I feel horrible....

Deziray1992 Posts: 21 Member
edited April 2017 in Motivation and Support
I've done really good for almost 2 weeks. And I've some how lost 10 pounds which is great.
But today was horrible. And I just turned to food when I got home. And ate passed maintenance
I know its one day but I took the bad day and topped it with bad food and took much of it. Now I feel even worse because I have junk food in my stomach. Just felt like venting might help.


  • ThinManRuning
    ThinManRuning Posts: 33 Member
    venting can help. last night I went to the pub for a meal with friends and ended up eating *kitten* and have a few to many drinks. We just get back on the horse and keep going forward. today is a new day and better choices.
  • hsygh
    hsygh Posts: 13 Member
    Don't worry about it. We all have off days. Even if you feel like today was "ruined," pick yourself back up, and recommit starting right now. Taking up a healthier lifestyle means making the right decisions multiple times a day. So don't punish yourself for it--learn from it and keep going :)
  • TurnuptheACDC
    TurnuptheACDC Posts: 318 Member
    Vent away. Just remember tomorrow is a new day :)
  • Deziray1992
    Deziray1992 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone. I appreciate the support. I think its just the bad feeling in my stomach from the grease making me feel horrible emotionally and mentally right now lol
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    Just brush yourself off and get back on the horse.

    I recently had an epiphany. I've always been one to do good for a few weeks, lose a little weight, then give up and gain it back. I do this every year. A few months ago I did really good and kept it up longer than usual. I lost 17 lbs. Then I had a bad day and gave up...for 2 whole months. I was mad at myself and avoiding the scale. Then a couple weeks ago I made myself get on it. I had gained 5 lbs back. At first I was really upset but then I realized that I was still down 12 lbs! I could start back up and still be down those 12 lbs. I was still ahead of it! So I started back up and I'm feeling pretty good. I'm not going to let a bad day, week, or even month make me give up because I'll still be ahead.
  • Deziray1992
    Deziray1992 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks for the uplifting response. I am still down 10 pounds I guess lol
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Remember this moment for the next time and find a different outlet for frustration such as: cooking a healthy meal, going for a walk, play video games (so you're using your hands).
  • Wakeup2014
    Wakeup2014 Posts: 22 Member
    Pretend it never happened. Drink lots of water to flush it out and then resume as normal. No big deal....life happens. Who knows? It could even bump up your metabolism!
  • PragatiV2016
    PragatiV2016 Posts: 18 Member
    I agree with Wakeup2014 above.. Infact it has happened too many times for me that I've been stuck on a weight for some time. And then when I think I pigged out and the battle is lost, my body surprises me with a loss!! So sometimes its actually a good thing to do. Please dont feel horrible, this only shows you're human!! :)
  • Deziray1992
    Deziray1992 Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks all! I feel much better now that I've slept off the bleh feeling Lol
    I will do better today haha
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    I've done that too...a few times. It takes time to change our habits. The key is to not give up