How much exercise do you do weekly?

I'm wondering how much everyone exercises. I want to start a program pref p90x in sept if we can get the videos back from my brother in law....hubs let him borrow it. Or I can do 30DS. I go to the YMCA 4-5 x per week : 2x per week is boot camp for an hr (this is like p90x but prob not as intense but it's intense to me) & then I do interval challenge 1 day week. I've also been running on my off days (which I just upped to a 5k...not running entire time & finish in 40min). I do strength exercises too usually on the days I run. I've been going to the gym like this almost weekly since march & have really toned up my legs & arms BUT my mid-section is a diff story & I've lost NO weight!!! I know muscle comes first & muscle burns fat but shouldn't that be there & I should be burning fat? I'm so frustrated.
I did the 30DS only leve one since that's what's on demand on my TV & lost 6 lbs & then gained it back when I stopped.
I want to be rid of this post baby belly!!!
Oh & I've been doing 6pk abs in 6wks too & well I don't have a 6pk yet either.....guess I need to buy this set too!!
Thanks for any input
Oh & do you exercise more than 1 xper day.....ex: run in the morning & then do a Jillian video in the evening?


  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    farfalledibaciodinotte Posts: 181 Member
    I do at least 180 minutes a day... or try to.. my minimum is always 90 though. just a bunch of cardio and some weight training..
  • AleksAas
    AleksAas Posts: 13
    I try to land above 3000 calories burned each week. The most important thing I've noticed is that if you eat back the workout you drop weight really slow. I'm just getting started, but I've dropped about 2 kg (4.4lb) a week since I started, so I guess it's working.

    Good luck!
  • EmmaShorter
    EmmaShorter Posts: 298
    you all need to have rest days. At least 2 per week. Your body needs time to recover too!
  • ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥
    ♥ChUbByCoyLe♥ Posts: 267 Member
    I usually do a 90 minute kick boxing class once a week, a 60 minute boxing class once a week, hill walking for 4-6 hours once a week (weather dependant) and a few runs in between. If i'm off work then i exercise more than when i'm working as i work long hours. The trick is to do something you enjoy. Thats the way you get results.
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Wow, you guys really do Excercise lol! I'm knackered after 40 Mins of Cardio!

    I go to the Gym either 5 or 6 times a week.... I only joined in January as I have always been really wary of the big fit men pumping those huge weights and I thought they would always be wondering why the hell I was there....anyways, finally figured that they really don't care why I am there, no one does - everyone is just there for themselves - great realisation, when I finally came to it!

    So, all I have been doing is 30-40 minutes either in the morning or the evening on the Cross Trainer (Elliptical, I think for those in the US?) which is about 400 Calories a go, a Body Pump class a couple of times a week and then I walk to and from work which in a round trip is approx 540 Calories. :smile:
  • jamison77
    jamison77 Posts: 14 Member
    i try to work out everyday and this is possible only because i work out 1 body part a day. 3 day rotations, mon arms, tue abs, wed, legs, thur, arms ffri abs sat legs sunday fundAY. DO THE ELLIPTICAL TRAINER AT YOUR GYM!!! if you go on that machine for 40 min you burn 500 cal. i have gone on it for a hour and fifty mins to punish myself for eating like a pig for a day and drinking a alcholic beverage from olive gardon that was 2100 cal, but in that 1hr and 50 min i burned 1200cal i didnt take a break because the elliptical is so easy on your joints and hips and back, im 22 and have arthritis in all my joints passed down from my mom geneticly so ive had it since i was a fat little kid but now look at me 169pound i started a month ago and i was 180 so yay me hopefully this helps you! run run run and eat all natural things take the time to make your healthy lunches it pays litterally saves you money from not buying fast food and takes that belly fat off try it for 2 weeks if nothen changes, reserch micro nutriant fasting that is confirmed results look it up pritty interesting weight lost idea thats healthy for you! ok im done talking :tongue:
  • jamison77
    jamison77 Posts: 14 Member
    its not that people dont care if your at the gym.......if i see a fat.....or a big guy/girl come in and start sweating like a pig and breathing really hard on one of the machines i dont have any bad thoughts what so ever......beacause hey at least there at the gym trying to get healthy and not sitting in front of the tv getting worse, so instead of discust i feel proud, good for them trying to get healthy thats the biggest step for lazy people getting up and f ing doin somethen to change there unhealthyness. also i was 5'10 230pounds and i was tired of bein unhealthy and now im 5'11 169pounds and my six pack is poken out and i feel on top of the world!
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    anywhere from 5-12 hrs a week. (average 8 hrs)
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I am for 60min A day normaly 6 days a week try to take one rest day but I love my workout time and normaly end up in the gym that day too lol
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I do 6 days a week at least 1.5-2 hours, I altenate cardio days and circuit training along with cardio. I love Zumba and kickboxing. I have a rest day whichever day I have the busiest scheule. Since hockey is not in season I am working a lot more to keep from having to work as much during season. Luckily my ym is open at 5 and closes at 10.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I can only get there 4-5 times a week, generally about 40-60 minutes. have to fit it in with mothering and working, and as my husband works away I am frequently a "solo" mum. so no gym outside of nursery hours possilb.e Which means nothing in the w/ends which I find annoying, I try to compensate with a long walk or a play swim with my daughter.
  • Maria_81
    Maria_81 Posts: 152
    I'm still trying to figure this one out for myself, but right now I'm doing 60 minutes, 6 days a week. My goal is to burn 3500 calories per week, on another site someone said you had burn at least that to lose a pound.
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    i exercise 6days per week. usually run 2.5 to 3miles a day....i also do some weight training.

    my job is in a steel mill, where it gets very physical...oh and stupid hot, like around 140 in the summer. those days, i would love to know how many calories i am burning!?
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    its not that people dont care if your at the gym.......if i see a fat.....or a big guy/girl come in and start sweating like a pig and breathing really hard on one of the machines i dont have any bad thoughts what so ever......beacause hey at least there at the gym trying to get healthy and not sitting in front of the tv getting worse, so instead of discust i feel proud, good for them trying to get healthy thats the biggest step for lazy people getting up and f ing doin somethen to change there unhealthyness. also i was 5'10 230pounds and i was tired of bein unhealthy and now im 5'11 169pounds and my six pack is poken out and i feel on top of the world!

    Good to know that's what you think, I hope alot of others are the same! Makes the initial embarrassment of being there easier when you know people feel that way :smile: