Looking for friends again.

Hey guys, I've met a lot of great people on myfitnesspal and I'd like to meet more. I enjoy talking to new people, about fitness or non fitness related things. If you're a creepy dude who is just going to try and hit on me then please go away now.


  • MelZweightlossjourney
    I posted more about myself, but it's only showing the first part of my post. Anyways, I'm Melissa. I'm 23. I've been using MyFitnessPal for over a year. I've lost 30 pounds by just tracking my food. If we're being honest I'm not an exercise junkie, I'm lucky if I workout once a week. I don't always eat clean, sometimes I just care about calories, but I'm really trying to be more conscious of my macros. I live in Florida. I have a dog that I talk about a lot, no kids yet. I'm getting married in a month and I'm really excited about it. So yeah, feel free to add me. I like making new friends.
  • scarletevie
    scarletevie Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I'm scarlet from Nottinghamshire England.
    Been struggling with my weight for over 10 years. I put 8 stone on, in two years due to suffering with postnatal depression / unhappy relationship. I started comfort eating big time! Over the years I've lost a few stones then put them back on again. Started using this app, lost 1st 11 so far. Although this is the second time of doing it!
    I have a heart problem, I heart is out of rhythm AF
    And also beats fast. So energetic exercises are out of the question. Although I have started walking, on flat ground.
    Need friends that can encourage me to stay on track. I find helping other also helps me stay positive.
  • Romeo1luv
    Romeo1luv Posts: 166 Member
    I am trying very hard to lose weight and tone up cause I want to be a lot healthier than before. I am dedicated to succeeding. And I will not give in to temptation.
  • eshanimongia5
    eshanimongia5 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi! I'm turning 25 in a month. And never thought I would still be trying to loose weight at 25. I just want to learn to love my body while getting healthier. I fall off the wagon once in a while but I'm committed to myself. I want to achieve my weight goals! Add me
  • Feelx956
    Feelx956 Posts: 14 Member
    New on here too looking for friends to go through this journey and motivate each other and or talk about anything. I'm not a creep lol I'm bisexual more into men so you have nothing to worry in that aspect