It's like being new...

I haven't been around for a number of years (3? 4? something like that) but have decided to make a go at this whole 'being nice to my body' thing and try again.

One of the spurs for that was finding out that I have Hashimoto's Disease (and the hypothyroidism that goes with it), but now I'm on medication for it and hope to see improvement. What do you know? Turns out I really do have a slow metabolism. Now I'm less on a diet than just concentrating on making sure I eat enough vegetables, eliminating processed foods/sugar whenever possible.

Happy to be back!


  • yetieddie
    yetieddie Posts: 28 Member
    Feel free to add me please!
  • Tinazig8289
    Tinazig8289 Posts: 3 Member
    Feel free to add me if you are looking for friends!
  • datkangel
    datkangel Posts: 6 Member
    Welcum back,i have hypothyroidism too,i trying my best to increase more vegetables and also to lose weight even its hard due to my slow metabolism ,lets work hard :)
  • skinnycow1234567
    skinnycow1234567 Posts: 167 Member
    Need commited,motivated friends as well.