After 120+lbs, the last 20 might kill me.

Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
edited April 2017 in Motivation and Support
Did anyone else find the last leg of the weight loss marathon to feel like an emotional and physical roller coaster?

So very close to my goal weight, and I imagine the hormonal shift of having so little bodyfat compared to before is driving me loopy. My focus levels, energy levels, hunger levels, etc, are all over the place.

(and I know the last 20 won't ACTUALLY kill me, I'm being dramatic :))



  • Stella3838
    Stella3838 Posts: 439 Member
    I've read other posts where it's suggested to take a "diet break" after a long stretch, so essentially eat at your maintenance for a period of time to reset your mind and re-establish focus. It sure is a lot of work and can be exhausting. Doesn't mean you go back to the old way. Still track foods, work out if you do, but just ease up a bit before that last push. But seriously, that's an awesome loss, so hooray you!!!!
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I'm looking forward to finding my maintenance calories! Way too close to stop now, but I imagine eating at maintenance will be huge for my mental and physical well being. I'm assuming they will be around 2,100-2,300 calories or so, and the idea of eating that much is exciting. I average 1700-1800 most days to maintain my 1-2lb loss per week.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    When I get close to goal weight, I'm going to give fasting a try. I like what I've read about how it can keep you lean and how it helps with health/longevity.

    Have you looked at fasting, there are many options. I'll probably try 5/2 since it sounds the most sustainable.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I do the 16/8 protocol sat-thursday (basically I don't eat breakfast) then on Fridays I will sometimes do a full fast of just 500 calories. I also read it's good for general health and longevity, the autophagey forces cells to basically cannabilize themselves and the toxins with it from what I gathered.

    I think the IF works for me in the sense that it leaves calories open for the end of the night. I can't sleep if I get hunger pangs.

    I remember before IF had an official name, someone made "The warrior diet", it was popular on where basically you didn't eat except one meal a day. The idea was that it was difficult to go over your daily cals in one meal, but like most broscience off that site I watched a lot of people fail with it.

    Days where I do the full 500calorie fast are dangerous b/c I am insanely hungry the next day.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Seriously though, didn't anyone else find the last 20lbs to be more difficult on them physically and mentally?

    It's like I'm losing my mind some days. Otherdays like today I'm lethargic and run down. I'm currently recalibrating my diet, and replacing things with more fiberous foods/more veggies to try and satiate myself a bit more.

    I don't *think* my calories are too low. MFP puts me at 1500 a day and I eat back almost all my calories, so weekdays I'm averaging 1700-1800. I suppose eating more might help? Maybe? I'd just rather deal with the fatigue and get to my goal weight in this lifetime than losing even slower. So it's a 22. Basically the last 20lbs are going. to. kill. me.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    YES!!! Last 10 for me. Being so close to goal means no wiggle room. It's exhausting. Basically one night of having a few drinks can wipe out my whole deficit so it feels like its taking forever.

    Congrats on your loss so far, though. Awesome job!
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    Thank you! I feel the same way, and it is unnerving. A little slip up is enough to set my loss back days. Maybe small in the grand scheme of things, but I can't help but want to "sprint when the finish line is in view". The scale shows me numbers I never thought I'd see, and I'm just so damn close I'm going bonkers lol.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    OP- I'm super proud of you and I don't even know you. And seriously, yes. The last bit is a nightmare. I lost 70# thinking 150 would be my goal weight. Then realized, I really need to be closer to 135. At that point, I did a diet break for 6 months to let everything settle in. Now, I'm back in a deficit and I'm finding the margin of error is razor thin. I can wipe out and an entire weeks work (1700/day) with some wine or ice cream.

    Adjust your thinking now! This IS your new reality. How you are eating RIGHT NOW is very close to your lifestyle in maintenance. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. I don't mean that be all doomsday, it's just the truth. You're NOT going to be done when you lose those last 20#, you'll just be starting a new chapter. And you'll still be hungry and get cravings when you do bump up to 2100 (my exact number too BTW).

    If I had lost what you lost and was still able to lose 1# a week, I'd be turning cartwheels. Keep at it.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    thinking 150 would be my goal weight. Then realized, I really need to be closer to 135.

    Funny you mentioned this, because I was considering asking people how far off they were from their goals. It seems to be so common. A lot of big guys think they'll be lean at sub 200. Then I realized well wow, BMI might not be crazy, I'll be lean at 185 for sure. Now that I've got 185 in my cross hairs I'm realizing my "real" goal weight is probably more 170-175!! Never in my life did I ever think I'd want to get that low.

    Turns out BMI is a pretty good indicator for "most" people, because being in the middle of "normal" BMI is turning out to be my goal.
  • onechoiceatatime2015
    onechoiceatatime2015 Posts: 47 Member
    Add me please:)
  • theabbygrace
    theabbygrace Posts: 9 Member
    I relate to this conversation soooo much! I have lost 140 pounds so far ( I still have more to lose) and I am way more stressed about losing weight now then I have EVER been. It seems crazy impossible and like I am never going to lose any more weight no matter how hard I try. When you say these last pounds are more difficult both physically and mentally, I know what you mean. Physically, when it comes to working out I am pushing myself harder than I ever have and stay sore most the time. Mentally, I want to cry every time I step on the scale.
    So, I guess I really don't have any advice. Just wanted to say I kind of understand what you mean, haha!
  • dutchandkiwi
    dutchandkiwi Posts: 1,389 Member
    The last bit is the hardest. I decided it was my trial to practice patience.
    I keep going, my deficit is a lot smaller, hence slower weightloss. I'll get there, just not tomorrow.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    I've always struggled with patience. That's probably why this is so mentally difficult for me. The slightest bit of error sets it back a day or two, which adds stress to keep perfect, which leads to stress related hunger, which leads to the slightest bit of error, etc.

    So damn close :(

    I'm at a point, finally, where just a few pounds off the scale makes a difference because there's so little of it left.

    I had a rough week today "life" wise, and even though my calorie levels were 'mostly' okay it was mostly junky sugar free sweets, dairy, and less exercise than normal, so I'm actually up a half pound this week. I know it's temporary. I know I will get there, but oh man, the mental anguish of the last bit being so difficult.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    edited April 2017
    YES!!!!!!!!!! [215 down, 20-25 to go.]
    I have lost weight before but have never been this close to a healthy final goal weight. Never in my life have I been able to say "oh, I want to lose 20-25 lbs," and it sounds so foreign to me. In the past losing 8 lbs a month was not unreasonable at all. I have no clue how long the last 20-25 will take. Like a few people above, my final goal weight has changed a number of times. After being nearly 400 lbs, I thought under 200 would never happen...but then it did. Then half of my heaviest weight came and went and I still wasn't healthy...then a 200 lb loss and I was still obese....then the slow down that comes with my body saying "WTF just happened???? You mean you're nearly just OVERWEIGHT?" Now I miss those easy 1000 calorie burns that I was able to achieve when I was super morbidly obese, and I miss being able to go fast and loose with the macros and decisions. Now I really DO see the effect of water weight and sodium and muscle repair and am no longer losing so easily. But I'm not giving up either.

    I guess all we can do is keep on keepin' on.
  • Geocitiesuser
    Geocitiesuser Posts: 1,429 Member
    215lbs is amazing!!!

    Keep on keeping on. Hard to remember it's a marathon and not a sprint. But it feels like a sprint right now. If I could survive just 25 weeks of perfection I know I will hit my prime, I know it!