Add me! Really serious about getting my weight down.

Im new, cant wait to meet you all and get motivated. My biggest issue is finding the energy to run etc after a day at work, and I cant work out before work as it is not feasible. How do you all fit workouts into your schedule?



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    hey you, welcome to mfp! i work full time and have a 2.5yr old! if i can fit in exercise after work so can you!

    the key is planning! make sure you dedicate some time to work out, i dont know whether you go to the gym or workout at home. I like dvds like jillian michaels 30ds which is only 27mins long so u have no excuse to not do it. or even try the couch to 5k programme which is only 30mins long and will make u into a runner! Basically, what im trying to say is you have to make time to ensure you get healthy and think of this as a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix.

    keep logging everything you eat and get exercising- the results will come! if you are willing to be patient and do it properly :)
  • jessilee119
    jessilee119 Posts: 444 Member
    Im new, cant wait to meet you all and get motivated. My biggest issue is finding the energy to run etc after a day at work, and I cant work out before work as it is not feasible. How do you all fit workouts into your schedule?


    I actually exercise after work at around 7 pm. I switch days between Tae Bo and the Elliptical (we bought an Elliptical so I have no excuse about not getting to the gym). I used to think I didn't have the time, but I still have time to do things even with exercise. Feel free to add me!
  • helly_zgb
    helly_zgb Posts: 39
    welcome to MFP! maybe you should go straight to the gym after work for about an hour and run there... you wouldn't lose too much time and you would have rest of the day to do whatever you want to do :)
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Welcome! Maybe I shouldn't be chiming in as I have a very flexible schedule (I make my own hours for the most part since I'm currently writing my dissertation and I don't have a family that needs me), but for the last few years I have always put my work before the gym. At the end of the day I would convince myself that I was too tired, or I'd just push through a few more hours of work rather than taking a break and going to the gym. Finally this summer I started making it a priority and I found that I have so much more energy and I actually *want* to go to workout at the end of the day. I feel mentally exhausted but not sluggish, if that makes sense. Maybe force yourself to go for the first couple of weeks until it becomes a routine. And if you're absolutely exhausted at the end of the day, then do something with less impact. For example, if I prefer to run but if I'm really exhausted then I'll walk briskly on the treadmill on a high incline or do a yoga class.
  • ColoradoCowgirl
    I know that it can be daunting to try to fit in exercise into a busy day but it has to be a priority! Whenever I’m really tired and don’t want workout I just tell myself that I don’t have to do anything really strenuous I just have to get moving, even if it’s just a slow walk. Usually I’ll get on the treadmill and think “just a 30 min walk”, but once I get going I start feeling better and can get a little jogging in at least. It also really helps to have some good music to get you pumped up! That’s what worked best for me!
    Once you get into a routine it gets easier and you start to have more energy! Two years ago workouts were torture and now they are a highlight of my day!
  • mweight123
    Hi and welcome to the site!! This is a great place to get motivation and support :)

    I also struggle with working out. I have been trying to lose weight off and on for years but I could never really commit to an exercise routine because I was always to tired or too stressed out. I am not a morning person at all and after working all day, making dinner for the family and playing with my daughter, working out was the last thing I wanted to do.

    What I have found out over the past few weeks is that if you make the commitment to do it, exercise is a wonderful thing!! I really had to push myself to do it for the first week or so, and I hated every minute of it, but now I actually look forward to my evening workouts now.

    My advice would be to start slow. I started doing the 30DS video (only 25 mins) and have worked up to exercising 40 minutes each day. The more you exercise, the easier and more enjoyable it will be :)!!!

    Also, feel free to add me for motivation an support!! Together, we can all accomplish our goals!
  • shawnalaufer
    Some say motivation doesn't last...well neither does bathing, that's why its recommended daily.
    Good luck in your weight loss journey! Here's hoping that MFP is the perfect little spot of motivation for you!
  • pinkylala
    pinkylala Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for the fabulous support and inspirational tips! Tomorrow after work I hit the gym and start my first day. Cant wait to log in after and share.
    Btw what do you recommend to eat at work, I find that packing a salad really doesnt make me look forward to lunch and I'm not sure what to substitute with..Im sure that there are a million options and its probably a silly question, but I am so hectic with my schedule etc I dont plan well, Id appreciate options anyone could recommend.
    Thanks again :)
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    Thank you all for the fabulous support and inspirational tips! Tomorrow after work I hit the gym and start my first day. Cant wait to log in after and share.
    Btw what do you recommend to eat at work, I find that packing a salad really doesnt make me look forward to lunch and I'm not sure what to substitute with..Im sure that there are a million options and its probably a silly question, but I am so hectic with my schedule etc I dont plan well, Id appreciate options anyone could recommend.
    Thanks again :)

    why wait till tomorrow? log in now!