New to MFP! need help to lose my mum tum = (

Hi im new to the MFP site and app, i came across it when searching reviews on Jillian Michaels 30 Day shred, im on Day 4 of 30DS but need some motivavtion!! been trying to lose weight since having my little boy 3 years ago ( my 2nd child) just cant seem to shift the tum and it depresses me sooo much!!! :'(
The only diet that seems to work is Atkins but i know its not sustainable long term?!?! i would like to be around 9.5 stone and am currently 11 stone!!! = O Im 5ft 7, Anyone who has any advice that could help me reach my goal? or if anyone needs a fitness buddy then feel free to add me!!!



  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • ritaadkins2002
    ritaadkins2002 Posts: 371 Member
    welcome to mfp glad to have u
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Indeed Welcome - that's fantastic that you found it and love the "Mum Tum" comment!!!
  • Jycooper
    Jycooper Posts: 195
  • MoonChild_69
    MoonChild_69 Posts: 28 Member
    This seems a good a place as any to say hello myself! Welcome to you and to ME! :smile:
  • benodie
    benodie Posts: 231 Member
    hey welcome to the site!! :) . . .I have a NINE year old mum tum that I've never managed to get rid of!! (thats a bit embaressing to admit!) up and down and up and down with weight watchers etc etc . . .only been on here a week but i feel more motivated than I have done in many many years . .good luck . .feel free to addd me I have about 100bls to lose so a lot more than u :)
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome aboard. Friend request sent.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    Welcome..Good luck on losing the "Mum tum"....I am trying to lose mine too!
  • Loula2011
    Loula2011 Posts: 38 Member

    I just wanted to say welcome and that I also have a 3 year old "mum tum" from my second child. I joined this site a couple of weeks ago, but only started to be motivated at the beginning of the week with help from a friend. I have found it to be quite useful in this past week. I hope you do too! Good luck on your journey! :)