Suggestions on podcasts

deasmi86 Posts: 21 Member
Anyone else this is to podcasts while you work out? What are some of your fav you listen to? I just recently finished S-town


  • captainfantastic94
    captainfantastic94 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I really really like "the dumbbells" podcast, it's a fitness podcast put out by headgum studios about fitness, but it's pretty fun to listen to, the hosts have a guest every week and it's all about helping you take better care of yourself, along with monthly challenges to keep you motivated to eat better or work out differently. I also like The Weekly Planet, which is the official podcast of comic book movie news dot com, which is a thing I guess, but it's two Australian guys talking about nerd stuff and it's always making my mondays a little better
  • whitney_riffic
    whitney_riffic Posts: 27 Member
    If you liked S-Town then definitely check out Serial and This American Life. Stuff you should know can also be interesting :)
  • deasmi86
    deasmi86 Posts: 21 Member
    I never thought about listening to any Fitness podcasts. I got to give them a try. Serial was the first podcasts like never listen to. It is how I discovered many others Like This American Life. Do you listen to undisclosed the follow-up podcast to serial?
  • whitney_riffic
    whitney_riffic Posts: 27 Member
    I hadn't but I will now! I listen to a lot of nerdy podcasts.
  • ZodFit
    ZodFit Posts: 394 Member
    Joe Rogan experience, star talk, or comic pop
  • deasmi86
    deasmi86 Posts: 21 Member
    I also like listening to Criminal podcast. It is so good but only comes on like 1 a month
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Stuff you should know, Freakanomics, Radiolab
  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Oh and one of my recent favorites Missing Richard Simmons.