50, overweight and unhealthy mom of 3 looking for like support circle

Hiya. As with anyone I have struggled with weight for quite awhile (about 15 or so years). Yo-yo dieting, different diet plans, many excuses later I am now at a point where if I don't lose fast my liver will shut down. My liver doctor wants me to get the bariatric sleeve. I am trying to avoid that. I think it cause many health issues on its own and figure I can starve myself all on my own, I hope. I live in Ohio. I am a former marine and am now on disability due to all my medical issues. Send me a friend request if you want to join me on my journey :)


  • melindac84
    melindac84 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I understand the your issue with the sleeve option. I too am struggling and looking for a direction to get the weight off.
  • tinamarie6624
    tinamarie6624 Posts: 182 Member
    I was 49 when I started my journey in January 2016. I was 378 Lbs. I am now 50 years old and am 191 Lbs as of this morning. I have lost 187 and have 2 Lbs before I will be half of my original body weight. I have 76 Lbs left to lose to get to my goal weight of 115 Lbs. I haven't used any kind of weight loss supplements or had any surgery. I thought before I started that I was too old and fat to do anything about my weight or my health. I no longer have the back problems that plagued me when I was heavier. My blood pressure has normalized. This can be done!

    I wish you all the success in the world! Feel free to friend me if you would like. The first picture is me in 2015 and the 2nd was at 196 Lbs (about 5 Lbs ago).
