
falica Posts: 13 Member
So I called tonight because my front door was being opened by someone. It was 1 am I was alone with my 3 kids. We live in Oregon marijuana is legal recreational use. Three officers showed up. Asked if they could clear the living room for me. I said yes. I was in my room when the door opened so the first place he went was to check my room in the back of the house. We smile in he half bathroom in there so it's not all over the house my BF also vapes. He caped before work at 12:30 so it was smoky and now the cops questioned me about my oil and kids and when I last smoked. Is this legal? I'm not really worried because me using is legal but can they just Change the reason they are in my home?


  • falica
    falica Posts: 13 Member
    No. There is no smoking around my children. I do use but only in my bathroom in my room. My children don't go in my room. it's not a big event I make known. I use only at bedtime I had smoked a little at 9:30pm. 4 hrs prior to the call I was not high at that point. I understand their job I just didn't feel it was helpful with the problem I called them out for. They just changed what the report was on. Idk if they even checked around they came straight to the house while I was on the phone with dispatch. Since I didn't have a person discription they said they couldn't do anything. He just made it seem like I was high tripping and hearing *kitten*. I was awake on instagram in my bed with the door open.
  • canary_girl
    canary_girl Posts: 366 Member
    edited April 2017
    If you invite them into your house and they find something illegal you will be prosecuted. They may follow local jurisdiction about the pot, they might follow national law, where it's still illegal.

    I had a friend who got stopped for minor traffic violation. He didn't have his license but was a couple minutes walking distance to his home, where the license was. The officer followed him into the house and discovered marijuana and paraphernalia. He was arrested.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    falica wrote: »
    No. There is no smoking around my children. I do use but only in my bathroom in my room. My children don't go in my room. it's not a big event I make known. I use only at bedtime I had smoked a little at 9:30pm. 4 hrs prior to the call I was not high at that point. I understand their job I just didn't feel it was helpful with the problem I called them out for. They just changed what the report was on. Idk if they even checked around they came straight to the house while I was on the phone with dispatch. Since I didn't have a person discription they said they couldn't do anything. He just made it seem like I was high tripping and hearing *kitten*. I was awake on instagram in my bed with the door open.

    I dont think the issue was that you were high, it was that you were possibly high while being the only adult at home with children to care for, assuming your children are of an age where you couldn't just leave them for a day or two alone?

    Like they were just making sure the kids were safe, that someone was there with the right mental capacity to deal with emergencies etc

    Police turned up, intruder wasn't found, do you think they should just leave? even if they have suspicions/evidence that children may be in danger? They can do two things cant they :smiley:
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    If you let them in your house and then they see or smell something (even though it's legal now) then they have suspicious cause to search your house. Often officers go with their instincts and even though it is now legal they still go down the old routine. They just can't arrest you now for recreational use. Now is there a certain amount that is considered too much to have? Intent to deliver? BTW-for those states where it's legal do employers still test for it?
  • Sunna_W
    Sunna_W Posts: 744 Member
    Here is a website that can acquaint you with the laws of your state especially since you have children. Check out:


    It is never a great idea to use anything that will alter your ability to be there for your kids in the case of an emergency. This includes alcohol, legal medications, and of course recreational drugs or illegal drugs.

    This is from the Oregon CPS:


    Note that "drug abuse" is a reason to be on their radar.

    It sounds to me like the cops were just doing their job. You might want to do yours - which is to take care of your kids in accordance with the laws of your state.

    Just because it's legal doesn't mean that it's okay to do it in front of them or to leave your stuff out where they can see it or smell it.

    Additionally, as they get older, your kids will be your harshest critics. They won't respect you. You need to be an authority figure for them and model the behavior you want them to follow. Be proactive! If you are having trouble doing this because of how you were parented, here are a few websites to get you started:


    Kids' brains on drugs is not a good thing. It hinders their emotional / rational development. You are setting them up to think that using is okay. It's not for them... trust me on this. I have two brothers that used drugs as kids and they are struggling as adults to keep jobs and have stable, healthy emotional relationships.
  • bigmanatee
    bigmanatee Posts: 65 Member
    I'm moving to Oregon, LOL. I would much prefer to see people with kids vaping vs. getting hammered on alcohol. Could you imagine if they entered the home and saw a bunch of empty beer cans on the coffee table? Not a word. They were just giving you a hard time because you "wasted their time".
  • falica
    falica Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you everyone. And some employers do still test while other do not. If you have an accident on the job though workmans comp they always test you. Yes they can do more than one thing and it is their job to protect and I hope they are protecting our kids so thank you for that point. Our local police follow states jurisdiction. A parent can have a glass of wine with dinner and drive home and not be judged but if you smoke ur terrible I suppose. Just so everyone is clear I am not a heavy user I only use after my children have gone to bed at the end of my days. My kids are older. Nothing is out where they can see it and it's a vape so the smell is not the same less pungent as the traditional bowl
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    I smoked a lot at college and if I did it today I'd eat a bag of chips and fall asleep!!!
  • falica
    falica Posts: 13 Member

    To whoever posted this *kitten* comment I do care for my kids in accordance with the laws and nothing is out where they see it like I said I vape and the smell is very different also very good ventilation in my bathroom in my bedroom. I have a great relationship with my children and very open with them

    It sounds to me like the cops were just doing job. You might want to do yours - which is to take care of your kids in accordance with the laws of your state.

    Just because it's legal doesn't mean that it's okay to do it in front of them or to leave your stuff out where they can see it or smell it.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    falica wrote: »
    I only use after my children have gone to bed at the end of my days. My kids are older.

    I think this is the part that your not getting, that others are pointing to.

    Your responsibility for your kids doesn't end when they go to sleep. Just like parents drinking alcohol, someone needs to be the designated parent, to stay sober. You were home alone and should not be high or drunk. You may not have been drunk or high at the time, but there was signs that you may have been, so the police ask the questions.

    I would much rather have police ask people questions than hear on the news about a child being injured or worse because their parents were high or drunk and not able to provide basic care or seek help.

  • rainman1344
    rainman1344 Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2017
    Why not just grow up and stop smoking marijuanna? There are a million healthier ways to de-stress and relax other then using recreational drugs but hey, it's your life i suppose.

    The police asked out of concern for the children since marijuana DOES have a negative impact on the brain development of any person that has not reached hormonal maturity (which is different ages for everyone but generally between 19-24years of age) and incase you weren't aware the actual smoke from smoking anything has carcinogens in it regardless of what the smoke is derived from, whether it be from marijuana, a bon fire, etc etc. so no its not 100% safe for anyone involved.

    Honestly why even risk it? Just because you cannot see physical smoke does not mean that the thc and other chemicals are not being exposed to your children while they are still asleep, while you smoke. In turn the liquids used in vapes have not been fully tested and regulated as they should be and there have been many cases of people getting cases of Lung mold from smoking from vapes , The laws and regulations just aren't quite there yet.

  • falica
    falica Posts: 13 Member
    Okay thanks. I see so only way to be a good parent is no use at all. I must have been *kitten* up the whole time then. Good to know.
  • Merkavar
    Merkavar Posts: 3,082 Member
    falica wrote: »
    Okay thanks. I see so only way to be a good parent is no use at all. I must have been *kitten* up the whole time then. Good to know.

    I wouldnt say that.

    Just got to make sure there is someone to care for the kids, like a baby sitter or sober parent etc
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    First off, you are out of your mind if you think your kids don't know/aren't effected by your smoking. My father smoked for years, just in his room, but the smell seeps out (even vaping smells, you probably can't smell it because you are used to it) and you act differently when high. As a kid, I knew why I couldn't have sleep overs, and why we didn't host an international student.

    Legal wise, yes what they did was totally legal. You called them and invited them in. Once invited in, anything they can see in plain sight is open game, an open door is plain sight.

    Honestly, it sounds like you may want to lay off a bit as you sound paranoid, not about the intruder but about the cop's behavior.
  • yellingkimber
    yellingkimber Posts: 229 Member
    Relser wrote: »
    First off, you are out of your mind if you think your kids don't know/aren't effected by your smoking. My father smoked for years, just in his room, but the smell seeps out (even vaping smells, you probably can't smell it because you are used to it) and you act differently when high. As a kid, I knew why I couldn't have sleep overs, and why we didn't host an international student.

    Legal wise, yes what they did was totally legal. You called them and invited them in. Once invited in, anything they can see in plain sight is open game, an open door is plain sight.

    Honestly, it sounds like you may want to lay off a bit as you sound paranoid, not about the intruder but about the cop's behavior.

    Conversely, my best friend's Mom was high as a kite for 18 years and we didn't have a clue until she directly said something when my friend was like 23 and out of the house. However, we totally knew my aunt smoked weed because her car always reeked. Pot doesn't make someone a villain, being a villain does.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Marijuana/Weed use

    Dear Posters,

    I wanted to offer a brief explanation for the locking of this thread.

    The forum guidelines include this item:
    8. Posts Must Abide By All Legal Statutes

    a) Do not post messages that violate federal, state/provincial, or local laws which include, but are not limited to, anything that violates a copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or is bound by NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

    b) Posts which promote or encourage illegal activities, including, but not limited to, use of illegal substances, violence against others, and procurement of prescription drugs without a prescription, are prohibited.

    c) Images containing hateful or violent imagery, depiction of illegal activities, or copyrighted material are not allowed and will be removed.

    Marijuana use is currently illegal at the federal level, as well as many state and local levels, therefore discussions related to its usage are prohibited on MyFitnessPal.

    If you would like to review the forum guidelines, please visit the following link:


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