Water Weight

My weight goes up this morning lol Last Easter I've eat so much with logging so all the calories because I banked up so much some of cal's through my exercise and deficit, I also borrowed cal's for this week about 500 to cut a day, all of the sudden bank and borrowed cal's is enough to a 4 day's vacation I got a aprroximately 1090 left to eat on that vacation lol, And yes from 68 Kg to 70.5 Is it normal? How much do you think the amount of water weight put up on that number moved up?


  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    That's normal translates to about five pounds American. Unless you ate 17,000 calories over your limit there's no way you can gain 5 pounds of real weight.

    To put things in perspective last Thursday when I weighed myself I weighed about 207. This morning I was over 215. I ate salty foods and had a couple beers yesterday so it's just water retention it'll take me about a week to take it all off.
  • SodaKat2012
    SodaKat2012 Posts: 1 Member
    I have recently moved, and for a little bit I had nothing but carbs to eat. I had lost about 5 pounds before, but now I've gained them all back. I've also gained my inch back around my waist. Could that be water retention as well?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Fat is not fast, lost or gained.

    Always do the math if you have any thought it could possibly be fat.

    Amount of weight change x 3500 / days of weight change = calories eaten above or below maintenance to have obtained that effect.

    Usually what was eaten doesn't allow the math to even work out correctly if it was fat.

    As post above did.

    And some of your initial weight lost was water weight, usually due to eating / storing less carbs with attached water in the muscles, and usually less sodium eaten.

    Now you ate more carbs and increased storage with water, and probably ate more sodium than average.

    Besides the daily weight changes that happen anyway.

    Stress also increase cortisol stress hormone and water retained from that is usually around belly - so yes, stress from moving, sure.
  • ferd_ttp5
    ferd_ttp5 Posts: 246 Member
    heybales wrote: »
    Fat is not fast, lost or gained.

    Always do the math if you have any thought it could possibly be fat.

    Amount of weight change x 3500 / days of weight change = calories eaten above or below maintenance to have obtained that effect.

    Usually what was eaten doesn't allow the math to even work out correctly if it was fat.
    Yes, I already do a math and I find out that I eat a 14029 subtract the calorie i banked 5388 equals to 8641. I'm also expecting at first that I will gain some weight because some of that surplus calories I eaten i'm looking forward to loss it up by creating deficit in my current week.