12 weeks till MRS! (June 9, 2017) ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
edited March 2017 in Motivation and Support
Hello everyone! I am "that" person that gets going good and then falls down, hard. So I have 12 weeks until my big wedding! I am currently a size 22 dress but due to crappy finances I had to buy my gown late and therefore had to buy the one off the floor which is a size 18 (corset so like 18/20). SO my goal is to lose 36 lbs (minmum) between now and June 9th so that I can know for sure I will comfortably fit my gown and also because around that time frame my hubby and I will be starting to TTC for our next child :)

Any one else losing for their wedding? Or losing to be healthy for pregnancy? Or just wanna come along on this wild ride with me??

ALSO- as a way to keep myself on track, starting tomorrow, I will be posting weekly my CW and the total amount lost. My last weight check I was 284.4 lbs so this weeks goal is to be at minimum down to 281.4 :)

Let's Do This!!


  • Erswim10
    Erswim10 Posts: 134 Member
    Congrats on your wedding!! Feel free to add me if you would like!
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    WEIGH IN: 03/10/2017
    weight: 279.0
    loss: 5.4

    11 weeks left :)
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming nuptials! How exciting! Your weight loss goals are a bit extreme for a short period of time. Focus on your calorie goals by weighing everything you eat and logging everything you consume. You will lose, but even if you don't hit your goal of 36# a loss is still a loss. Good luck!
  • mshort405
    mshort405 Posts: 17 Member
    I am right there with you sister. My wedding is next spring and I've bought a dress off the rack. It fits now but I'd like to have to have it taken in. I was recently told that there was no way I was going to be able to pull of my dress because I was too big. Now I intend to prove them wrong. I will look BOMB on my wedding day. Congrats on the wedding! May we both reach our goals!
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    As promised! Did not do as well this week but hey every loss is progress!

    WEIGH IN: 03/17/2017
    weight: 278.2
    this weeks loss: -.80
    2 week loss: 6.2

    10 weeks to go!!
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    edited March 2017
    Oh apparently I cannot count... NOW there is 12 weeks to go, exactly 12 weeks until the wedding (06/09/2017). I am down 6 lbs which means I have 12 weeks to lose 30. That is beyond doable :)
  • Laurahewlett26
    Laurahewlett26 Posts: 5 Member
    hi, i am also trying losing for my wedding and this day one :)
  • sanz002
    sanz002 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey. Your post caught my eye because you have the same wedding day as me (mine was in 2001). When I got married I was the heaviest I'd been in years. (317). I've been on Mfp since 2013 and it help me get to 193 pounds in 8 months from 320 pounds. I started the day after canadian thanksgiving October 13th and at the end of June was 193. I'm back on Mfp cause I've gained back 35 pounds. I'll tell you what works for me and you can use it or not.

    Record everything. Knowledge is power, if you force yourself to record you'll only eat recordable things. Knowing your calorie intake is key to weight loss.

    Plateaus happen. Power through them. If stuck in a plateau eat less and exercise more. I never exercise. My Dr always told me it is simply calories in calories out. If we eat less than we burn we lose weight. Plateaus are also our friends they keep out weigh from rising when we overeat. When you break through a plateau expect to see 3-4 pounds dissappear fast.

    It's all about you. Saying no to someone's offered treat is not offensive or should not be.

    Don't let people discourage you. Your wedding date is 80 or so days away even at the recommended weight loss of 2 pounds per week you'll be down a lot. My experience was I was losing about 4 pounds a week on average and some weeks I'd lose 10. Really.

    Friend my if you like.

    Age 46
    Start weight 229.9 March 19 2017
    Current weight 223.1 March 22 2017
    Goal weight 192 by June 9 2017
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    Today's Update--- 11 weeks to go ((corrected lol))
    Last Week- 278.2
    This week- 275.2
    Loss- -3.00
    Total Loss- -9.2
  • x_CarlaLouise_x
    x_CarlaLouise_x Posts: 4 Member
    Congratulations on the wedding! I also get married this year (August 18th) feel free to add me :)
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    Today's Weigh In--- 10 weeks to go!
    Last Week- 275.2
    This Week- 273.8
    Loss- 1.4
    Total Loss (this challenge)- 10.6
  • Ocean_Breezy
    Ocean_Breezy Posts: 55 Member
    Keep at it. Stick to the calories and logging, and follow through with exercise. I had a baby and six weeks later was my sister's wedding. I made it happen by staying true to my diet and exercise. Pregnant I was at 186, had my son, used one of those waist band velcro wraps that you can buy at academy, ran between feedings - morning, noon, and night, after six weeks I was fitting into size 11 junior dresses. That was in 2007. Now I'm trying to relive that only I'm not pregnant and I'm at 179 pounds. I turn 40 this summer and I will fit into a size 11 junior this July.
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    Yesterday I bought a new scale and tried it out.
    Today's Weight: 271.6
    This weeks loss: 3.6
    Total loss for this challenge- 12.8
    Overall total loss- 20.4
  • wellthenwhat
    wellthenwhat Posts: 526 Member
    Hey, that's my 21st birthday!!! Congratulations!
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    Hey, that's my 21st birthday!!! Congratulations!

    thank you and happy early birthday!

    I slide back the last couple weeks but hoping to be back on the correct path on Friday :)
  • Jazzberry91
    Jazzberry91 Posts: 74 Member
    Been up and down the last few weeks.

    CW: 278.00
    Loss for this goal challenge: 6.4

    Six Weeks Left