What was your fnal straw?

I know we all have our reasons as to why we need/want to lose the weight.

But what was your final straw that said... "Enough is enough! Time to get started on this journey!"

For me, it was the clothes. My clothes were starting to get too small and I don't have the money to keep buying new clothes that fit. I was also tired of wearing a lot of t-shirts because they looked better on me than most of my clothes. Also, the cute clothes that wouldn't work for me because of my weight.

And in the meantime, I am creating a healthier life for not only myself, but for my family as well. When I come up with family dinners for the week, I cater it to my healthy lifestyle 95% if the time.

So it's a win/win situation. :)


  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Muffin top...I was sick of being not bad size but spilling over the top of any nice jeans I bought.
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Could not run and play with my grandkids without being out of breath in five minute and having to sit down.
  • TopazCarey
    TopazCarey Posts: 263
    It was clothes for me too. Having to wear sweat pants everyday is not fun.
  • kymmixxx
    kymmixxx Posts: 151 Member
    not being able to fit in any of my jeans, including my 'fat' jeans!
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    Clothes definitely but also feeling winded all the time not being able to just do all the active things I like to do. I would get tired tossing around a foot ball with my boyfriend. I was sick of feeling trapped in my own body!
  • atriana
    atriana Posts: 9
    Mine was being invited to a gala dinner and not fitting into any of the dresses that I already had in my wardrobe. Completely wibbled, ordered a new dress that will be arriving next week but have already lost 9lb since I ordered it, so probably the old ones will fit me before I get to the date I'm meant to be wearing it.

    never mind, it started me on my journey, now I just have to carry on :-)
  • dee74
    dee74 Posts: 62 Member
    I really had two reasons. I wanted to live a little longer or at least give myself a chance and I did not want to be an embarassment to my daughter. She is almost 5 and I really needed the strenght and energy to chase her around and do the fun things in life without limitations.
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I moved from WV to Indiana. This new city just seemed so much healthier. I could see people biking, walking, running & I just thought I wanna do that too. Being depressed about my clothes not fitting didn't help & in all honesty I was tired of being fat & lazy. The moved just changed my whole way of thinking. I guess the town I was from in WV I was considered pretty good looking compared to other women (it was a small small town) I should have never settled for being pretty good in a small town compared to what I really wished I looked like.
  • betam
    betam Posts: 16
    Mainly clothes, I have a serious muffin top going and I don't want to buy anymore clothes in a bigger size. I'm stuck with one pair of jeans, two pairs of khakis and several t-shirts that are starting to get holes in them they are so old! I have an entire dresser and closet full of clothes that don't fit! I can't wait to go shopping in my closet! 10 more lbs and I can fit most of my stuff, 15 and it will look good!
  • whitejessamine
    Mine was a near-death experience. First, I had a mini-stroke that left me partially paralyzed on the right side. I am mostly recovered from that, but still have nerve issues. Six months later, they found blood clots in four of the six major veins in my right calf. It was a real wake up call. I knew something had to change--but it took over a year before I really made any progress. Today, I am nearly 20 pounds lighter, and feel worlds better.
  • mmysliws
    mmysliws Posts: 15
    mine was cloths too. i finally went to the store to buy new jeans and the size i fit correctly into was bigger than what i use to buy by about 3 sizes.

    Also i ran the disney goofy race and a half challenge and saw the pics of myself from that race...i had never been so big and compared to the pics from my race the year before you could see how much weight i had gained. i thought that cause i was training for a marathon i would loose weight buy what i didnt realize was if i run 13mi but come home and eat a half a pizza...well it was like doing nothing...that was my last straw.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Realizing that I need to buy a bridesmaid dress for my sister's wedding and not wanting to look like a dancing hippo in it. And trying to sign up for MFP and realizing that I actually signed up last year, never used it (I completely forgot that I had ever even signed up!), AND weighing the exact same weight from the previous year, thus realizing that I had in fact wasted the entire year.
  • boomchristine
    boomchristine Posts: 3 Member
    My cousin, Janet, texted me a picture of her boyfriend's toilet seat that she broke! She and I weighed the same and were both miserable. It has been an amazing journey so far - absolutely life-changing.

  • whatsyour1020
    I couldn't work in my kitchen without using anti fatigue matts because my joints ached from excess weight. I have two young kids. My son has autism and loves to swim but I wouldn't take him because I was mortified at the thought of being seen in a swimsuit. why should my kids miss out on life because of my weight?!!
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    For most of my life I've been the skinny guy who could eat whatever I wanted. At least I thought I was. I watched my weight slowly creep up over the years, and figured that I could easily shed it someday. Then one day I saw a big ugly number on the scale I could NOT believe, and suddenly had a vision of my grandfather -- skinny as a stick when he was in his 30's, and round as a beachball when he died of heart disease at 61.
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    For me, while getting out of breath way to easily was an issue and
    the fear of not being able to do what my grandkids wanted to do
    was certainly a factor as well as the clothes thing, so tired of not,
    being able to wear clothes that flatter instead of granny clothes.

    While all of those things were a major problem for me, it wasn't
    until I went to see a specialist about my Hypothyroisism and her
    telling me that i was on my way to becoming a Diabetic that I was
    already a pre-diabetic, it was then that I made my desicion to take
    action and prevent that from happening, knowing that the only way
    to do that is to change the way you eat and exercise! So now I get
    to enjoy already having more energy, my clothes are getting looser,
    and I feel great, that's with only 19 lbs lost so far, I lost 14 before
    joing MFP! I can't wait to become the person that is inside of me,
    the one that has been hidden by all of the Mcdonalds, Burger King,
    Wendy's and well you get the picture!

    So happy to finally be on this journey of a lifetime, so happy to be
    taking it with all of you too!

    Please feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I knew I was fat, but didnt know how to do it. i joined the gym and went religiously for a month. But since I felt better that I was exercising i was reckless of what I ate. Then finally I found MFP.. I started eating the right amounts and right kinds along with walking and the weight started coming off... I love MFP
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    For me it was the muffin top after my 3rd baby. I didn't lose it all before getting pregnant with my 4th.

    I ate better with my 4th and I've lost that weight already. I'm now back to the weight I was before getting pregnant, just with a baby belly still. I think that is why I get so frustrated now. I feel like I've been trying to lose the same 25 pounds for 3 years :)
  • sapphiretyger
    sapphiretyger Posts: 79 Member
    When I first started the journey in 2007, it was a photograph of me fixing my daughter's hair for her prom. The size of my arm, and belly that was bigger than my chest, was truly the last straw!
    Over the past year and a half I have slowly gained back 27 of the 80 I lost.
    My recent "last straw" was getting on the scale for the first time in about 6 months and seeing the number"200" really close on that scale! I do not want ever want to hit that number again, and in fact have resolved to go back, not forward.
    At this point, my goal is to lose 20.
    I agree with the clothes. Little by little, I have been unable to wear certain items because they have gotten too tight or showed my belly that is getting harder and harder to hide. And I refuse to buy anything larger than what I own.
    So, it's on!
  • sallycheese
    i was pregnant and told i would have to have a gtt due to my bmi which may have meant a big no to my planes of a homebirth so i dcided to get healthy and not gain any extra weight if i could help it, sadly i miscarried but that gave me the big push to lose some weight before getting pregnant again, don't think i will get my bmi down to the level that they won't do the gtt on me for but it gives me more fight for the homebirth should i manage to carry to term, so far i am 9lbs down from when i had my miscarriage in may and a total of a stone down since january