Hello! Need some encouragement...please

MrsBizzo Posts: 8
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Good Morning!

I joined the site about 3 months ago but did not begin using it daily until this past week. Just clebrated a birthday and wanted to begin to get my life together and I'm going to start with my weight.

Just turned 36 so I have a list of 36 things that I will work on in the next year.

Although I'm already frustrated becuase the scale isn't budging. You would think since I'm being conscience about what I'm eating that would be helpful. Iwon't give up but I just want to see a little movement, you know? I am an obsessive weigher and if I'm home I could do it up to three times a day. I think I will need to have my husband hide the scale so I don't go crazy.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    The best way to make this site work for you is to fully participate. Fill out your profile page, log in everyday, get some friends, help support others, and do your best to stay under the calorie goal. You can add me as a friend if you like!
  • ShannaB83185
    ShannaB83185 Posts: 441 Member
    I am an obsessive weigher too but I have gotten a lot better!! I have learned in past expierence when doing other diets such as weight watchers that your weight is going to flacuate bottom line! If you weigh yourself everyday or up to three times a day as you say then you just going to get discouraged! Weighing yourself once a week is a great way for me. I look forward to Wednesday mornings although I do sometimes cheat in between. Defiantley have your husband hide the scale and only bring it out once a week!! My friend that i work with have started this weight loss together so I am taking my scale to work and leaving it there so we can both weigh in once a week! This will prevent me from weighing in any other time during the week!! You can do it!!!!! GOOD LUCK :)
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    I agree with mabug. It's a commitment and we all help each other get through every day. You'll get a lot of support here, believe me :)

    That being said, feel free to add me as a friend! I'll be glad to be one of the people giving you support.
  • Welcome! I know how frustrating it can be...trust me I have 2 bathroom scales and I check every morning when I wake up. I know a lot of people check weekly and they say this keeps them sane. Me, I have to know that if I ate something new the day before, I want to know if I paid a price for it and catch it before the weeks gone. I can see how weighing yourself multiple times a day you would get you upset because your weight changes throughout the day so if I where you just limit it to the same time every day and only one time lol if possible.Definitely get your husband to hide them scales from you lol!! I also look at my pals food diary's for food ideas so I can change it up a little bit and keep it interesting and I can also see what food and calorie intake works for them. Feel free to add me, and don't get discouraged. You mentioned your scale isn't moving so that also means your not gaining right! And that is a good thing :)
  • ngilliam1
    ngilliam1 Posts: 14
    I weigh myself once a week--same day and close to same time. Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day, so do not go making yourself crazy checking it all the time. Checking it once a week, same time/day, will USUALLY give you the most accurate update.

    Good Luck!!! :happy:
  • I too am new t this site. But with anything in life you must want it bad to make it work. As far as the scale, it is just a number and really doesn't control who you are. My plan is to lost 1 lbs a week and so far so good. I am just getting started and I am okay with a little at a time. Healthier is better and just the fact that you are on here is very positive. Friend me if you like and we can work on our journey together
  • paschtat85
    paschtat85 Posts: 45
    You can do it...but I agree with others...fill out profile...add photos.....make goals...small....and have friends....there have many many days that I was down and out and encouragment from friends pulled me through....weigh once a week....drink lots of water or iced tea and try to get at least 3 servings of veggies and fruit a day.....I would love to be your friend...believe me - I struggle too and am far from purr-fect...but find even on the 'bad" days I still og what I eat and go on....
  • KittMahan
    KittMahan Posts: 106
    Make friends and be OCD about logging food... research shows that those who have support around them and who log their calories daily will succeed over time... remember, this is about lifetime fitness, not a diet... you can do it, you've taken the first important steps already... cheering for you :)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • lmc017
    lmc017 Posts: 4
    Well done on starting, and good luck!
  • Hi, I have just joined so unfortunately I don't have much advice but I did want to encourage you not to be obsessive in weighing. I have been there and done that and trust me, it isn't a good thing. I know that it is said to weigh once a week and I still weigh daily but no more than that. Hang in there and keep on your journey. I am sure that you can do it.
  • LivLovLrn
    LivLovLrn Posts: 580 Member
    Hello there!
    I have to agree with the consensus here, do your best to limit the amount you weigh yourself. Also I recommend you measure yourself every one or two weeks. Muscle takes up less room than fat (I won't say it weighs more than fat because then you'll get a big old debate started on this thread) and so you could be gaining weight or staying the same but actually losing size. So if you choose a different day to measure yourself than to weigh yourself, you double the times you are "checking in" and that may help some.
    It sounds like you've got a good start on things, way to go :) We'll be here to support you through this journey!
  • ccarpe
    ccarpe Posts: 118
    You can friend me if you want. I am also an OCD about the scales, I have really been considering having my husband hide them from me and only let me weigh in once a week. Haven't gotten to courage to follow through with it though. I just started my second month of MFP and I love this site. I am faithful about logging in ALL my food and excercise. I must admit I do not eat the extra calories it says to from adding excersize. I have a total of 160 to lose. My first month, I consider to be a great success with weight lost ---- 26 lbs. I am a christian and I believe in the power of prayer, and believe me......I have done alot of praying for strength and willpower and craving control & He has been faithfully providing. Welcome and we WILL do this.:bigsmile:
  • Comfortableme
    Comfortableme Posts: 33 Member
    Having the scale in a place that you see it every day is very tempting. I usually weigh myself once a week, that being said, my scale in out in the bathroom and I see it on a daily basis. Most of the time, I can stick to once a week, as I agree with many of the comments that have already been said about fluctuation. The worst part for me, when I weigh myself more than once a week is the disappointment I feel when the scale does not move or goes up slightly. It starts me on a negative path for the rest of that day. I am finding that I need positive attitudes to keep myself going. It is very easy for me to start feeling negative and then it turns to eating something that isn't the best choice to, oh, well I blew it, to who cares. It is amazing how one small little feeling can turn out to be so disastrous. It might be a good exercise to log each time you weigh yourself so you can see the actual behavior and feelings that go with that behavior. Then make a goal to weigh only once a week. You can start small by starting with every other day and working up to once a week. Good luck and welcome to MFP!

    Please feel free to add me as a friend so we can continue this journey together.
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    I know it's hard to make that scale budge, especially if it's the one thing that you want more than anything. My suggestion is to trust the system. Friend me, if you would like an extra cheer leader. Use a support system, log everything that goes into your mouth, and my personal favorite, exercise. For me, that was the key to all of this. I could eat what I wanted when I was moving. As soon as I stopped, it didn't matter if I stuck to my calorie goal, the scale stopped moving when I did. The hardest thing for me (and still contiues to be) is to keep the committment to myself. If I make a plan to exercise, I keep that appointment. It's cannot be the first thing to go. If it is... then my numbers suffer. Would you cancel a very necessary appointment with your best friend? No. I would never let them down... therefore I need to stop letting me down.

    Good luck.
    :love: :happy:
  • Some say motivation doesn't last...well neither does bathing, that's why its recommended daily.
    Good luck in your weight loss journey! Here's hoping that MFP is the perfect little spot of motivation for you!
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