seems like i'm starting on a plateau, input please?

stc74 Posts: 297 Member
I posted this early today not thinking that many of you were still in bed that early :)
I feel like I've started on a plateau!

I've been at this for 5 weeks (maybe 3 more before getting on here and tracking it) or so and at first I gained 4 pounds, lost them then dropped 3 pounds and have been fluctuating between 3 lost and the start weight. I've watched my calories, struggled to eat back my exercise calories but tried to eat pretty good, even when I have to eat out. I've been working out regularly, using hrm to know calories burned. I'm active with 3 kids home for the summer so its not always easy to keep up with this.

I know I have wine and the sodium is a struggle but I always get my water even if I don't log it. Big water drinker, no soda and only 1 cup of coffee on summer mornings if any.

I'm wondering what others might have tried and what did & didn't work.

My workouts are interval training on the treadmill and 30 day shred when my knees can take a hit and also ab work that I don't count as exercise calories.

Currently I'm thinking of splitting my workouts in two when I can (not always easy with busy kids & hubby) and raising my calories to the goal of 1 1/2 loss each week. Maybe I'm not eating enough???

my earlier post was in motivation & support, this might be a better spot to try.
I need input on this so I can get this going. I know I'm in better shape than before I lost weight the first time. At 182 lbs I'm in a 8 or 10 before it was 14/16. My real goal is to be back in my size 6 clothes, especially before school starts or I won't have much to choose from!


  • dldayson
    dldayson Posts: 4
    I've been doing the same thing. I've had fought my way to losing 10lbs, but then gained 3 quickly back. I track my calories every day, and the day before I gained the 3 I had barely eaten anything. I can't seem to get past the 10lb mark no matter what I try! I know this post isn't any help - but I wanted you to know you're not the only one struggling!
  • horizonsp
    horizonsp Posts: 134 Member
    I just read an article by Jillian Michaels which I am copying. hope it will help

    Have a Weight Loss Plateau? Let Me Help
    By Jillian Michaels

    There is nothing more discouraging than stepping on the scale after a week of diligent dieting and grueling workouts and not seeing any drop in the number. The plateau is a common problem among dieters and can typically be waited out, but there are measures you can take to keep your metabolism fired up even as you reduce your caloric intake.

    The best way to break a plateau is to keep your salt intake below 2,000 milligrams a day and drink lots of water. Make sure you're not eating any processed carbs, period. That's right — no chips, sugar, white flour, and so on. And hit the gym hard! The boost in exercise will make your body swell and hold fluids for a few days, but after a week you should see the benefits on the scale.

    You can also try playing around with your caloric intake a bit, varying it from day to day throughout the week while keeping the same weekly total. The body can't slow its metabolism to adjust to a reduced caloric intake if the intake isn't fixed from one day to the next. For instance, to bust my plateau, I might have 1,200 calories on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and then eat 1,500 calories on Tuesday, 1,600 on Thursday, 1,400 on Saturday, and 1,700 on Sunday. Get it?

    The plateau effect can sometimes simply be a matter of flagging resolve. If mixing up your caloric intake just isn't working, make sure you're not slipping up on your diet or slacking off in your workouts. I'm serious; it happens.

    As with any program, there will be highs and lows, but stay with it. Your body is trying to adjust to the weight loss. Don't get scared or discouraged. Just be patient and know that you are worth it!

    link to this article -
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    try zig zagging ur calories.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I'm not sure honestly - your food diary over the last 2-3 days looks fairly good to me.

    Do you measure/weigh your food? Some people underestimate what they are eating.

    How much fiber are you getting? I find that really pushing both fiber and protein helps me shed the weight. I like my macros set at 40% carbs, 30% fat and 30% protein, maybe this shift would help you lose also?

    Sorry, I don't have great advice - but I can tell you - just stick with it. If you eat clean, drink lots of water, and train your body - it has no choice but to change eventually - so hang in there!

    Maybe some small changes like steel cut oats instead of instant oatmeal and more fresh, raw veggies may help? Try keeping sodium under 1500 mg/day also.

    I'm also a fan of strength training with HEAVY weights. :)
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I seem to lose in waves. For the first 6 weeks or so I lost fairly quickly, then it seems like it is one plateau after another with a minor loss in between them. If you haven't already take measurements - waist, thigh, hips, chest. When the scale isn't moving often the measurements will be dropping. If you are staying within calories and exercising on a regular basis the scale will begin moving again. Also mixing up the type of exercise you do (muscle confusion) and mixing up your diet may help. Zig zag calories. The main thing is to keep your body guessing. Stay dedicated and believe you can and are doing it.
  • staceyo1211
    staceyo1211 Posts: 163
    Bump, Im in the same situation.
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    I just read an article by Jillian Michaels which I am copying. hope it will help

    Have a Weight Loss Plateau? Let Me Help
    By Jillian Michaels

    There is nothing more discouraging than stepping on the scale after a week of diligent dieting and grueling workouts and not seeing any drop in the number. The plateau is a common problem among dieters and can typically be waited out, but there are measures you can take to keep your metabolism fired up even as you reduce your caloric intake.

    The best way to break a plateau is to keep your salt intake below 2,000 milligrams a day and drink lots of water. Make sure you're not eating any processed carbs, period. That's right — no chips, sugar, white flour, and so on. And hit the gym hard! The boost in exercise will make your body swell and hold fluids for a few days, but after a week you should see the benefits on the scale.

    You can also try playing around with your caloric intake a bit, varying it from day to day throughout the week while keeping the same weekly total. The body can't slow its metabolism to adjust to a reduced caloric intake if the intake isn't fixed from one day to the next. For instance, to bust my plateau, I might have 1,200 calories on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and then eat 1,500 calories on Tuesday, 1,600 on Thursday, 1,400 on Saturday, and 1,700 on Sunday. Get it?

    The plateau effect can sometimes simply be a matter of flagging resolve. If mixing up your caloric intake just isn't working, make sure you're not slipping up on your diet or slacking off in your workouts. I'm serious; it happens.

    As with any program, there will be highs and lows, but stay with it. Your body is trying to adjust to the weight loss. Don't get scared or discouraged. Just be patient and know that you are worth it!

    link to this article -

    thanks for that!

    That is what I'm going to try, maybe keeping 1400 +/- 200 a day.

    i'm hoping i can do better on diet, but its hard with kids and money is tight right now, protein powder is the only "diet food" i can really afford.
  • CWRose
    CWRose Posts: 62
    As long as your cal intake is over 1200 you are still in healthy eating range and keeping your body from starvation mode, Also don't eat back all the cals you burn, stick with the original cal goal but not more than that. If you eat back all the cals you burn you end up self defeating due to your body is only able to burn what it has taken in so it isn't able to burn/feed on the fat in your body already. Good luck with everything, hope this helps. I know a lot of people don't believe in starvation mode but my experience over the years has indeed proven it accurate. :)
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    I have been there. I'm willing to bet that we all have.

    My longest, most frustrating plateau was almost 9 weeks long.. I thought I was going insane. Going between the same 7 - 9 lbs UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN and UP and DOWN... I seriously would just cry... make digs at myself.. be angry with others who were NOT plateau'ing... I struggled with it not just physically but emotionally and mentally for 2+ months. All I can really say is stay strong.. stay positive and try something new. I had been doing wii fit + and had lost some but needed something MORE... So I started walking again.. REALLY walking.. Mapping it out.. 2 miles, 4 miles, 6 miles when I could.. It made all the difference for me. Good luck!!

    Please don't hesitate to add me as a friend. :)
  • mbb0301
    mbb0301 Posts: 33
    Maybe try another kind of workout. I've heard that your muscles can get used to your workout and at that point you should try something different since its not challenging them anymore. I've seen a couple articles on that. Hope that helps!
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    Maybe try another kind of workout. I've heard that your muscles can get used to your workout and at that point you should try something different since its not challenging them anymore. I've seen a couple articles on that. Hope that helps!

    I know the quote doesn't get the bottom of your post, but that is my favorite verse. I wear a bracelet with that on it! Phil 4:13
  • mbb0301
    mbb0301 Posts: 33
    Also try measuring yourself too. So many people have harped on me to do that because in losing weight, the scale can be deceiving, especially if you gain muscle.

    I LOVE that verse, so so true!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I had gained a "mystery" 10-lbs, then had an extremely frustrating year-long plateau with it, then gained 5 more, all while eating minimum WW points and working out hard 6 days a week. I was ready to scream (actually I did every day, and my husband was really sick of hearing it).

    Finally I found MFP and read a thread that put on a light bulb for me.

    Take a look here and see if this applies to you:

    Since discovering this, I have lost 13 of my 15 lbs. in 2 mos. I hope it works for you.

  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    As long as your cal intake is over 1200 you are still in healthy eating range and keeping your body from starvation mode, Also don't eat back all the cals you burn, stick with the original cal goal but not more than that. If you eat back all the cals you burn you end up self defeating due to your body is only able to burn what it has taken in so it isn't able to burn/feed on the fat in your body already. Good luck with everything, hope this helps. I know a lot of people don't believe in starvation mode but my experience over the years has indeed proven it accurate. :)

    this is actually incorrect. If you are a regular, hard-core exerciser with healthy or athletic body fat %, you WILL GAIN if you don't eat back your exercise calories.

    Here is a quick straightforward explanation of why:

    With regard to the eating exercise calories, here is a fantastic explanation as to why it will help you:

  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Just peeked quickly at your diary--seems you are often more than 100 cals "in the green". Try eating those calories and see what happens. Better to leave fewer than 100 in the green, or even go over by 10 or so into the red.

    check out that link I posted, I won't re-invent the wheel--his explanation is perfect.

  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    Just peeked quickly at your diary--seems you are often more than 100 cals "in the green". Try eating those calories and see what happens. Better to leave fewer than 100 in the green, or even go over by 10 or so into the red.

    check out that link I posted, I won't re-invent the wheel--his explanation is perfect.


    I checked the post, understand it. Somedays its hard. Its almost easier to not eat than to eat healthy. Does that make sense? I know its an excuse but I really need my deserted island to hide on right now since life won't quit picking on me.

    I ate more today, need to add it. I'm going up my calories with zig zagging. I'm probably not in the worst of shape health speaking. I'm 15 over BMI but my cholesterol, HDL, LDL and blood sugar are awesome. And at the same weight I am now a 8/10 and a few years ago was 14/16. I have to be packing more muscle. I keep my back strong, can do extended leg lifts (you know 6 in off floor) for long periods of time and other exercises meant for back problems (surgery 4 yrs ago).

    Just want my size 6 to fit again. At 5'9", size 6 is pretty good at any number on the scale!!!
  • Queen_Christine
    Queen_Christine Posts: 342 Member
    Plateaus are the story of my life now. I loose 2 pounds and plateau for 8 - 10 days, then loose 2 pounds and plateau for 8 - 10 days - over and over and over and over again. Oh well - I will get there - 5 lbs. a month, that's my mini-goal and I always reach it without a problem. Down 39 lbs. now - will be 40 by July 31. Hang in there! Attitude is everything and patience pays off! :flowerforyou:
  • spinaddict4life
    spinaddict4life Posts: 93 Member
    I was doing the same thing since April, changed my workouts etc. But this week I ate more not all my exercise calories but I used found out for my activity level I should eat 1890 calories a day not 1500 to lose, so I always ate at least that but one day, the one day i ate 1400 I gained the next day, when I ate 1900 yesterday I lost 3 more pounds. I had a very distinct cycle and normally I would have not lost the 4 pounds back that I gained until about three weeks. This week I lost the 4 pounds I gained plus one extra with TOM even. I am going to cycle my calories and eat more this week. I hope this ends it
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Just peeked quickly at your diary--seems you are often more than 100 cals "in the green". Try eating those calories and see what happens. Better to leave fewer than 100 in the green, or even go over by 10 or so into the red.

    check out that link I posted, I won't re-invent the wheel--his explanation is perfect.


    I checked the post, understand it. Somedays its hard. Its almost easier to not eat than to eat healthy. Does that make sense? I know its an excuse but I really need my deserted island to hide on right now since life won't quit picking on me.

    I ate more today, need to add it. I'm going up my calories with zig zagging. I'm probably not in the worst of shape health speaking. I'm 15 over BMI but my cholesterol, HDL, LDL and blood sugar are awesome. And at the same weight I am now a 8/10 and a few years ago was 14/16. I have to be packing more muscle. I keep my back strong, can do extended leg lifts (you know 6 in off floor) for long periods of time and other exercises meant for back problems (surgery 4 yrs ago).

    Just want my size 6 to fit again. At 5'9", size 6 is pretty good at any number on the scale!!!

    Well that is fantastic health news! I do know it's hard to eat those calories on big burn days. But that probably does explain your plateau since you now have so much more muscle (a good thing!!). Keep at it.

    I know I rode 48 miles this morning and have 2 belly dance shows tonight so I'm supposed to eat 3444 calories today. I won't be able to do it. But I am eating a sandwich now with 3T PB, 1/2 a banana and jelly :), and I'll eat a lot at the restaurant tonight after the shows.

  • dldayson
    dldayson Posts: 4
    Thanks for posting the Jillian Michael's article! VERY informational!