CICO, It's a math formula



  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    This is so beautiful :'(
  • MomReborn
    MomReborn Posts: 145 Member
    Sticky this! <3
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member

    No further words necessary!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    VioletRojo wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Just want to put this out there for some of the newbies, and others that may be a bit confused about the whole concept of "CICO"- Calories in VS Calories Out.

    First, CICO is a math formula that will tell you one of three things.

    If you want to lose weight, then you need to make your Calories In less than Out = calorie deficit to lose weight.

    Second, if you want to maintain then you need of make your calories in = calories out = maintenance to maintain current weight.

    Finally, if you want to gain, then you need to make your calories in greater than your calories out = caloric surplus.

    CICO is not a way of eating, I repeat CICO is not a way of eating. If you are doing Keto, low carb, moderate protein/moderate carbs, IIFYM, etc and you are gaining, maintaining, or losing weight then you are using the fundamental principle of CICO.

    CICO is not eating a diet of 100% "junk," or ignoring nutrition, or not caring about body composition, it is just a math formula that tells you to reach a goal. The formula is not perfect and it requires trial and error, but in the end it works for everyone, period.

    If your goal is straight weight loss then you can just apply CICO, and eat less than you burn.
    If your goal is to be more lean, or have advanced body composition goals, then you are going to need macro/micro adherence + a structured exercise regimen.

    Finally, all calories are equal in that they provide the same measure of energy; however, they do not all contain the same nutritional profile.

    I'm thinking you're going to have to re-post this about once a month. 50 times a day

    Fixed it for you.

    Great post OP. Bookmarked for ease of finding every 5 minutes :smiley:

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    I also want to mention that there are lots of variables that make up both sides of that equation (particularly CO). Just because someone isn't getting the results some online calculator predicts they should be getting doesn't mean that the CICO formula is invalid.

    agree, it is still trial and error...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    AliceDark wrote: »
    I also want to mention that there are lots of variables that make up both sides of that equation (particularly CO). Just because someone isn't getting the results some online calculator predicts they should be getting doesn't mean that the CICO formula is invalid.

    agree, it is still trial and error...

    I think this is one of the things that leads to people going batshit crazy over the CICO idea in the forums. It's not that CICO is an incorrect equation, it's that you're not accurately calculating one of the many variables on either side.

    true...however, once you peg it down it really does work well...
  • brittyn3
    brittyn3 Posts: 481 Member
    edited April 2017
    Great post, especially with the influx of disputes lately.

  • ConquerAndBloom
    ConquerAndBloom Posts: 94 Member
    THANK YOU! :):):)
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