Coping with discouragement

How do you guys motivate yourself when you try and don't see any results? I've previously lost 40lbs, and have recently gained 20lbs back. For three months I've started trying to lose weight again.

I've been making healthier choices and living on a very similar diet to the one I had been while I was losing before. I've also been going to the gym more than I ever have in my life.

After three months I've weighed myself, and I haven't lost a pound. I'm exactly the same weight. I've probably been underestimating my calorie intake. I just feel so discouraged and close to giving up. It sucks to work so hard and see no results after 3months. How can I motivate myself to keep trying?


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    How accurate is your calorie intake? Do you use a food scale to weigh everything solid? Because not losing a pound in three months is a red flag. Your tracking is off somewhere.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    How accurate is your calorie intake? Do you use a food scale to weigh everything solid? Because not losing a pound in three months is a red flag. Your tracking is off somewhere.

  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    How are your clothes fitting? Are you losing inches (and toning up) instead of pounds?
  • lessfoodmoreexercise
    lessfoodmoreexercise Posts: 11 Member
    How accurate is your calorie intake? Do you use a food scale to weigh everything solid? Because not losing a pound in three months is a red flag. Your tracking is off somewhere.

    I'm a student with access to only a kettle and microwave, so everything I eat is ready meals
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Ok. The amount you eat now, eat a little less. Is it pre-packaged food with a calorie label?
  • LessCookiess
    LessCookiess Posts: 538 Member
    I'll be honest with you and say that you're eating most likely at maintenance if you're not losing weight the past 3 months. I would recommend you input into MyFitnessPal your weight and height, and have your rate of loss set at 0.5 pounds and see how it goes.
    The reason I mentioned 0.5 pounds is because that's a pretty good amount to start with. If you provide us with more information such as what's your height and weight? How many calories are you in taking? How much weight do you want to lose? We would be able to help you more.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Assuming that your goal weight is healthy: Whatever you did before, worked then, but not now, so no matter if it's because you are lighter and need less food than before, or you in reality aren't doing the same as before - you have to something else than you are doing now. Stop trying, instead just figure out what you need to do and do that, and you will succeed. You don't have to work so hard, or need motivation; if you rely on that, you'll be tired and cheat and give up and not see results. You just have to eat a little less than you do now, and do it consistently, and be patient. A food scale and accurate logging is easy for many people, but there are other ways to exert portion control as well, just find one that fits you.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    How do you guys motivate yourself when you try and don't see any results? I've previously lost 40lbs, and have recently gained 20lbs back. For three months I've started trying to lose weight again.

    I've been making healthier choices and living on a very similar diet to the one I had been while I was losing before. I've also been going to the gym more than I ever have in my life.

    After three months I've weighed myself, and I haven't lost a pound. I'm exactly the same weight. I've probably been underestimating my calorie intake. I just feel so discouraged and close to giving up. It sucks to work so hard and see no results after 3months. How can I motivate myself to keep trying?

    Here's a chapter to your story you may have skipped: You haven't gained any weight. Your body probably looks better than when you started. So this start is a little slower than you're used to. Just keep at it. Tweak things up where they need to be tweaked, and keep pushing. You may hit your current goal very soon, but don't forget you're building a foundation for the rest of your life. Hang in there. Be Strong. You can do it.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. You're exercising so that's a big improvement. You are fitter now than you were before. Celebrate the small achievements - progress not perfection. Weighing yourself is only weighing your self esteem. You're so much more than your weight.