Eating Healthy at Work

What are some of your favorite healthy workday snacks?? I like to have things on hand so I'm not temped when my co workers order pizza or something... thanks in advance!!


  • cfritchley26
    cfritchley26 Posts: 47 Member
    edited April 2017
    I usually pack a ton of stuff...a bunch of veggies, an apple or orange, greek yogurt and granola, Smart Pop popcorn, string cheese, nuts...I have a lunchbox full of snack and I usually bring chicken and rice for lunch. There is ALWAYS junk to eat at my job...literally every day. Yesterday it was homemade caramel corn and coffee cakes. It helps to come on here and look at my favorite fitness IGs to keep up my determination!

    Also, I have a 32 oz arctic that I fill up like crazy!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Crunch! I need something that crunches like carrots or celery or cucumber or apple. Then I pair it with a protein like peanut butter, hummus or cottage cheese.
  • mom2colbyj
    mom2colbyj Posts: 119 Member
    I like having sliced fruit (currently on a cantaloupe kick), raw veggies with hummus, yogurt, and Clif bars (for that candy bar craving). You could also do popcorn, single serve portions of nuts, string cheese, the Sargento Balanced Breaks are decent, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs, pretzels.......
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    I do meal prep on the weekend and bring it to work. Since I bring my lunch everyday people have stopped asking me if I want something else and I feel like I wasted precious weekend time making it if I have something else for lunch. I also keep some fiber one bars and fruit cups in my desk in case someone brings in goodies and I need something sweet.
    That said I don't socialize much at lunchtime, if you're eating with others it can be a lot harder!
  • kclaar11
    kclaar11 Posts: 162 Member
    My office always has massive bags of chips, full cakes, cupcakes, donuts, etc. The boss also likes to order massive pizzas every Friday despite only being about 20 of us in the office. I bring my own lunch as well as snacks to avoid it. I tend to stick with fruits, cottage cheese, yogurt, and the occasional granola bar to avoid it. (I do have a cookie or cupcake occasionally though because why not?)
  • ccsernica
    ccsernica Posts: 1,040 Member
    I keep apples and granola bars at my desk, and nonfat Greek yogurt in the fridge. Or I get nuts out of the vending machine.