New Mom - looking for support/friends!

Hi there! I'm a new, first time mom with my little one month old. Prior to pregnancy I had lost 40lbs. Gained it all back during pregnancy, and now, postpartum, I'm about 30 lbs up from where I would like to be. Hoping to find some new friends on here to help support me to lose the weight again. Frustrated that I'm basically back to where I started, but trying to love that my body created this adorable baby. Looking forward to finding new friends!


  • Pandora_and_her_box
    Pandora_and_her_box Posts: 240 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hello! I'm also a new mum - my little girl is 3 weeks tomorrow! I haven't weighed myself yet but I know I gained some weight during my pregnancy (other than bump).

    Try not to feel annoyed with yourself, your body just wants to store fat when you're pregnant, it's complety natural (please remind me of this when I finally weigh myself and am crying!) I was ridiculously hungry through my whole pregnancy and tried to curb it to avoid getting out of control, but it was a losing battle! Our bodies have just done something amazing, we should definitely give ourselves a break. You lost the weight before, you can do it again.
  • amks3818
    amks3818 Posts: 46 Member
    Mom of 4 here with the youngest being 7 months. It will be a struggle, but one you can win. Feel free to add me. Take it one step at a time and remember the wonderful life you created. That can keep you motivated. Also remember it will take a little time to get your body back. You will have hard days and easy days but every step in the right direction is a good one. You can do this.
  • tiffanybrooks530
    tiffanybrooks530 Posts: 140 Member
    llfishy90 wrote: »
    Hi there! I'm a new, first time mom with my little one month old. Prior to pregnancy I had lost 40lbs. Gained it all back during pregnancy, and now, postpartum, I'm about 30 lbs up from where I would like to be. Hoping to find some new friends on here to help support me to lose the weight again. Frustrated that I'm basically back to where I started, but trying to love that my body created this adorable baby. Looking forward to finding new friends!

    I'm a new mom too, had lost 30lbs in my previous weight lost journey, but gained it back and then some after pregnancy. Feel free to add me.
  • crowed1993
    crowed1993 Posts: 61 Member
    Add me :)
  • Angharadmaimorgan
    Angharadmaimorgan Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know how to add people or anything b yet but I Posted something similar last night I have a toddler and looking for support ✨
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    Congratulations! What an exciting part of your life!
    Good luck.
  • Ashleymarie4464
    Ashleymarie4464 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Ladies! I'm a 29 yr old second time mom! Exclusively breastfeeding and looking to lose the remaining 40 pounds that I gained during pregnancy. I gained a total of 65 and my baby is now a month old. I have two weeks left until I'm cleared by my doctor for exercise due to csection. Currently weigh 204, hoping to get my to my pre-pregnancy weight of 165. Looking for friends/motivation, as I would really like to have this weight off by mid-summer!
  • barespice
    barespice Posts: 1 Member
    Also looking for mom friends... I have 8 month old twins and a 3 year old. Need to lose 50-60lbs. Just started last month and it is so tedious. :( I get stressed and want to eat!!!
  • yvettekeaton
    yvettekeaton Posts: 59 Member
    Hi All, I'm not new mom, my ladies are 21 & 19. I'm looking to give and receive support and motivation. I've been on this journey again.. this time, its my 88th day! I've made some significant changes and noticed great changes in how my body is changing. I haven't weighed since my initial weigh in, I can be a little OCD at times and didn't want to be controlled by the scale, so i do not have a scale in my house. :smile: . All, feel free to add me.
  • strebor337
    strebor337 Posts: 168 Member
    Congratulations to all the new mommas! I know that as a guy I really don't know anything about anything, but I'm going to throw my two cents in anyways. In general when we're dieting and trying to lose weight I think there's a risk of nutritional imbalance because we tend to focus on just limiting calorie intake and don't necessarily get the balance of nutrients that our bodies really need. I think that risk of nutritional imbalance is even higher with nursing mothers because you body is going to give that baby what it needs even if it has to rob you to do it. I would recommend talking to your healthcare provider about balancing your nutrition, and if you're involved in the WIC program some of their administrators may be able to give some good nutritional suggestions. Above all I would say to listen to your body. If you're experiencing a craving it's probably because there's some nutrient your body needs. Indulge in moderation, give it an hour to hit the system, and if the craving is still there have a little more.