need help with reward ideas

Hey guys!
I'm a poor uni student so I can't afford a lot and my usual rewarding myself has been with food but I do not want to continue that habit.
So I was wondering if you'd help me pick out some rewards for when I reach my mini goals by maybe posting yours? I have a few ideas of what I'd like but would just like to see if someone has better ideas than me I can maybe borrow lol
So far was thinking maybe buying a new book because I love to read and want to start that up again, maybe something new in wardrobe. But that's about all the ideas I have right now :/
Please help!
Also feel free to add me if you like, I wont bite promise :)
Have a good day! And thanks in advance


  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    How about buying yourself something that you'll use like new note cards from etsy, a new book and a couple hours browsing the bookstore, a mini vacation (day trip to the city, art museum, etc), get a day pass to swim at a pool, etc...

    Make a list of your favorite things to do and draw from there :D
  • crazyquilter36
    I love the book idea and all the rest. Some of the things I use are to keep me motivated. A new exercise video, a set of hand weights, a heart rate monitor. Have fun and good luck =)
  • greenscrapcat
    I am a single mom and on a very tight budget as well. I buy myself workout clothes on clearance. Just did today :)

    Plus I like to download music too, that is very cheap.

    I also find clothes at the Good Will for "inbetween" sizes because I don't want to buy a lot until I reach goal.
  • Photomandy
    Photomandy Posts: 56 Member
    Great question, and great replies!
    I am in desparate need of a haircut, so that's on my reward list. I'm also a Photographer, so new photo stuff/props might be on the list...
    Love the thought of etsy, notecards, etc. - just little fun things that don't break the bank...
  • laureneva15
    laureneva15 Posts: 280
    Fun things that dont break the bank are definitely what I'm looking for!
    When I reach milestone goals Im thinking of buying motivational weight lose stuff. Even if its just some equipment to use aroubf the house every bit helps.