Mothers of 3?

Hey mamas out there with 3 or more, how are you managing meal plans? I have a newborn,3 yr old and 5 yr old and can't seem to get myself into healthy eating habits.


  • nataliebreen85
    nataliebreen85 Posts: 2 Member
    My kids are older than yours, but I find that simply having the healthy food within reach makes it much easier to eat well. I keep bananas, apples, and oranges out in the kitchen. If I'm actually hungry, opposed to being bored, I'll have one of those as a snack. For meals, I just make conscious choices at the store and have things that are simple to make instead on meals that take an hour and a half with 25 different steps.
  • BrookeRunningMom
    BrookeRunningMom Posts: 156 Member
    I only have two young ones 3 and 15 months, I fined them helping with cooking helps them eat healthy. You can't be perfect, we will still go to MacDonald's or order pizza when it's a hectic day, but will plan meals ahead of time write what you need down and go to groceries, my trick is to go around the outside of the grocery store and barely go into the middle aisles
    Look up healthy recipes online. Good luck !
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    I had my third baby December 2015. The entire year following was a huge transition. It was so much harder for me to go to three then it had been to go to one or two. It is very very hard to get back into a routine. Now my kids are four, three, and that baby is 16 months and I feel like I've adjusted to the new normal. My biggest tip is, be honest and do not bring food into the house that you will go crazy on. You might not have time to be making yourself elaborate meals, you might not have time to work out right now, but you do have time to just not go crazy on junk food (though it is still so hard when you are nursing, if you are!) I have downed many a giant bag of trail mix; I bought it and told myself it would be a healthy snack, but it's not a healthy snack when eating half a large bag in the mid afternoon because you need energy :-) I love having Jonagold apples, or another type of Apple that you love, around. If you can make a pot of soup and freeze it, or even just eat canned soup that has a decent nutritional profile, that has saved my butt.

    Now I am pregnant with our final baby, due in July, and wondering what the heck the transition will be like this time!
  • EmbeeKay
    EmbeeKay Posts: 249 Member
    Oh, and I love these workouts. They are short, sweet, and challenging, but doable. All you need are some dumbbells and a ball. (There are 13 workouts in all.)

  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I have 5 kids with a 4 month old baby. Thankfully, hubby is very helpful and very supportive. I pre-make a bunch of grab and go snacks because that's where I fall short. I am in no rush to lose the weight so I change what I can when I can. This part of my life will be over so fast that I want to enjoy it without worrying too much about what I cannot control.
  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    I have 4 kids and a hubby who does nothing so you could call that 5 kids
  • croftie4
    croftie4 Posts: 221 Member
    Lost post
  • AgidGirl
    AgidGirl Posts: 138 Member
    I have 3 active boys (4, 9 and 11). Snack options at our house have always been fruits and veggies. We always have apples, oranges, bananas and some other seasonal fruit option on our island in the kitchen. In the fridge we keep sliced cucumbers (get a mandolin, it makes it so quick), carrots, green beans, sweet peppers, and other seasonal veg cut up. We literally let the kids eat as much of these as they like (within reason). I also keep various yogurts, granola, string cheese, air-popped popcorn, cliff bars (for after practices), beef jerky, lunch meat, hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, etc, etc. We make breakfast at home (cereal, oatmeal, eggs, etc) and usually sandwiches or homemade lunchables for lunch. Dinners are tricky with kids going to practices and events, I'll usually make wraps on super busy nights or an actual meal on less crazy evenings. I definitely have 1 picky eater who 'hates this dinner' at least 3x per week. Our rule is if you don't like it, you can have a piece of bread with PB and all the veggies and fruits you want (again w/in reason).

    If you only have healthy options at home your kids will learn to deal with it!! Now, I will say that we do have crackers or chips and less healthy snacks on occasion. But, they are a TREAT and my kids are totally fine w/out having them on a regular basis. Good luck!!
  • dixisue
    dixisue Posts: 10 Member
    I have 3 kids and just started eating better. This week what has worked for us is to have a written meal plan for dinners, they choose breakfast in the morning, and lunches made in the evening before going to bed. Snacks are allowed when hungry and we have fruit, veggies, yogurt and cheese.
    AgidGirl wrote: »
    I have 3 active boys (4, 9 and 11). Snack options at our house have always been fruits and veggies. We always have apples, oranges, bananas and some other seasonal fruit option on our island in the kitchen. In the fridge we keep sliced cucumbers (get a mandolin, it makes it so quick), carrots, green beans, sweet peppers, and other seasonal veg cut up. We literally let the kids eat as much of these as they like (within reason). I also keep various yogurts, granola, string cheese, air-popped popcorn, cliff bars (for after practices), beef jerky, lunch meat, hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, etc, etc. We make breakfast at home (cereal, oatmeal, eggs, etc) and usually sandwiches or homemade lunchables for lunch. Dinners are tricky with kids going to practices and events, I'll usually make wraps on super busy nights or an actual meal on less crazy evenings. I definitely have 1 picky eater who 'hates this dinner' at least 3x per week. Our rule is if you don't like it, you can have a piece of bread with PB and all the veggies and fruits you want (again w/in reason).

    If you only have healthy options at home your kids will learn to deal with it!! Now, I will say that we do have crackers or chips and less healthy snacks on occasion. But, they are a TREAT and my kids are totally fine w/out having them on a regular basis. Good luck!!
    AgidGirl, I am stealing most of your ideas ;)
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    If your husband can watch the kids, go shopping like on Friday night, after you put the kids to bed. Just bring the stuff in the house, put away fridge/freezer stuff, then, early Saturday morning, start pulling things out, lettuce, celery, carrots, peppers, wash and prep everything. That is the key. Decide what will be for breakfast, lunches, dinner, have a loose plan, and with everything prepped,it is easier. Hard boil at least 12 eggs, and peel them, leave in fridge for quick protein snack. Get an Instant pot, if you can.
  • britotheknee
    britotheknee Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you all for your amazing suggestions! I've been leanin on my mother for help as my husbands had to put in extra time at work these last few weeks. It's been helping since she will come help cook and watches my kids while I take my dog on a walk around our community it's only for 15 minutes but it's .75 miles and it's a start!
  • fedupfatty86
    fedupfatty86 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm glad somebody posted this because I've been struggling with this myself. I have 3 girls ages 11,2, and 14 months. I literally just started this a little over a week ago but I printed out a weekly calendar and wrote down dinners for the whole week because that's what I struggle with the most. The girls all go to school and daycare so they eat breakfast and lunch there
  • anorman16
    anorman16 Posts: 14 Member
    First, congrats on your new baby and also the desire to be healthy! I have 3 kiddos, ages 10, 6, and 2. I love my crockpot and use it at least twice a week! It makes things a lot easier because I can throw everything together in the morning before I'm "wrung out" by early evening. I google easy and healthy crockpot meals for new recipes. Also, I sometimes make a double batch of dinner and set aside or freeze the portion we didn't eat for a meal the next week. Finally, not sure if you have a Sam's Club or Costco membership, but I utilize it 2-3 times per month when I'm there and know it'll be a busy evening and purchase their rotisserie chicken and a bag salad or take n bake pizza and salad. Hope this helps and best wishes!