Tom Kerridge Dopamine Diet book

drosebud Posts: 277 Member
I borrowed this from the library today. The "dopamine" tag is a bit of a diversion: it's basically low-carb, but still, some of the recipes look interesting. Has anyone else tried any from the book?


    ITSKBHUN Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I started following this 2 weeks ago and I'm already down 6 lbs :) I have been following his ideas - which is essentially low carb but not too strict. The little bit of fruit now and again has kept sugar cravings at bay and I've been having small spoonfuls of sugary sauces like ketchup, sweet chilli here and there. A friend of mine has been following it since Christmas and has lost 2 stone, despite a few cheat days where he has drank alcohol etc.

  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    Have you tried any of the sweet recipes with that sugar substitute (erythritol?) he reccomends?