new to the you find it useful????

joshis_bunny Posts: 18
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, i go by the nick name of Bunny. I have only joined this site 2 days ago after my friend found someone's post or blog and thought of me.

I must admit that i am still a little apprehensive about this site for MYSELF personally. As i suffer from bulimia i wonder if the calorie counter and exercise tracker is a useful tool for ME..... Everyday i face the constant battle of eating against not eating and exercise against non exercise..... Is there anyone else out there who battles the same issues i do (even if you don't suffer from an eating disorder) and what has your experience of this site been....

I am after some honest feedback from people out there....


  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I don't have an eating disorder, but I find this site useful because I need to make sure I eat enough. I keep forgetting to eat, and I've put my body into starvation mode, lowered my metabolism, and was sedentary for too long. I find this site helps me greatly. I have it on my phone and log in my food all day long. I've been here three weeks, and I'm not going anywhere. People are great, and supportive, and a lot of fun.
  • Strive2BLean
    Strive2BLean Posts: 300 Member
    I believe the purpose of this site is for tracking food and exercise whether you want to gain weight or lose it. I have found this site to be extremely helpful in keeping track of calories consumed and burned through diet and exercise. I use it for weight loss but if you already have obsessive issues with food MFP might not be right for you because I am not obsessve by nature but since starting MFP I would have to say I have become a little obsessed with it but in a good way. It helped me get over a weight loss plateau. So I love it.
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    Hi, i go by the nick name of Bunny. I have only joined this site 2 days ago after my friend found someone's post or blog and thought of me.

    I must admit that i am still a little apprehensive about this site for MYSELF personally. As i suffer from bulimia i wonder if the calorie counter and exercise tracker is a useful tool for ME..... Everyday i face the constant battle of eating against not eating and exercise against non exercise..... Is there anyone else out there who battles the same issues i do (even if you don't suffer from an eating disorder) and what has your experience of this site been....

    I am after some honest feedback from people out there....

    Former bulimic/anorexic here. I was really apprehensive about counting calories myself when I first joined, because of my history, but it's working for me. I have people in my life who I trust to not let me get obsessive and unhealthy about my weight loss - if they see me getting to that point, they'll call me on it. Also, I try really hard to NOT go under my minimum calories per day, I eat back my exercise calories to make sure I hit that minimum, etc.

    If you're actively suffering from an eating disorder and working through it, this may not be the place for you. It might be something to run by your doctor/therapist, if there's a professional who's helping you. You have to make the decision as to whether you're going to be triggered into eating disordered behaviors by what you read here, or motivated to be healthy.

    Best of luck to you, whatever you decide.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Anxiety disorder here.

    Just wanted to let you know, you are not alone.

    It IS useful. If only for support from the MFP community as a whole.

    It's not just about weight, it's also about making your life healthier and becoming fit.

    If you do use this site, it's a very welcoming place. I hope you like it here. :)
  • DawnMSJ
    DawnMSJ Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I suffered from bulemia when I was in my early 20's. I don't purge anymore, and haven't for years, but my obsession with food is still there. I have always used it as a comfort and a crutch. I find this website helps me with the issue of control. I feel empowered that I can eat things I want to eat, and know that I am helping my body. I have a tendancy in recent years to eat too little for fear of gaining too much weight., then I binge eat. I like knowing what calorie range to eat and seeing that I am losing weight, but eating more. Food is not an enemy to me now. ....My sister is on this website, too, and it helps to do the program with someone. Please feel free to put me on your friend's list, and maybe we can encourage each other. I understand what you are going through.
  • abrs1649
    abrs1649 Posts: 5
    I just joined two days ago. I found this site as a free app on my ipad. I am using this site to help me lose weight. The reviews I've read about this site were great. I like this site so far. For me, it helps me to really focus on what I'm eating. I also like the food search where I can search to find the food's I've eaten. I like the nutritional information provided as well. I think I can stick with this site. If I don't lose weight, I will be in trouble in the long run per my MD last week. After feeling sorry for myself and being in denial about losing weight, I am now determined to get healthy. I also love the community boards. The support on this site is wonderful.
  • thanks all for sharing your experiences with me, i am slowly exploring the different tools and functions on the site, not quite hooked on it yet, but if it helps me choose healthier options to eat and combine in exercise hopefully it can help make that change i need
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