
chapagonzo Posts: 53
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
I started, under doctor's care, using Phentermine ten days ago. For me, I am experience ups and downs with it. I take it in the morning around 8:00. Some days I do really well with it in that I rarely feel hungry and other days, like today, I woke up hungry and still feel a little shaky. I was wondering if anyone else has an experience to share and some pointers on getting the best out of taking it.


  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    I take mine at 9am everymorning, some morning I am hungry and have eaten already and other days I'm not hungry at all. I've never been "starving" since taking it. I try to stick with 1200 calories but often end up with around 1000.

    Haven't really gotten any of the side effects, however, I noticed at night I sweat a lot more.

    I'm on day 6 and down 4.8lbs
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Are you having any caffeine with it? Phentermine is a stimulant drug. So you have to be very careful with what you're taking in, and if you already have some heart problems such as high blood pressure and rapid heart rate.
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    Agree with dittiepe - maybe you should take a look at your caffeine intake. If you're not drinking any caffeine, maybe try increasing your water intake. How many calories are you eating per day? Perhaps you're not eating quite enough food and your blood sugar is low? Your safest bet would be to talk to your doctor about it. Maybe your dose needs adjusted even?

    Good luck and I hope you start feeling better!
  • ngilliam1
    ngilliam1 Posts: 14
    Just a heads up. I took Phentremine and lost 60 pounds in like 3-4 months. When I stopped taking it, I gained 80 back. NOT saying that will happen to you, just something to think about. :happy:

    Also, they are right. Lower your caffeine intake and the jitters should not be so bad.
  • sonybalony
    sonybalony Posts: 335 Member
    I take mine when I get up, eat a half hour later, drink 64 to 100 oz a day and NEVER NEVER EVER have any caffeine!!! Now when I first started I only ate if I was hungry... which is stupid considering it makes your appetite go away... and felt like crap, and felt hungry when I woke up, when I paid attention and ate at least 1200 calories a day I felt fine.

    With Friendship and Warmth from Missouri,

  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Posts: 53
    Only taking half a pill a day.......only one cup of coffee a day. No other caffeine. Think I am going to adjust my fruit intake (about four a day now) and add a little more protein in. Also will up my water intake.

    Don't deal with the jitters and mild anxiety too well. It just seems weird that one day you do and feel great and the next I wake up feeling a little shaky.
  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Posts: 53
    One other note, I am definitely eating my calories daily. I am super focused on trending my daily diet to one that I will continue to use after I stop the phentermine. I am determined not to go overboard by not eating and setting myself up for failure down the road. YOU guys are giving me some great feedback and it is appreciated.

    I wish you much success in your journey!!!
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    One other note, I am definitely eating my calories daily. I am super focused on trending my daily diet to one that I will continue to use after I stop the phentermine. I am determined not to go overboard by not eating and setting myself up for failure down the road. YOU guys are giving me some great feedback and it is appreciated.

    I wish you much success in your journey!!!

    I only take a half. It works best that way for me. Make sure you are getting protein. If I get the shakes or feel really hungry it's usually because I haven't eaten enough meat.

    It's a great tool to change your lifestyle.
  • ncrissey460
    ncrissey460 Posts: 97 Member
    I started taking Apidex 2 weeks ago and weighed in today down 4 lbs. It really doesnt do anything for me. I dont drink caffeine. i drink a gallon or more of water a day. Not sure if its the frame of mind im in now or waht but i tend to make better choices and i def eat at lot less at sittings. I was a little disappointed that i only lost 4 lbs in 2 weeks. I play softball twice a week and i walk 3.5 miles around a local lake 2-3 times a week. Im suppose to be on a 1000 calorie diet but i have been averaging around 1250.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I took it. Don't take it anymore. My doctor only allowed 3 month's worth, but she did say I could cut the pills in half. That worked really well for me.

    I had insomnia on it. I needed to take it first thing in the morning. But it helped with my energy, so I wasn't exhausted from the insomnia.
  • I just took my very first dose today. I felt a little strange after I took it this morning maybe a little jittery. Otherwise I didn't feel any different. Hoping this works for me!
  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Posts: 53
    I hope that you are starting with half a pill. I did that the first three days then I tried a whole one. It def made me feel strange. That lasted two days and I went back the a half of one.
  • lakenleona
    lakenleona Posts: 22 Member
    I've been taking phentermine for 2 weeks and have lost 10 lbs so far. I have anxiety already so my doctor told me to cut back to half a pill if I get jittery or feel anxious, but so far it hasn't pushed my anxiety over the norm. The past week, my mouth started getting dry a lot which is another side effect, so I just drank more water and that helped. I usually take mine in the morning around 8 to 8:30 with a bottle of water and wait at least 20 minutes before eating anything for breakfast. My biggest struggle with it so far has been meeting my calorie goals....most days I have to make myself eat something even when the thought of food doesn't appeal to me at all. I exercise 2-3 times a week for about 30 mins, plus I add a lot of little exercise into my daily routine. I try to eat lots of protein and small meals throughout the day. I'm using phentermine as a "jump-start" to my weight loss and trying to learn good eating and exercise habits while it is there to help so I will be able to sustain good habits when I stop taking it. Good luck and I hope it works well for you!
  • Hi I just started taking Bontril 105mg today. It is a capsule so I can't break it. Its suppose to be extended release. I dont know if this is the same as what you are taking. My doctor gave it to me cause I am obese. I am suppose to weigh around 150 for my height but I am at 242...ugh Just started the meds today and doing walking on my treadmill for 30 minutes 3 days a week. I could use some help if you know anyone who is or was taking this medicine..Is yours helping you???
  • chapagonzo
    chapagonzo Posts: 53
    For the most part, it is helping. Although I do get hungry, it is not over the top where I throw in the towel and give up. I guess it takes away the compulsiveness to eat. I have been able to stick to under 1000 calories for 14 days now. I have yet to see how much weight I have lost....I want to wait another week. My daily meals are packed with a lot of fruit. I also purchase turkey deli meat that allows 6 slices for 45 calories and eat that with a cheese stick. It seems to work well for me. I would also recommend some of the light soups. I had a whole can of Progress Light Chicken Noodle soup tonight along with cherry tomatoes and a whole cucumber. All in all that was only about 220 calories.

    I know your struggle is tough.....slow and steady...a day at a time. It is the most realistic approach. I don't know anyone who is taking the same medicine you are. I sure hope it helps you out.

    Blessings and big hugs!
  • Hello-
    I started taking Phentermine on August 2nd, as a jump start help to a healthier lifestyle change. The first 3 days or so were great - I was NEVER hungry - I had to conciously make myself eat... but after that it was like my body got used to it or something. Most days I feel as if I hadn't taken anything - I'm hungry and just have to try to make those healthy choices. I am still taking it, so maybe I would be way worse off if I weren't - not sure. I lost about 10 lbs that first week, and since then I'm down about 5 more. I never knewabout the 1/2 pill option, so I always take 1 pill around 8 am. I try to have 1 can of soda or less, and I drinklots of water. I was going to ask my Dr. at my monthly check-in (required for insurance and health purposes) - if it would be possible/safe to try to take it for 3 days thenstop for a few days and repeat the cycle, so the body doesn'tadapt to it too much. My caloriesalloted for the day are like 1800 or in that area, and I try to stay around 1500 because I've heard if you cut calories too low it is very bad for your metabolism. Anyways - I wish everyone luck on their weight loss journeys!!:flowerforyou:
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