Scales - need your advice pls!! :o)

Which scales do you find to be more scales or the old fashioned ones? I have been weighing myself daily and I can get two or three different weights on my digital is SOOO frustrating! What is worse is that it never matches to what the Wii says...I am not banking on that being oober accurate but I also figure that it is comparing one weight to another then it is comparing relative numbers. Ex ~ the Wii says my weight and bmi are dropping - albeit slow, but it is moving bathroom scale says I am up and down and then stable for 5 or 6 days...I am weighing at the same time of day and in the same weight clothing.

BUT I am looking for an accurate scale so I can monitor my weight accurately.

Thanks a ton!!



  • mojomarie
    mojomarie Posts: 43 Member
    Hey! First of all, congratulations on your loss!:)
    Secondly and I speak from experience, only stick with ONE scale and weigh yourself once a week. If you're starting off on a specific type of scale (I've been happy with my digital scale, btw) you will benefit from sticking with this.

    Our bodies are funny and will hold water on some days and not others. So weighing only once a week not only relieves a little stress, it gives us a more accurate view of our progress!

    Good luck!
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Digital one are better. The old ones are sping loaded and can become inaccurate over the years. Weigh your self first thing in the morning after waking up before you eat or drink in your birthday suite. All scales can be off a little. What I do is take 2 DB and set them on first to see if it weights out correct or how close it is. then get on and you should be with in a few lbs or oz
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    Glad you asked this. I need help with new scales too. Mine weigh significantly lighter than the ones in my doctor's office (maybe 10 lbs) and the ones at my mother in laws house weigh about 3 pounds lighter than mine!!

    I have been wondering if this is a conspiracy by home scales manufacturers to make us feel better:wink: I could use some help choosing a new set that are more accurate. :bigsmile:
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    The scale I use is a weight watchers scale by conair. Model #ww78. It was 29.99 at bed bath and beyond. I loooove it!!! It tells you your bmi bone percentage water percantage and a few other things I can't remember. My scale has been really consistent and I fully trust the weights that it gives me. Also are you making sure the scale is in the same place. Maybe the floor is a little uneven and that can give you different weights.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Digital ones are usually better, but for true accuracy, that's usually the really expensive scales. There's some good advice about only weighing yourself on one scale. Additionally, you might want to weigh yourself at the same time of day. And you're going to fluctuate a bit during the week. (I still weigh everyday though because I want to know what normal fluctuations for me are.)
  • GabrielGil
    GabrielGil Posts: 10 Member
    Had this same problem when i started, i was using an old fashion sacale, i had to make a trip and while i was there i got a digitial one (was on sale) to keep track for that month i was away.

    The difference between the 2 measurements when i came home was noticeable, but, never the less, i had lost weight on both, so, my opinion is STICK TO ONLY ONE SCALE, and measure yourself, on the same circusntances every time, (same amount of clothing or none, before breakfast, before going to sleep) this will give you a more acurrate number of your progress.

    if you REALLY NED TO KNOW you exact weigth, go to a doctor's office and ask him/her to use their scale, wich is more acurrate.
    hope this helps.
  • Jennra
    Jennra Posts: 43 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I think I am going to stick with my digital is getting pretty old and I would like to know what my bmi is...SO I may go looking for a new scale when I see them on sale.
