugs), thank you... we need all the support that we can get.
    but it will be worth it, *big smile*

    Gosh!.. I just love this place, *(group hugs)*