Aagh!!!!!!!! Weekends!!!

alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
How do you guys deal with weekends?? Do you still stick to your diets? Weekends are so hard for me even when I try to stick to my diet there is something going on that sabotages it... and eating out!!!!!!!!!!!! geez, it is so hard to calculate the calories when I eat out!!! I just don't want to be a slave to the "diet" on weekends too. Any suggestions?


  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    How do you guys deal with weekends?? Do you still stick to your diets? Weekends are so hard for me even when I try to stick to my diet there is something going on that sabotages it... and eating out!!!!!!!!!!!! geez, it is so hard to calculate the calories when I eat out!!! I just don't want to be a slave to the "diet" on weekends too. Any suggestions?
  • aslavich
    aslavich Posts: 250 Member
    I'm having the same problem except it's flowing into Monday... Ugh!
    :sick: Angela
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    That's the main reason I weigh on Fridays and not on Mondays :tongue: Then I have all week to atone for my sins of the weekend!! But, I do notice that the longer I live "healthy" my weekend sins are less and less. I guess I give myself a little extra leeway, but try not to go completely crazy. I also am much more active on the weekend than during the week - catching up on housework, playing with the kids (outside if it's nice enough - not this weekend :ohwell: ) Weekends are hard on my diet though because I'm home, around food, etc!! I guess it's a matter, for me, of just keep trying and not being too hard on myself if I go a little overboard. And weigh on Friday, not Monday!!
  • Jodywin
    I do have a hard time sticking to it on the weekends, but I'm also more active on the weekends than I am during the week. As soon as I get up on the weekends I hit the treadmill for an hour. Then do abs. I feel better if I eat something I shouldnt because at least I got my workout done for the day.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    I don't work out on week ends nor to I try to keep track of what I eat.
    However I try to not go insane either.
    On week ends my boyfriend and I usually go out for breakfast around 10:00am so I only have 2 meals and I keep a tight rein on what I either order or in the case of a buffet, what I put on my plate. and if I get hungry in between I can snack on veggies or a 100 calorie snack pack.
    For example we went out on Sunday and I ordered a Vegetarian Omelet. I'll admit I did eat the hash browns but I only ate 1/2 of the omelet and 1 slice of bread. So while I have no idea of the exact calorie or fat count I consumed I really don't think I did much damage.
  • pmj315
    pmj315 Posts: 15 Member
    Geezzzz.......... I thought I was the only one who went through this... I work so hard during the week than on the weekends, I just let it go..... I don't get it at all, I just don't understand what makes me give up so easily on the weekends.... So, frustrated....
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    ditto here too!

    I still try very hard to enter into the database what I eat even if I eat out. This way I really do understand the portion control that I practice at home while dining out.

    Some weekends are tougher on me than others but since I don't eat to my exercise calorie level I have the flexibility to allow myself some indulgences that I wouldn't do otherwise. Since I am scale watching I know the impacts immediately and know that the next week will have to make up for it along with some stronger will power. So far that's worked for me but I dread the impact on my morale and weight if I fall off the wagon really hard!
  • delightedin
    I'd say have a day off on saturday and sunday - but don't go overboard, and do your exercise normally on the day you're still dieting. It's good to give your body a break, nobody can keep it up 24/7, trust me. Best advice is just don't beat yourself up, if you do great 5 days of the week and then 2 days not so well, you're still doing great MOST of the time!!

    Keep it up :)
  • frazzelmama
    I have a really hard time on the weekends...my weekend schedule is so crazy, it doesn't allow a lot of time for anything. I just try to be very aware of what I'm eating, even if I'm eating out. I've noticed that the more success I see on the scales and in my clothes, the more it motivates me to be good!!