18 days in and lost 1lb.. help please

Dear All, I am a returning mfp member and last time successfully lost 24lbs approx. I went from 146 to 120lbs. I liked being 120lbs but found myself waking up at night and being very particular with what I ate and stuck to eating around 1200 cals per day or less. I exercised by dvd at home and by walking. now I am eating back my exercise cals (sometimes I am eating them back plus some).. but I can't seem to get below 133lbs. I started counting again as now I can't fit into any of my new work clothes and don't have money to spend on more new things. I cycle to work every day and need a certain about of energy for that (round trip my cycle is 5miles.. not far). I feel really annoyed with myself that I am not progressing better. I know I need to make sure I log better.. what else can I do to keep my energy levels up? and also start losing weight? I know this can work.. I am eating vegan 95% of time.. sometimes, eat veggie if no vegan options avail.

I would really value some words of wisdom thanks xx


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Do you use a food scale and weigh and log everything that passes your lips?


  • Blitzia
    Blitzia Posts: 205 Member
    It does sound like you know the things you need to do - if you're eating back your exercise calories "plus some" then that is probably the problem, along with needing to log better as you mention. So if you fix those two things, your weight loss should become more consistent.

    As for the other issues, low energy and having trouble actually sticking to your calorie goal, I think it takes some trial and error. You should experiment with meal timing and meal composition (think macro ratios - do you find fats or proteins more filling?) to find out what makes it easiest for you to stay full and have energy. As an example, for me, if I eat breakfast first thing in the morning, it's going to be a rough day if I manage to stay within my calorie goal. If I have something too carby, it usually takes a big chunk of my calories for the day without leaving my very satisfied. If I eat something with a lot of volume like a soup or something with very high protein like a lot of grilled chicken, I'm going to feel fuller and have more energy.

    So since food preferences are personal, you're just going to have to find what works for you. If you don't have ethical reasons for being vegetarian or vegan (if you're only doing it because you think it will help you lose weight) I'd say go ahead and throw that out the window because all you need to lose weight is a deficit, and the more things you're willing to eat, the more flexibility you have in searching for things that are filling and under your calorie goals.

    Otherwise, I'd say focus on the positive a bit. You *are* losing, even if it's slower than you'd like.
  • blessingsfromabove721
    blessingsfromabove721 Posts: 161 Member
    with as little that you have to lose...0.5lbs a week should be your goal. so in the grand scheme of things, looks like you're right on track :) keep going, weigh and log everything..you'll get there
  • ButICouldNeverBeRaw
    ButICouldNeverBeRaw Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been vegan for years and leaning more raw over time as it tends to slim me out effortlessly and make me feel my best. My diary is open to friends if you want to see what I eat. Not saying that high raw is for everyone, but works well for me.
  • brznhabits
    brznhabits Posts: 126 Member
    It seems like you might be comparing how you did it before to what is happening now. I found I can't always rely on the same things to work like they did before. I feel like I lost X eating X before just doesn't always apply later. It could be that my memory is bad, or my logging or exercise is different now (and certainly my age). Maybe keep this in mind and be open to working on finding what works now not necessarily in comparison to the past.