Needing support, please?`

I'm not gonna lie, I've been struggling to healthly get more fit and a bit thinner for a while.
Mostly to feel physically, AND emotionally healthy, towards food. I've been binge eating for awhile, then stopped and fasted for about four days. I got out of that binging habit just by that, thank goodness. But I felt weak and like crud. I had to eat. I probably could be diagnosed with an eating disorder, honestly, and this time I'm trying to be healthier without any real outside help.
I bought a bunch of prepackaged things because I tend to overindulge if things aren't already portioned out.
I got: light yogurt, light applesauce, light fruit cups, frozen fruit, pre-packaged tuna, pre-packaged chicken breast, pita bread, and rice cakes, mixed veggie salad.
I'm still in high school, with my parents, so that shows a little of who I am.
Any other "safe" foods you would suggest? I'm thinking of portioning out like... Cottage cheese in Tupperware, haha.
Please, any suggestions are completely welcome, any loving advice, support... I can't live like I have been, it's making me miserable.
I'm a waitress a few days a week, so that's a good amount of movement, plan to walk with my father on the off days. :] No gym quite yet, recovering from horribly skinned knees from a bike accident yesterday, haha.


  • Li_Willi
    Li_Willi Posts: 96 Member
    Hello! Feel free to friend me if you'd like. :smile:
  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    Although I applaud you for trying to "fix" your eating issues by yourself, I would still recommend that you see someone about those issues. There is nothing wrong with get professional help.
  • sunyg
    sunyg Posts: 229
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me. I'm a lot older than you but would be happy to offer emotional support.

    I think it is a really good idea to make portions. You can do snacks in the small sandwich bags too and have them ready to go when you get the munchies. But it sounds like you have a wonderful start. Just don't give up. When you need help ask for it. Sometimes just talking to someone who cares about you can really help.

    You can do this the RIGHT WAY. Make sure that you eat the calories you need every day by eating healthy food. You may gain a pound or two at the start but it will come back off. You can do it!
  • likeaphoenix
    likeaphoenix Posts: 54 Member
    don't be hard on yourself, it's tough, really tough, until you really make the decision to eat healthy. Everyone has different tastes, but one of my staples is a (more or less) set "recipe": 1/2 cup of plain lowfat yogurt (it's an acquired taste at first, but I LOVE it now), with 1/2 cup Special K, plus whatever fresh fruit I have around (summer is such a great tme for fruit!!) -- sliced strawberries, or slices of apple, or sprinkle some blueberries, or cut up a nice ripe peach. Or mix any of them together! It makes this GIGANTIC bowl of food which is delicious and meets all your basics: protein, carbs, vitamins and a little fat in the yogurt. SO satisfying.

    I don't know if this fits in with your "portion" idea exactly, but what has been working for me so far are things like that: a meal that combines enough things that it is complete and balanced nutrition, and is filling and delicious ( the other example being salad with say, some grilled chicken. I'll have about 3 cups of lettuce and veggies, because you can eat a TON and it's like NO CALORIES practically. But it does have good fiber and vitamins. Personally, me, I don't feel I need to go too skimpy on the dressing, because that's what makes it DELICIOUS.)

    Good luck, kiddo. Feel better. When you do your food diary EVERY DAY in MFP, you're going to feel better in your heart and your body in a couple of weeks. Maybe don't restrict to 1200 cals; try 1500?? Need to be realistic about what you can do. THEN YOU WILL SUCCEED. Fondly, Donna in New Jersey p.s. try to search for some frends around your age and send them friend invites -- everyone I've crossed paths with on here are really nice and SO supportive. (Because, in some ways, we're all going through the same thing -- might as well take the journey with some new friends. And you can be there for them too.)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    First, congratulations on taking a positive first step in choosing to eat healthy and to become healthier.

    Second, I would encourage you to seek help from a doctor or a dietician to help you plan the correct meal plans for you. Like someone else said it is okay to get help. This is not an easy journey and all the support you can get will be helpful. BAsed on the amount of weight you want to lose according to your ticker, please talk to a professional.

    Third- you asked about food. I would encourage you to look for good lean proteins. A quick and easy snack is deli meats with fat free cream cheese on them then roll them up. You can choose turkey, chicken, roast beef, just watch out for the ham. You can put a few roll up's in a bag and take them with you. The other option is to buy several chicken or turkey breasts- cook them up and use that for meals during the week, You can always add them to salads or veggies.

    Fourth- if you are not already doing so increase the amount of water you are drinking. This will also help plus it is good for you.

    Finally, good luck on your journey and this life changing experience. I would encourage you to find friends your own age but I am willing to be your friend. I remember what high school was like and being overweight. BTW- you look great in your profile picture.
  • wgrace384
    wgrace384 Posts: 2 Member
    First of all good luck with your plan and congrats on taking the first step towards being a healthier person. I have struggled with food issues almost my entire life. I have tried numerous diets over the years, lost weight, kept it off, and gained it back. I have been working with a personal trainer at my gym for the last several months and studying nutrition. I think I finally am getting it. Having the support of my trainer and close friends makes a huge difference. Educating yourself is so important. Go on the internet and research. Find time for yourself. Work out - that alone will empower you and help you to reach your goals!. One of the things I can suggest is read food labels. Cut way down on processed foods and added sugars. They are truly poison to our bodies. Try to eat as clean as possible. Lots of veggies, fruit, low fat dairy, whole grains, and healthy protein. One trick I personally found that is helping me is adding more protein to my diet. It really does make a difference. Keep a food log and an exercise log. Pat yourself on the back when you reach a goal. Don't beat yourself up if you slip. Remember we have to work this program every day! :)
  • tisnow
    tisnow Posts: 7
    I'll definately add, you as a friend. :]
  • tisnow
    tisnow Posts: 7
    Although I applaud you for trying to "fix" your eating issues by yourself, I would still recommend that you see someone about those issues. There is nothing wrong with get professional help.

    I can't right now... It's not feasible with money things... But, thank you so much.
  • tisnow
    tisnow Posts: 7
    Welcome!! Feel free to add me. I'm a lot older than you but would be happy to offer emotional support.

    I think it is a really good idea to make portions. You can do snacks in the small sandwich bags too and have them ready to go when you get the munchies. But it sounds like you have a wonderful start. Just don't give up. When you need help ask for it. Sometimes just talking to someone who cares about you can really help.

    You can do this the RIGHT WAY. Make sure that you eat the calories you need every day by eating healthy food. You may gain a pound or two at the start but it will come back off. You can do it!

    It's gonna be hard but I already thank you for this. :] I gotta just not binge and it'll be okay.
  • tisnow
    tisnow Posts: 7
    don't be hard on yourself, it's tough, really tough, until you really make the decision to eat healthy. Everyone has different tastes, but one of my staples is a (more or less) set "recipe": 1/2 cup of plain lowfat yogurt (it's an acquired taste at first, but I LOVE it now), with 1/2 cup Special K, plus whatever fresh fruit I have around (summer is such a great tme for fruit!!) -- sliced strawberries, or slices of apple, or sprinkle some blueberries, or cut up a nice ripe peach. Or mix any of them together! It makes this GIGANTIC bowl of food which is delicious and meets all your basics: protein, carbs, vitamins and a little fat in the yogurt. SO satisfying.

    I don't know if this fits in with your "portion" idea exactly, but what has been working for me so far are things like that: a meal that combines enough things that it is complete and balanced nutrition, and is filling and delicious ( the other example being salad with say, some grilled chicken. I'll have about 3 cups of lettuce and veggies, because you can eat a TON and it's like NO CALORIES practically. But it does have good fiber and vitamins. Personally, me, I don't feel I need to go too skimpy on the dressing, because that's what makes it DELICIOUS.)

    Good luck, kiddo. Feel better. When you do your food diary EVERY DAY in MFP, you're going to feel better in your heart and your body in a couple of weeks. Maybe don't restrict to 1200 cals; try 1500?? Need to be realistic about what you can do. THEN YOU WILL SUCCEED. Fondly, Donna in New Jersey p.s. try to search for some frends around your age and send them friend invites -- everyone I've crossed paths with on here are really nice and SO supportive. (Because, in some ways, we're all going through the same thing -- might as well take the journey with some new friends. And you can be there for them too.)

    I've been eating more salad with light dressings as it fills me up so good! I'm adding that pre-packaged salmon to it tomorrow - only 90 calories, seems okay. :]
  • tisnow
    tisnow Posts: 7
    First, congratulations on taking a positive first step in choosing to eat healthy and to become healthier.

    Second, I would encourage you to seek help from a doctor or a dietician to help you plan the correct meal plans for you. Like someone else said it is okay to get help. This is not an easy journey and all the support you can get will be helpful. BAsed on the amount of weight you want to lose according to your ticker, please talk to a professional.

    Third- you asked about food. I would encourage you to look for good lean proteins. A quick and easy snack is deli meats with fat free cream cheese on them then roll them up. You can choose turkey, chicken, roast beef, just watch out for the ham. You can put a few roll up's in a bag and take them with you. The other option is to buy several chicken or turkey breasts- cook them up and use that for meals during the week, You can always add them to salads or veggies.

    Fourth- if you are not already doing so increase the amount of water you are drinking. This will also help plus it is good for you.

    Finally, good luck on your journey and this life changing experience. I would encourage you to find friends your own age but I am willing to be your friend. I remember what high school was like and being overweight. BTW- you look great in your profile picture.

    Yep, got the chicken breast. :]
    Water is my fave drink now. And yeah, it sucks always feeling like the fat one, but... :\
  • tisnow
    tisnow Posts: 7
    First of all good luck with your plan and congrats on taking the first step towards being a healthier person. I have struggled with food issues almost my entire life. I have tried numerous diets over the years, lost weight, kept it off, and gained it back. I have been working with a personal trainer at my gym for the last several months and studying nutrition. I think I finally am getting it. Having the support of my trainer and close friends makes a huge difference. Educating yourself is so important. Go on the internet and research. Find time for yourself. Work out - that alone will empower you and help you to reach your goals!. One of the things I can suggest is read food labels. Cut way down on processed foods and added sugars. They are truly poison to our bodies. Try to eat as clean as possible. Lots of veggies, fruit, low fat dairy, whole grains, and healthy protein. One trick I personally found that is helping me is adding more protein to my diet. It really does make a difference. Keep a food log and an exercise log. Pat yourself on the back when you reach a goal. Don't beat yourself up if you slip. Remember we have to work this program every day! :)

    So, did the protein aid in weightloss, or what did it reallly help with?
    Thanks SO mcuh! :D
  • gr8birdie
    gr8birdie Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome and feel free to add me
  • wgrace384
    wgrace384 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes the protein did add to my weight loss. What it does is help you to feel fuller and makes that feeling last longer so you are less inclined to binge. It really does help to keep hunger at bay. One of the main things I learned about increasing my protein is when you cut protein and are trying to lose weight your body will break down muscle instead of fat. You want to get rid of fat and keep the muscle. Not getting enough protein also decreases your metabolism. The more muscle you have the more efficient your body is. Now should you eat a pound of steak every day - well no. But try to have some protein at every meal. Example - one or two eggs at breakfast, a cheese stick for a mid morning snack, 3-4 ozs of tuna at lunch, some cottage cheese for an afternoon snack, 4-6 ozs chicken at dinner, 2 tbps of peanut butter for an evening snack. Of course you should also be having carbs and fats at each meal also.