
I got called fat by my boyfriends dad. Even though he would be classed as obese by a doctor he still had the nerve to call me fat. Its really hurt me and ive been so upset i started eating junk food. Hes such a spiteful man and i wish what he said doesnt effect me but it has. Why are people in this world so nasty???


  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I got called fat by my boyfriends dad. Even though he would be classed as obese by a doctor he still had the nerve to call me fat. Its really hurt me and ive been so upset i started eating junk food. Hes such a spiteful man and i wish what he said doesnt effect me but it has. Why are people in this world so nasty???

    Unfortunately hun, it's the way of the world =(. Did your boyfriend say anything to him? I can honestly say...that if my Dad were to ever insult my wife/girlfriend like that (he wouldn't...he's who taught ME)...we'd have words immediately.

    All I can tell you is to use it to make YOU stronger. If his words hurt you, prove to him that you're better, and stronger than he is. Then you can be the one to call him fat if you like...and you'll have bettered yourself to a level he will never reach. If you think being called fat by a fat person stings...imagine it from someone who you USED to belittle like that.

    Anyhow, again...use it as a tool...and if you need to vent...we're here.
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    What a d-bag. =/
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    People are very mean!!! I am so sorry, you should never have to hear such harsh words. Be the bigger person and don't let him get you down.... say no to the junk!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    That is so rude! I can't stand obnoxious people like that!

    Ignore and avoid that creep as much as possible and hold your head high; you are beautiful.

  • aimeewa
    aimeewa Posts: 8
    Thanks for the support its very kind of you guys. I tried to pretend he didnt say it but hes such an a hole and thinks im not good enough for his son so he tried to hit me where it hurts. He said it at a really bad time as i was beginning to become happy with myslef and accept myself but what he has said has really knocked me. The support is very kind thankyou
  • BeGreat25
    BeGreat25 Posts: 78
    What a jerk :( you are very pretty.... So don't let that ruin your day! I normally take things to the heart too but maybe if you just joke around with him next time he'll know not to mess with you!
  • mbjo
    mbjo Posts: 17 Member
    There's an expression "Holding a grudge is like taking the poison and waiting for the other person to die". It does no good to be mad at someone, especially if they are (and you know it's true!) - stupid!!! Look at yourself in the mirror -smile and move on. This diet is the best thing anywhere - just be true and write down everything and it's no fail. From your picture - you look good! If you need to lose anything it won't take you long! :flowerforyou:
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Maybe he meant 'phat' as in 'superb, hot, and tempting..' ?
  • abrs1649
    abrs1649 Posts: 5
    Don't let it get u down. And, don't give in to what he said by eating junk food. If you do that, he wins. I've been called worse by an ex. He used to belittle my weight every chance he got. He once told me that I was the fattest girl he had ever dated. I lost weight at that time just to try to please him. The relationship STILL didn't work. Your boyfriend's dad sounds like a jerk. Like my dad use to tell me, what people say about you doesn't make you. Don't let him get you down. You are better than that!
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    that's awful!:mad: my sister-in-law's husband weighs 255 pounds at 5' 10", and had the nerve to say to her, "you're getting a little thick around the middle". and that, after she had been dieting and exercising, and lost 15 pounds! AND he was saying this as he was eating KFC that he went out and bought AFTER the healthy dinner she served....she told HIS mother, and she tore him a new one!

    some people can be so insensitive. I am sorry that happened, and sorrier still that it is affecting you.

    AND - get that boyfriend to lay down some personal boundaries for his father!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    what an *kitten*! I can't believe a parent would be so insensitive! You're not exactly fat with only 25lbs to lose either. He's obviously just trying to hurt you into leaving his precious son. I hate parents who think they should choose their childs partner.........Grrrrrrr!!

    You have to rise above this guy and look at him as the idiot he is! Pity his small mind and insensitive nature. I just hope his son didn't inherit any of it!! :wink:

    All the best :flowerforyou:
  • katyabilyk
    What an f-ing *kitten*! Wow...You shouldn't even waste your breath/time/emotions on people like that because they're obviously lost in their own dumbass little world. We're here for you hun! :)
  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    You Don't have to be sad, just use that to motivate yourself and after you accomplish your healthy weight goal, you go and thank him and after that you'll feel like heaven and he will feel like sh.............. :-)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Maybe he meant 'phat' as in 'superb, hot, and tempting..' ?

    Ahhhh, cool! I think you should go out with this guy instead!! :laugh: :wink: :bigsmile:
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    If he ever says it again, your response should be : Fat is temporary, stupid is forever. I can diet. sorry about your luck.
  • Pearlmini
    Pearlmini Posts: 2
    What an ignorant man! I can see from your photo you're not fat, you look like a lovely girl. I bought a fridge magnet 11 years ago when I left my husband who used to call me stupid, fatty, smelly (he said they were affectionate terms!).The magnet said "No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Don't let him get to you, rise above it and prove him wrong. Good luck.:smile:
  • paintergal73
    Show them all up by getting fit and sexy!!!!! That will do it!!!!
  • aimeewa
    aimeewa Posts: 8
    All your support is amazing thankyou! This is exactly what i needed as ive been down for a few days now. All your lovely comments show me this world is full of wonderful people to!
  • aimeewa
    aimeewa Posts: 8
    I dont hate him i feel more sorry for him as his son dislikes him and thinks its my fault. But hes just an idiot most of the time who constantly puts people down but im just a sensitive person and at times i wish i was stronger
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Very rude, personally I would have said something like i did to my (now ex) partners best mate.

    I was pregnant but had piled on a fair bit and he called me fat, when I pointed out his rather rotund belly he argued that women liked something to grab hold reply was "grabbing hold of something is one thing, sinking 2 foot into it is quite another" he was very nice to me after that!

    Don't let his words have an effect, as someone said rise above his comments and prove him wrong